...Do you like working in groups? I believe that working in groups is a good idea. It is a good idea because when you work in groups everyone can help everyone. Also, when someone is not doing what they are supposed to be, they have many people to help them out. Another reason is that when you are working in a group, you can get the work done way faster than if you were working alone. I think working in groups is a good idea because everyone can help everyone, when someone is not doing they are supposed to do, they have people to help them, and you can work faster when you work in a group than when you work by yourself. One reason I like group work is because everyone can help everyone. When someone is having a hard time they have others to...
Words: 471 - Pages: 2
...New Orleans, Louisiana is over a million people, Yellville, Arkansas has barely over a thousand. With smaller towns, everybody knows everybody; there is a sense of security with almost everyone you see on the streets. On one of Zeitoun’s many canoe trips he encounters an elderly couple, Beulah and Alvin Williams, who need help evacuating. Zeitoun tries to get the soldiers in the city to help, but the first group refuses, and the second group promises to come help in an hour but never comes back. Where I am from, the very first group asked would have done anything to help. Everyone in my small town makes it a point to offer the utmost hospitality and in a time of crisis it would only make them offer...
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...Living Sober Group is an Alcoholic Anonymous group that allows the people who attend to share their stories with others who are like them. They talk about how they have gone from being alcoholics to becoming sober and their journey to this state. The purpose of this group is to help people each week stay sober and not fall back into the drinking that they used to do. The group had four facilitators that kept the group in order and moved the meeting along. Each week around twenty participants show up to attend the meeting. Usually the same people show up each week and not very often will new people arrive to join the group. Each meeting will run for approximately one hour and fourty-five minutes to allow the participants to enjoy open discussions. The goal of the Living Sober Group is for all of the participants to stay sober for that week and show support to one another. The Living Sober Group is an open group that is very welcoming to everyone. When I attended a group meeting, I was considered an outsider and everyone welcomed me before the meeting even started. When the meeting first starts one of the facilitators starts the group by stating his name and that he is an alcoholic, then introduces the other three facilitators the same way. He then went on to talk about confidentiality and that it...
Words: 896 - Pages: 4
...Enlist in the Salvation Army Many people want to help their community, but are unsure of how to get involved. Choosing an organization that shares one’s beliefs and morals will optimize the volunteering experience. The Salvation Army is an extremely well-known organization; it is known for the charitable deeds and events it hosts to help people in need. It is also widely known to be a Christianity-based charity, and it highly esteemed for the standards that it holds to. There are Salvation Army locations across the nation, and each one is always looking for new volunteers. Whether it is feeding the homeless, clothing giveaways, or raising money and awareness for an illness, the Salvation Army is an amazing thing to be a part of. This organization...
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...When you want to help with one thing, but you can’t, what can you do? We like to do things for others who aren’t as fortunate as we are. Pensacola, is a small town and everyone knows who everyone is there. A girl growing up in this small town has helped her build confidence in her life. She’s one of those people that likes to help others. Every year on Christmas Eve, she always finds something to do for other people. There was this one family, a mom and two children. The girl and her family brought them a load of presents. When the mother had opened the door, the girl saw the tree, there was not a single present. She is one of those people that likes to give back to others. She seems to always get upset when she sees people not being treated...
Words: 410 - Pages: 2
...beef jerky to get, we finally decided and left. 0600 my friends and I waited for bus, everyone was wearing Airman Battle Uniforms’ and while we were waiting, Jake brought walkie talkies’ to talk during the whole camp since all of us would be separated, so Jake and I would mess around talking nonsense in police and military code phrases and everyone...
Words: 901 - Pages: 4
...again. The Parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus Heals a Centurion’s Servant and Jesus Raises the Widow’s Son at Nain are great examples as Luke includes the universalism in its scripture passages. The first scripture passage is “The Parable of the Good Samaritan” (Luke 10:25-37). It’s a story according to the Gospel of Luke about a traveler that is stripped of clothing, beaten and left half dead along the road. Firstly a priest and a Levite come along but ignore the traveler but then along came a Samaritan that helps the injured man and takes care of him. Jesus relates as explaining the parable in response to a question concerning the name/identity of the ‘neighbour’ which Leviticus 19:18 says should be loved. As Luke includes universalism in his writing he would be this story out for everyone in the community, as Jesus is telling a story about helping your neighbours even if you don’t know them. Everyone should help each other even if it’s a stranger it’s good to help people or the community around you and it gives people knowledge that there are good people on this earth....
