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Alan Kurdi Research Paper

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Alan Kurdi was a refugee child that was found dead on a Turkish beach. While trying to escape Turkey on a boat with his family, the boat flipped over and Alan, his mother and his brother drowned in the ocean. His father, Abdullah, was the only one to survive. The photographer who took the picture of Alan and made it viral stated,” I wished there was no problem in their country, that they hadn’t left it and hadn’t tried to leave Turkey and that I hadn’t taken this photograph.”(Smith, Helena) Many people were deeply saddened by the image, especially Abdullah. Soon after the image was taken, many false accusations have been made about Abdullah and Alan Kurdi which put Abdullah under a lot of stress. In this essay, I will argue that although the media has brought a lot of attention on refugees such as Kurdi and Hamo. The Kurdi family was making their way to Canada from …show more content…
He had a normal life until one day a missile hit his home and killed his wife and daughter. He moved to Turkey with his remaining kids but struggled there too. He wasn’t considered a citizen, so he couldn’t find a well paying job. He could barely afford to keep himself and his family alive and he developed cancer. However, with the help of Humans of New York, Hamo and his family were accepted in the United States and received money from donations. “I was thrilled when I heard that President Barack Obama is welcoming us into the United States. I felt that hope was revived, as well as the strength to continue my dreams and ambition in my new country.”(Felton, Ryan) In Hamo’s case, the media has greatly helped him. However, the reason that the media didn’t help Kurdi was probably because the family wasn’t accepted into Canada. Hamo was accepted into his asylum country while Kurdi wasn’t. If the family was accepted into Canada, then the death of Alan Kurdi wouldn’t cause such a problem for Abdullah and he wouldn’t receive much

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