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Word Retard Research Paper

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Use Your Words to Inspire
Have you ever looked into the eyes of a child who will always be treated differently? In my experiences, this can be both an immense blessing and a burden. The burden becomes much heavier when a medical condition is hurled as a derogatory insult. Working with Best Buddies has enabled me to take a stand and embrace the “End the R-word” movement. Using the word retarded as an insult should follow other offensive slurs and fade from the accepted vernacular in order to promote a culture of acceptance and eliminate the stigma that surrounds disability.
The word retarded has come to have dual definitions: a medical diagnosis for those who are not as mentally advanced for their age, and a synonym for being dumb and stupid …show more content…
I was learning many new words, mostly from the walls of the school bathrooms. My favorite word that I quickly adopted into my vocabulary was the r-word. I constantly began telling my sisters they were retards and that every idea they had was retarded. My mom wasn’t a huge fan of this particular vocabulary expansion, but there was nothing she could really do to stop it. It wasn’t until high school that I discovered that I was promoting an atmosphere of exclusion and judgment between those who are considered “normal” and those who aren’t. Fortunately, I was asked to help start a chapter of Best Buddies at my high school; our first project once established was an “End the R-word” campaign. The website concisely sums up why using the word retard in a derogatory manner fosters an atmosphere of cruelty by: ignoring individuality, equating intellectual disability with being dumb or stupid, spreading hurt and loneliness, and accepting hate speech (R-word). Joining Best Buddies and embarking on the journey to spread awareness really opened my eyes to the error of my ways. However, I probably wouldn’t have gotten so involved if I hadn’t had the opportunity to grow close to individuals with IDD. I was exposed to the other side of the story and saw how such labels dash the hopes of creating an accepting and receptive

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