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Exercise-Induced Hyponatremia

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Identify the disease process presented by the case study as well as the normal structure and function of the organ system and/or physiological process.
The patient, Sue, in “The Red Hat Hikers” scenario is suffering from hyponatremia. Hyponatremia is a serum sodium level of less than 136mEq/L. Sodium is an electrolyte that is found predominately in the extracellular fluid, and it is the chief regulator of water in the body. Furthermore, sodium is also an important component for muscle contraction, nerve impulses, acid-base balance and chemical reactions that occur inside the cell (McCance & Huether, 2014). The kidneys and the hormone aldosterone are primarily responsible for maintaining normal sodium levels in the body. The adrenal cortex …show more content…
Camelback bags can carry from 50 to 100 oz. (1.5-3L) of water, which she finished before the hike was over. Exercise-induced hyponatremia (EAH) is “one of the most common medical complications” associated with endurance athletic events (Schucany, 2007). The Pumpelly trail, on Mt. Monadnock, that is mentioned in the scenario is about 4.5 miles one way. The group of “Red Hat Hikers” hiked the trail round trip, which would therefore be approximately 9 miles (Pitcher, 2015), and did so at a quick pace, because the distance was completed in about four hours. The risk factors of EAH are: pre-exercise and mid-exercise over-hydration, being female, having low body weight, use of NSAIDS, exercise duration greater than four hours, and a warm environment (Schucany, 2007). The scenario specifically mentions Sue in conjunction with several of the risk factors, and furthermore NSAIDS are commonly used by adults for minor aches and pains so it is certainly possible Sue uses them as …show more content…
Hyponatremia is a known side effect of SSRIs, especially in older adults, consequently, a baseline serum sodium level should have been drawn before her first dose. Finally, Sue should have had weekly laboratory draws to check sodium levels for at least the first month of taking the SSRI (Smith, 2010). Sue should also have been educated about the side-effects of SSRIs, including symptoms of hyponatremia, and should have a follow-up appointment with her prescriber to discuss how her medication is working, and review her lab

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