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Sport Club Proposal

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An art class for adults is a source of relaxation for adults who want to unwind from a hectic life. The art class will feature painting on canvas, as well as wood creations that will need to be painted. The classes will be scheduled at set times, and the adults who participate will be able to take all of their beautiful creations with them at the end of their stay.
There are always adults who want to watch a game whether it be football, baseball, or soccer without distractions from the children. To remedy this dilemma, I propose a sports bar that only adults can enter. There will be multiple televisions playing games to suit the preferences of all the guests. Also, in this sports bar there will be an adult trivia game that transpires every evening. The questions will vary every night, covering the history of the United States. Depending on the number of participants, teams can be established or individuals can compete against each other without teams.
Families with Children Social Activities …show more content…
However, children love to play putt-putt golf. As a matter of fact, a decent sized put-put golf course with 12 to 16 holes would be a grand feature for families. Furthermore, the putt-putt course will be a glow in the dark in-door course. Also, the addition of karaoke to one of our dining areas is a splendid addition for families wanting to enjoy the company of one another. Moreover, I propose fishing. There is already a pond on the golf course that can be stocked with fish. Fishing is time well spent as a family. Columna, Fernandez-Vivo, Lieberman, and Arndt (2015) stated

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