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Animal Testing Pros

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Animal testing has been a hot topic of debate for centuries, dating experimentation all the way back to ancient Greece with Aristotle. Two polar opposite sides clash on the daily; those who want animal testing banned, and those who want it regularly applied. While researching on the internet, the first impression you receive is from animal rights organizations loudly protesting the laboratory critters--vocalizing opinions about how “animal testing should be banned from laboratories”; but is what they say the full story? Animal testing has been the source of countless human achievements including a better understanding of life and valuable cures for diseases, and several laws demand the use of animal testing before human trials. Animal experimentation …show more content…
Most organizations claim: “Animal testing should be banned because most animals subjected to testing go through unnecessary pain; those who survive are promptly euthanized”. Animal testing is outlined by guiding principles for the ethical use of animals-”The Three R’s”
The Three R’s are used in labs and are “Replacement, Reduction, Refinement”. Replacement: Findinging an alternative to having to use animals in the researched, Reduction: limiting the amount of animals they need to use for the experiment, or obtain more results for the animals used, and Refinement: using methods to make the process as painless as possible and reducing the stress that the animal experiments. While not all laboratories dance along these guiding principles, it proves that some do animal experimentation as a necessary evil for results but try to make it as painless as possible; that’s why animal testing shouldn’t be banned. We need it for human advancement, and some people try to make it as humane as possible; trying to avoid it if they can. While most …show more content…
This isn’t necessarily true; animal testing has made several life saving discoveries- and no good alternative exists for producing reliable reactions of products on a living body system-”“Animal Testing -” Should Animals Be Used for Scientific or Commercial Testing?” Animals have been used for testing everything from disease cures to cosmetics- just to see if the product is safe to use. You may ask, isn’t this cruel? Well, yes, in ways it is, but would it be more ethical to test on humans instead? Another point to why animals are not so unreliable when it comes to proving sources is because of how shockingly similar our anatomies actually are; Chimps share 99% of their DNA with humans and mice are 98% genetically similar. While humans are arguably very similar to other animals, it’s also extremely hard to replicate the exact anatomy, since genetics aren’t everything. Since all mammals descended from the same common ancestor we share several similar organ sets (heart, kidneys, lungs, etc.) that function in essentially the same way. Animal testing doesn’t have to be cruel to be effective as several laws try to enforce this. The IACUC states, “ In the U.S., under the provisions of the Animal Welfare Act and the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (the Guide), published by the National Academy of Sciences, any procedure can be performed on an animal if it can be successfully

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