Words: 777 - Pages: 4
...a sunny summer June 27th. From the outside, the town seems normal and quiet. Then the town starts to have a creepy, secret feeling, as if everyone has something to hide. The setting of “The Lottery” helps the reader understand the mood of the town and helps you understand the truth behind the tradition. Each character is different, but they all have one thing in common, they all follow tradition. The lottery is run by Mr. Summers. Mr.Summers is the leader of the town who is friendly to everyone and everyone respects him....
Words: 896 - Pages: 4
...citizen is to help the Public services by keeping peace within society. This then helps create an image that people can follow. Other factors are helping the public services to maintain a clean, respected society. Equality and diversity are huge factors within the public services, there fore if people were to help prevent this there would be a lot less conflict and confusions. For example having people of mixed race within the public services can help people who don’t speak English well; they can translate what they are saying. However, there will always be people who are discriminative and may not respect that authoritative figure. Although with more good citizens it could cause people to rethink and support the public service, rather than causing them grief, time and effort. The role of a good citizen will help influence others in society, especially when it comes to diversity. Although his will be challenging as different cultures have different views. Therefore it is impossible to make everyone diverse and support the public service demands. Good citizens will help support the public services as people will not lie, they’ll be honest. In result this would prevent many crime. For example if someone committed a crime and people truly admitted to seeing the person and telling their whereabouts, then the streets would stay safe. The key concept with diversity are, that cause issues are: cultures, races, sexuality, treating each person equally. Good citizens will help people to...
Words: 463 - Pages: 2
...that his son's plane has gone missing. Ralph knows that they will be not be rescued unless there is a signal fire to let rescuers know where they are. Ralph thinks of the fire as one of the only ways to be rescued. The fire means salvation. In the novel, Ralph starts out as a leader to the whole group of stranded kids. He is a good leader for many reasons. He seems to understand people and that the boys need rules to survive on the island. Ralph creates rules that the boys need to follow. He keeps the boys organized by giving them all jobs that will help everyone on the island. He gives Samneric the most important job of keeping the fire alive, Jack and the choir as the hunters, and piggy as a care-taker of the littluns. Ralph is trying to maintain order by giving all the boys different jobs that helps all of them. He takes a great deal of control and is the first to step up in a situation to help make sure everyone is safe on the island. “You hunters! You can laugh! But I tell you smoke is more important than the pig, however often you kill one. Do all of you see?” He spread his arms wide and turned to the whole triangle. “We’ve got to make smoke up there – or die.” This quote shows how Ralph is trying to maintain order and good behavior. He is trying to tell them what they can do to survive the island and not die. Mike is...
Words: 944 - Pages: 4
...order to understand. These things will make or break a company. This is why companies need to have a strong foundation and people who help to up hold all the above. (LS), (LL) A profile that I would create for a leader would be for them to see the big picture. They need to think long term not just short. A leader also finds different ways to accomplish goals that are set. They also know how to address and fix problems that accrue. A good leader is one who will help there employees. They will also take blame when it is due not just point the finger of those under them. A real leader is not afraid to get their hands dirty. They will jump in when help is needed to meet a deadline. McKesson helps build their employees up to be leaders. They have goals from up top to down below and everyone is held to the standard. Managers are McKesson help their employees to understand their jobs and build up their confidence. The Managers also update staff, give feedback and have an open door policy if there are any concerns. (MK), (LS), (LL) There are different kinds of leadership. There a leadership that is controlling and to the point. This is where his leader is the one who makes the decisions. This could be good if you have employees who don’t know anything. There is another leadership that in list employees to help in the decision making. This help to make everyone responsible for their part. McKesson uses this when they have a project that involves the job the employee does as no one can give...
