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Lord Of The Flies: Summary And Analysis

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1. There are a couple of possible genres for this story. The two are fiction and a fable because it teaches that one should not steal. 

2. The exposition of the story I think would be when Jack first heard of the idea of getting told his fortune. Then when Jack woke up one morning. The quote
"Once on a time there was a boy named Jack, and one morning he started to go and seek his fortune." Shows that he decided that he wanted to know his fortune and then the story began. In the text it says that he just woke up and wanted to get his fortune, which lets the reader know that this is what he wants to do today.
3. The rising action was when he went on his way to get his fortune he ran into a cat that asked to go along with Jack. Jack was more than happy to let the cat come along. More and more animals did the same as jack walked to find his fortune. These animals are a dog, goat, bull and roster. This makes it the rising action because it’s leading up to the main event as they go seek Jack fortune. …show more content…
The climax of this story is when Jack and all of the Animals found a house and spotted the robbers. This started as while Jack and the animals stopped to find a place to rest for the night. When they spotted a home Jack and the animals spotted and couple of robbers through the window. "About this time they came in sight of a house, and Jack told them to keep still while he went up and looked in through the window." This is when Jack decided to scare the robbers out have the house and takes possession of it. He placed all of the animals in specific areas just in case the robbers came back. Soon after the robbers sent an only man into the house. When the man went into the house he ran into each animals but got confused and saw them as something greater and scarier as they actually

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