...Position Paper – The Pros and Cons of Animal Experimentation The Pros and Cons of Animal Experimentation Animal research has had a major role in many scientific and medical advances. It has both its advantages and disadvantages. “Moreover,” animal experimentation is an extremely controversial subject that has divided people into a group that either support animal testing or oppose it all together, and another that advocates the use of alternatives. There are many pros and cons when it comes to this subject. People all over the world have different opinions on weather animal lab testing is humane and necessary. Animal experimentation is unethical due to the practice of animal torture and suffering, animal choice and death of these animals. Animal experimentation (noun): any type of experiment performed on living animals, especially in order to test the effects of chemical compounds such as new drugs, cosmetics, food additives and pesticides (Animal experimentation, 2001). All over the world, people think differently on whether animal experimentation is an appropriate way to test medicines and products. Each year in the United States, an estimated 70 million animals are maimed, blinded, scalded, force-fed chemicals, genetically manipulated, and otherwise hurt and killed in the name of science, by private institutions, household product and cosmetics companies, government agencies, educational institutions, and scientific centers. Substances we use every day, such...
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...Did you know that “the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) reported in 2016 that 71,370 animals suffered pain during [animal tests]” (ProCon). The fact that over 71,370 animals are suffering through tests begs the question as to why we continue if that many animals are being harmed. However, the rise of animal testing in products has brought up a controversial issue since the late nineteenth century when it first became popular. Animal testing is experiments put on animals to help understand the possible outcomes it can put on humans. Today, animals get tested for different products often found in cosmetics, prescriptions, and household cleaning supplies. The cons associated with animal testing today by far outweigh the possible pros that could come from it. Although most people would agree with testing products before humans use them in everyday life,...
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...“He who is cruel to animals becomes hard also in his dealings with men. We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals.” ― Immanuel Kant. Likewise, we can judge the amount of justice animals get in animal testing. While some believe animals should be tested on because it is necessary, most test on animals are not necessary, fail often, and are inhumane. Tests on animals are not necessary and are incorrect. First of all, most experiments are flawed; 87% of animal tests fail, causing animal lives to be sacrificed for nothing, according to procon.org. This means that people are being inconsiderate about wasted animals subjects. In the same fashion, 94% of drugs that pass animal tests fail in human clinical trials anyways. To add, there are many alternatives to animal testing, and new technology that does not require animal subjects. WIth all these failed tests, animals are dying for...
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...There are various kinds of animal testing, however the most controversial testing that gets the most debate is biomedical research and product testing. In biomedical research "Animals are used to understand basic biology, as “models” for studying human biology and disease, and as test subjects for the development and testing of drugs, vaccines, and other biologicals to improve and advance human health" (Animals in Research Web). Along with that, product testing is the process of using animals in order to "predict toxicity, corrosivity, and other safety variables as well as the effectiveness of new products, traditional testing of chemicals, consumer products, medical devices, and new drugs" (Animals in Research Web). The exercise of animal...
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...Animal testing has been around for decades. Even though many other technological alternatives have been discovered, thousands of innocent animals lose their lives to senseless testing. The Animal Welfare Act (AWA) protects some species but not the majority, “The AWA does not cover rats, mice, fish, or birds which comprise around 95% of the animals used in research” (“Should Animals”). These animals are born in facilities in order to be used for testing. From the moment they are born they have a death sentence. These animals never leave the four walls of their cages until they are used for testing before they are eventually killed. There are many statistics that show that animal testing has not helped as much as people might think. According...
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...kill animals! ‘’Thousands of animals are killed per annum to check out new medicine or procedures on them to envision if they're safe or effective’’ (Animalequality). The result with animal testing is that we've several new medicines that facilitate save several our lives and keep United States functioning properly. Although it's going to kill several animals within the finish it's a sacrifice we've to decide on to form for the higher of our race. It’s additionally higher to use animals than its humans. There is also no alternative to using other than using animals for testing. Living systems like persons and animals are extraordinarily complicated. Finding out cell cultures in a very Petri dish, whereas generally helpful, doesn't...
Words: 1432 - Pages: 6
...Introduction About 95% of animals that are tested on are not protected by law and the other 5% are only given minimal protection. Each year millions of animals are harmed by the unlawful testing. Cosmetic and pharmaceutical companies should not be allowed to test their experimental products on animals and harm the animals, instead companies should find alternative solutions. Animals have been subjected to testing since the early Greek Scientists such as Aristotle and Erasistratus started the use of testing on animals. After, Aristotle and Erasistratus started testing on animals many physicians began to test surgical procedures on animals before they performed the procedures on humans. In the late 1930s, the United States Food, Drug & Cosmetic Act passed a law that enforced companies to test their products on animals before the product can be released to the public and then, other United States Administrations decided that it was a...
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...Animal testing can be defined as “the use of non-human animals in research and development projects” (Dictionary.com, 2014), and is generally involved in the testing of medical or cosmetic products. Research on living animals has been “practiced since at least 500 BC,” and an estimated “26 million animals are used every year in the United States” for scientific and commercial testing (ProCon.org, 2016). While animal testing has contributed to progress in the medical field, the ethical barriers it brings up causes us to wonder if companies should be allowed to test on live animals for medical purposes. There are many non-profit organizations dedicated towards ending the use of animals in research, testing, and science education and replacing...