Words: 1499 - Pages: 6
...game. I never learned the names of everyone by participating, however the people in my classes were the same people I had grown up with. College classes are a completely different story. In my previous classes, I never learned the names of most people enrolled. Everyone would just come to hear the professor's lecture, then leave. Communication is an important fundamental skill that is used every day. Self-staging is different from any other college class I have ever taken. After only two days, I not only knew my classmates names, but also a fun fact. Knowing this made the “awkwardness” of a college class disappear. I feel more comfortable in the class, which I know will help with future assignments. I have seen a few of my self-staging classmates outside of class and said hello. I am by no means a shy person, but I feel as if this class will help me with communication. I was never nervous about speaking in front of the class, but now I might be more open with everyone in it. I know having good communication skills is needed throughout life. It will help me in school and at my job. Another aspect of this assignment that I liked was meeting everyone. I am having to commute to campus this semester, so I do not know that many people. I have friends that came here from my hometown, and I have a few acquaintances from last semester. Already meeting everyone in this class will make friendships easier to develop. Although I am not making everyone in my classes stand up and tell me...
Words: 530 - Pages: 3
...Critical thinking can help you make much better decisions in life. Knowing how to fully understand to think clear, rational, and with an open mind will help you be smarter with any decisions you make. The ethics involved in critical thinking can help you use deductive reasoning to lessen the rational choices in decision making. Having exceptional critical thinking skills along with good ethics can make it easier for you to move up in a professional setting. Sometimes the best choice you can make is to follow your own intuition. After taking the ethical lens inventory test to help determine how I think, I have come to the conclusion that I think in the greater good of everyone else before myself. I like to see the results of my actions to help someone else to make their own choices better. I reflect a lot on my own past experiences to help me analyze and evaluate each situation before I make any sort of a decision. I always share my thoughts and stories with anyone who I am helping but I always let others make their own decisions. People always have to learn to think for themselves as well. Using the ethics I was raised with helps me to be able to think clear. Being a manager in the working field and being responsible for numerous people, mostly minors, I feel I am more inclined to take my time to think clear and rational to make the best decision for everyone else on my team. Also have a young child myself and want to be able to teach him the best ethics I can so he can grow...
Words: 503 - Pages: 3
...and women to promote anti discriminatory practice by making sure that both genders should be treated equally in employment, education and not the same. Without this act men and women may be deprived of certain jobs and choices. Mental capacity act 2005: this act helps to protect people who are unable to makes decision, example of this is people with dementia, learning difficulties and mental problem. This act ensures that that people with mental capacity get treated fairly and in their best interest. It promotes anti discriminatory practice making sure that someone with the disability to learn can get the same choices as any other person would. Disability discrimination act 2005 this act helps to stop discrimination which is aimed at the disabled example of this is when a disabled person is unable to go to a certain place or school because there isn't access for a disabled person example there's not lift or ramp in the building. This act makes it illegal to do things like that without a justified reason. Disability is not only physical, there other type of disability such as mental disability which is under the disability act but only if the mental illness affect the person's everyday life. This helps to promote anti discriminatory practice by making sure that all public sectors review their plans, procedure and practice so it can also be in favour of the disabled. Nursing and residential care home regulation 1984: this applies individual in residential and nursing...
Words: 1759 - Pages: 8
...The Destiny of Destitution Poverty has multiple definitions according to different aspects. It can be viewed from the religious, economical, spiritual, or societal standpoints. Poverty is a global issue that has been tormenting the human world ever since its beginning. According to the Oxford dictionary, poverty is "the state of lacking sufficient money to live at a standard considered comfortable or normal in a society." (Poverty, n. pag) Poverty is the insufficiency of money and resources to meet the basic needs of life. It is also the deprivation of participation in economic, social and political decision-making that affects one's life. Unfortunately, it is the state of majority of the countries. The rich get richer, while the poor get poorer, the gap between them increases over time. The issue of poverty is not justifiable in both societal and individual level. Therefore, preventing poverty is one of the goals of the international organizations like United Nations and the World Bank. Ever since the time of Jesus Christ, in accordance with what the Catechism of the Catholic Church and Church's Social Teaching preach, the issue of global poverty is unjustified, and therefore, is preventable by the efforts of the human world. The Catechism of the Catholic Church defines poverty as not only the lack of material, but also cultural and religious aspects as well. Poverty is the human misery caused by material deprivation, unjust oppression, physical and psychological...
Words: 1874 - Pages: 8