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Unit 2 Embedded Assessment: Jerry's House '

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Ejaz Haider Zaidi
Kelly Shaughnessy
9th Grade Literature
2 November 2015
Unit 2 Embedded Assessment 1
The police came and I told them the whole story. Last spring, my brother, Drake Blackwell, and I decided to visit one of our friends, Jerry Patrick. It was late at night, so we couldn’t stay long, but we me and Drake still wanted to go. Jerry had to pick us up from our house. When he came to our house, he brought a few treats. They both had names on them to indicate who gets what. One of them said Drake, and the other said Andrew. Jerry had gave me a bar of chocolate, and Drake had received a Pepsi can. I had finished my chocolate bar, but Drake decided to throw away his Pepsi when Jerry wasn’t looking.
“You know I like Cocoa-Cola,” Drake …show more content…
I forgot, maybe next time I get a treat for you guys, you can appreciate it, rather than just hating on me for getting the wrong thing,” Drake and Jerry were mad at each other for the whole ride to Jerry’s house.
We had arrived at Jerry’s house. Drake and Jerry were no longer mad. When we opened the door to enter the house, Jerry’s mom was waiting for us at the door. She greeted us and then the three of us went upstairs. We all wanted to play some video games, but Jerry only had two controllers. Jerry always got one controller since it was his house, so Drake and I decided to play rock-paper-scissors to see who can get the other controller. Drake won the game, but when he got on the controller our mom, Natasha called the home phone at Jerry’s house and we had to come back home.
Jerry ended the game, and we all went into the car. On the way home, Jerry had to stop for gas. After he finished pumping up the gas, he didn’t remember the way to go, so Jerry decided to go on his GPS to find the way to my house. The GPS had an alternative route home. It led us to a mountain. I felt scared because it was really late at night and anything could happen in the mountain. We kept driving, and then we heard a loud thump on the car. We left the car and we all went to see what had happened to the car. At first none of us could see anything but then Jerry spotted something behind the …show more content…
I still remember everything that happened during that time. Ever since then, Drake and I barely talked to each other. I went downstairs to watch the news. I was shocked. Drake, Jerry, and I were all on the news. When we were at the mountain, someone had video recorded us the entire time. I was scared to death. Luckily it wasn’t a good camera. Nowadays, it’s hard to get good cameras, since they cost twenty dollars.
On the news, they couldn’t see anything, because it was too dark, but now I know that someone knows about our incident. Someone out there has video evidence of me, Drake, and Jerry. I was petrified. Drake was there with me watching the news. His face turned beet red. We both went upstairs to talk about it.
“What are we going to do? Someone out there, knows what we did last year. The people don’t know anything, but there is a guy who knows. This guy could’ve followed us home and now he knows where we live. He could’ve followed Jerry even more and now knows where Jerry lives. There are so many things this guy knows and we can’t do anything.” Drake said, fast.
“Calm down Drake. I’m sure the person who saw us

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