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...Animal Testing Introduction The application of animals to test a large number of products from household compounds and cosmetics to Pharmaceutical products has been considered to be a normal strategy for many years. Laboratory animals are generally used in three primary fields: biomedical research, product security evaluation and education. (Animal Experiments) It has been estimated that approximately, 20 million animals are being used for testing and are killed annually; about 15 million of them are used to test for medication and five million for other products. Reports have been generated to indicate that about 10 percent of these animals are not being administered with painkillers. The supporters of animal rights are pressurizing government agencies to inflict severe regulations on animal research. However, such emerging criticisms of painful experimentation on animals are coupled with an increasing concern over the cost it would have on the limitation of scientific progress. (Of Cures and Creatures Great and Small) Around the world, animals are utilized to test products ranging from shampoo to new cancer drugs. Each and every medication used by humans is first tested on the animals. Animals were also applied to develop anesthetics to ease human ailments and suffering during surgery. (Animal Experiments) Currently, questions have been raised about the ethics surround animal testing. As a result several regulations have been put in place to evaluate and control the...
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...Every year, about 100 million animals are experimented on in the United States alone. Animals are used in biomedical research to test the effects of drugs, so that humans are not harmed by unforeseen side effects. Although it can lead to new findings, animals experimentation should not be allowed because it does not give accurate results, there are alternative methods, and it wastes resources. First, animal testing does not give accurate results. According to Michael O. Leavitt, former secretary of the US department of Health and Human Services, 9 out of every 10 drugs that are experimented on animals fail in clinical studies (Goodman, 2012). Testing a drug on an animal can only show about one fifth of possible side effects, due to the fact...
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...its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated,” (qtd. in Mendoza). Today, some of the world’s most advanced countries exploit animals for cosmetic testing. Cosmetic animal testing should be illegal due to it being inhumane, having inaccurate test results, and alternative testing methods are available. First, animal testing is inhumane because it causes animals a lot of pain and permanently damages their bodies. A common way to test chemicals is the Draize test. During this procedure chemicals such as toluene are dropped into rabbits’ eyes and causes severe pain and blindness (Moran and Locke). Testing chemicals on animals’ skin is also common. Exposure to large...
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...Every year in the United States there are millions of animals used for experiments that harm or kill the animals in the name of science. They are harmed or killed by private institutions, household products, companies, government agencies and scientific centers. Doing animal testing is downright mean and animals shouldn't be treated badly or be caused pain for sake of human safety or experiments to cure diseases. Many people argue that humans are not necessarily superior over animals. Why should animals be treated as lab rats and made to suffer so that humans are safe? What is animal testing? What are the pros about animal testing? What kind of testing scientists do to animals? What is it used for and why are we doing this? According to About Animal Testing is a phrase that most people have heard but are perhaps still unsure of exactly what is involved. Whether it is called animal testing, animal experimentation or animal research, it refers to the experimentation carried out on...
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...The Animal Welfare Act of 1966 is the only Federal law in the U.S. which regulates animal treatment in research and exhibition. The first animal tests were conducted by early Greek physician-scientists, such as Aristotle (384-322 BC) and Erasistratus (304-258 BC). Animals have been tested on for many years to find cures for humankind, but there are better and more humane ways of finding these cures, and these tests cause nothing but misery for the animals. Even so, there are a number of reasons that animal testing is a terrible idea. One of the main wrongs of animal testing is that it is inhumane. What it means is human beings killing other beings. In “Animal Experimentation And Testing: A Pro/Con Issue,” Geraldine Woods provides factual...
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...Animal Testing I. Speech Overview: Slide 1 A. General Purpose: To inform B. Specific Purpose: By the end of my speech, my audience will be able to know the history about animal testing and the pros and cons about it. C. Thesis Statement: I’m going to talk about the history of animal testing, its pros, and its cons. II. Introduction: D. Attention Getting Device: An estimated 26 million animals are used every year in the United States for scientific and commercial testing. Animals are used to develop medical treatments, determine the toxicity of medications, check the safety of products destined for human use, and other biomedical, commercial, and health care uses. E. Tie to Audience: Many may not really be interested in this type of subject but animal testing is done on an everyday basis, to have our everyday essentials, like shampoo or cosmetics. F. Speaker Credibility: Having a dog at home made me curious on picking this subject for this speech. I personally didn’t really know a lot about animal testing until I started researching. There are many different opinions on why it should continue and why it should end. G. Thesis Statement: I’m going to talk about the history of animal testing, its pros, and its cons. (Transition: Every year there are tens of millions of animals used as testing material for many purposes.) III. Speech Body slide 2 A. Animal testing goes back thousands of years there’s...
Words: 986 - Pages: 4
...Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle compassion to embrace all living things creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. (Albert Einstein) Animal testing is a complicated process which has many benefits and downfalls. What is animal testing? Animal testing is the use of non-human animal in experiments that seek to control the variables that affect the behavior or biological system under study which also forces animals to inhale toxic gases which exposes animals to rashes and radiations. People shouldn't be texting animals because it's bad, animal should have a right to live their life. Next, this paragraph will state some facts about animal testing. Over 100 million animals are burned, crippled,...
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