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Water Proof-Personal Narrative

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Have you ever been really excited for something? Well, I was really excited for this fun special time with my fun special friends. It was all going good, we had a perfect day in the pool, we got to swim till it was dark, and had a lot of good laughs. When all of a sudden it got really dark in the sky. And one of the worst things that can happen, at a sleepover slumber party happened. At it all started with the rain, and the big “Water Proof”, tent.

My friends Madison, Mckenna, Brooke, and Julia, all came to my house in the afternoon, ready to have a good time. At first we went into my room, and talked for like a hour, it only felt like five minutes. Then we decided to make sub sandwiches with the bread my mom bought. And while my mom was …show more content…
I felt so bad, where were we supposed to sleep? What if my friends are mad? Will this ruin the whole thing? Were all questions that were running through my mind at critical speed. When we went into the basement to look for the cover on the old tent, that obviously needed it, I saw something yellow in the corner of the basement. As I got closer I soon discovered what the mysterious bunch was the small tent that we have. The tent was so small, you could fit five people in it sardean style. That was going to be our last resort. I went to the big tent with two huge towels. And I tried to wipe all of the water up but it kept on smearing across the whole floor. I could see that the sky was about to burst with rain at about any moment. And we really didn’t want to have to sleep in the house, because then we couldn’t be loud and share any secrets. So I knew what we had to do. I ran into the basement, tore open the tote, and rushed upstairs with the small tent. It was really easy getting it up, we all worked together. And right when we moved it to the spot we wanted it, behind the garage it was just starting to rain. “We’ll see, if this tent holds the rain,” I said. So then we decided not to put our stuff in the tent

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