Premium Essay

Analysis of the Story "I Spy'


Submitted By nastya28
Words 9343
Pages 38
1. Speak on the function of different plot-structure patterns. A Retrieved Reformation | The Story-Teller | Summary of the story: | The story is written by O. Henry and tells us about the life of a man with 2 personalities at the same time: Jimmy Valentine, who used to crack saves and Mr. Ralph Spencer, the phoenix that arose from Jimmy Valentine’s ashes, who wanted to start a new life with a beloved woman. | The story is written by Saki (Hector Hugh Munro) and tells us about a group of people: an aunt with 3 children and a bachelor. The aunt tried to come down the children by telling them a story. But it was so dull for them that this bachelor had to tell another one, much improper that the aunt’s one. | Narration: | The story is 3rd person narration and the main form of presentation is narration with elements of dialogue. The story told from this point of view is more confiding and sounds true to life. Though told from the 3rd point of view it nevertheless helps us to feel an emotional connection with all characters. The author tries to reveal Jimmy’s personality both with the help of his thoughts, words and actions and the author’s description of the events, to show us his hard way of gaining a better life. | Though the story is told from the 3d person point of view, we can say that the events are shown through a bachelor’s perception. As well as in “ARR” the main form of presentation is narration with elements of dialogue and here the characters are described from the outside only. | Development (body): | The author uses the straight line narrative, which means that the sequencing of events in the narrative is chronological. And as the plot comprises a variety of events it makes the reading easier and doesn’t allow us to confuse with these events. The story opens with a scene in the prison and the exposition introduces us to a convict, Jimmy

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