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Eminent Domain Argument Analysis

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Have you ever seen someone with a gift, but who doesn’t use their gift to its full potential? Have you ever wanted to take that gift, and give it to either yourself or others who could use the gift to its full potential? This is essentially eminent domain. It is the power of government to take private property for “public use” if the owner is fairly compensated. Lakewood’s Mayor Madeleine Cain says that while it is “difficult and unfortunate,” it is necessary for her town to survive, and I completely agree (Source B). The term “Eminent Domain” is the power of government to take private property for “public use” if the owner is fairly compensated. It is found in the United States Constitution, 1787, in the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution. …show more content…
New London Supreme Court case stated that state officials are trying so hard to protect homeowners and small business that they are “handcuffing local governments that are trying to revitalize dying cities and fill in blighted areas with projects that produce tax revenues and jobs (Source E).” John D. Echeverria, executive director of the Georgetown Environmental Law and Policy Institute and an authority on land-use policy, stated that there is a danger that legislators are going to overprotect the homeowners and small businesses to an extent that they destroy a “significant and sometimes painful but essential government power.” Echeverria also said that this could be a recipe for economic deterioration (Source E). This goes to further the idea that economic development is a permissible “public use” under the Fifth Amendment. The area in which the case took place could possibly have been blighted and giving the land to developers for a comprehensive redevelopment plan might help the economy of the area surrounding. It might not affect the area’s economy immediately, but could benefit the economy in the future, possibly saving the area from economic downfall. Mayor Cain also said that her city “could not survive without a strengthened tax base” and that the city “simply needs more money (Source

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