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How Does Type 1 Diabetes Affect The Human Body

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What is type 1 diabetes and how does it affect the human body? Type 1 diabetes is a disease that affects a person genetically by not producing the right amount of insulin to regulate the sugar in your blood. Diabetes can damage major organs of the human body such as the pancreas and the nervous system and even your skin. Fortunately, there are current treatments for living a healthy life with diabetes.
When a person is diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, it doesn’t only affect one part of your body, it affects many of your major organs. Diabetes can affect the stomach by damaging the nerves controlling the stomach due to high blood glucose levels. Affects the skin by drying it out due to the lack of moisture to the hands and feet, and high pressure spots can lead to calluses and infections. The central nervous system could be affected and can be the most harmful. Damage to your nerves could cause you to lose your perception of heat, cold and pain, which can …show more content…
The pancreas produces insulin for the body, when you have type 1 diabetes, it does not. Without insulin, your body cannot function properly because you do not get enough amount of glucose in your blood stream. A normal functioning pancreas will convert the nutrients from glucose, starches, and other foods to produce energy in the body. A diabetic pancreas isn’t able to function that way and produce enough insulin for this action.
Beta cells produce and secthe insulin to regulate the glucose in the blood. When glucose levels spike, the beta cells quickly respond to it and release insulin into the bloodstream. Usually, the beta cells take about ten minutes to respond to this action, but for someone who has type 1 diabetes, this process doesn’t occur. Instead, the body’s immune system attacks the cells, destroying them in the process. The beta cells are lead from a misguided attack on the body and die in mass quantities during this

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