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Air Defense History

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Coastal Artillery and Field Artillery were made into two separate branches on 2 February 1901. In World War One with the birth of the airplanes, so to was the birth of the Air Defense Artillery, but was always a part of some larger entity. Until the Air Defense Artillery was made into its own branch from the Coastal Artillery and Field Artillery. Since then, Air Defense Artillery has been part of every major conflict we, as Americans, have been part of. You can not understand the split, without understanding the beginning of air defense.
Air defense started with the air balloon, being used as recon, in the spring of 1794 by the French against the Austrians. The Austrians seeing the balloon started to fire on the air balloon containing Adjutant Général Chef de Brigade Étienne …show more content…
Viet-Cong mostly used small arms (the SKS, AK-47, RPG, etc.), even though they did had an limited number of SPAAG (Self-propelled anti-aircraft.) The next major War was the Gulf War, the HAWK was still in use, and so was M163 Vulcan for some air defense, but the M163 Vulcan was mainly used for ground support, as a IFV (Infantry Fighting Vehicle) like the Vulcan was in Vietnam. The Gulf war was one of the first that the Patriot System was used in and the first by the US. The Patriot System received much positive attention during the war from the citizens of the United States and in the military, when the Patriot, shot down many SCUD missiles and was reported by the news.The HAWK system was replaced by the Patriot system shortly after the war. Today the United States use the Patriot system for medium range air

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