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L. J. Martin's The K Factor

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The K Factor by L. J. Martin is a thriller novel consisting of a story about American national security matters. The protagonist, Reardon, alongside four other operatives including a female helicopter pilot, is hired by the CIA, who is in collaboration with the DOD and NSA, to embark on a special mission. Well prepared, Reardon, his comrade, Pax, and other members of the squad enter the North Korean soil to extract the daughter and granddaughters of Kim Hyun-hee, the North Korean ambassador to China, who knows much about the Chinese-Korean relationship and the North Korea’s nuke program. Already set to defect, Kim travels to Belgium to attend an international symposium, and as planned, while he is still there, his family will be pulled out of the re-education camp in Kaechon, and seemingly he will be abducted and then taken to the American embassy in Brussels. In addition, in this operation, the team has been instructed to sink the Pueblo, a former American spy ship that was captured by North Korea. …show more content…
From his apartment and with binoculars, he watches the ship to know when the limousines conveying a delegation of prominent Korean and Iranian engineers and scientists will arrive. He has been directed to make a satphone call when the vehicles show up. Inevitably encountering resistance from the North Korean formidable armed forces, will Reardon and his team be able to pull through this op? Portraying dynamic scenes such as, an operative emptying and spraying thirty-shot clip and setting a detonator and then dropping it into the fuel tank of a truck makes this narration equal to a fascinating action movie. The plot is fast paced, captivating, and suspenseful, and loaded with high-octane actions, this book was my companion until I was done

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