...Comparison of Control and Conflict Theories Ben Lott CJA/542 March 26, 2012 Cheryl Reyes Comparison of Social Control and Conflict Theories Social Control Theory These two theories have been open for discussion for many years, and have become two of the major theories concerning crime. These two theories examine the inner portions of crime to family environments as well as the social aspects of crime. This paper aims to compare the two theories, and by opinion choose the one that I think directly relates to crime issues in the present state. Social Control Theory touches bases relating to social norms, such as social bonding, commitment, moral values, and beliefs as to regarding why people do not commit crime while also it believe that these same portions of the theory will cause the commission of crimes. Most people view this theory as an “motivational” while dismissing the motivational evidence as a leading contributor to crime. One more prominent Social Control theorists is Travis Hirschi. According to Hirschi (1969) viewed the motivations as so “natural to human beings that no special forces were necessary to explain law-breaking” (Hirschi, 1969, pg.1). Human beings are very busy objects, and they will run wild if not controlled by some form of social control or norms to curb their behavior. Supporters of this...
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...certain questions. Instead of taking the constructive criticism, self evaluating, looking at the positives and applying it to better herself, she chose to view it all in a negative fashion and express herself with negative aggression. Three Theories of Self Concept Maintenance Researchers have examined several ways in which individuals actively maintain their sense of self in what can be termed “ self-concept maintenance” (Crisp and Turner, 2010, p. 10). There are three theories in relation to this I wish to discuss, self-evaluation maintenance, the social comparison theory, and finally the control theory of self-regulation. Let’s start by defining each of the three self-concept theories. Self-evaluation maintenance refers to the theory that one’s self-concept can be threatened by another individual’s behavior and that the level of threat is determined by both the closeness of the other individual and the personal relevance of the behavior. The Social comparison theory was a theory initially proposed by psychologist Leon Festinger in 1954, it centers on how individuals evaluate their own opinions and abilities by comparing themselves to others in order to reduce uncertainty in these areas and learn how to define themselves. Finally, the control...
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...Conflict Theory vs. Social Theory Introduction Society has come to determine that social behavior is a direct result of an outside source. There are several different theories that could determine why a person acts or reacts in the manor that they do. This paper will address two of those theories; conflict theory and social theory. Conflict theory, would suggest that behavior is a reaction to the social order around them, where social theory would suggest that abstract sources are the cause of behavior. The writer of this paper will also provide examples to support the findings of these theories and evaluations of the effects of these theories. Comparison of Conflict Theory to Social Theory Conflict theory states that there is a social order that society follows. This order determines what social class you are in and what economic class you’re in. The theory was derived by Karl Marx. He believed that the greatest power came from those who had the “greatest political, economic, and social resources” (about education, 2014) “According to conflict theory, inequality exists because those in control of a disproportionate share of society’s resources actively defend their advantages. The masses are not bound to society by their shared values, but by coercion at the hands of those in power” (about education, 2014) Conflict also suggest that it is all about power and control. “Conflict emerges between groups attempting to exercise control over particular situations...
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...2012 Wendell Johnson The social situation that I would like to address in this essay is the problem of crime in our society. We all know that crime is on the rise, most likely due to inequalities in race, education, social class, skills, financial status, and religious beliefs and values. Of course, both functionalists and conflict theorists are marco-level, but have differing views on the reasons for, and reactions to, crime in our society today. Interactionist on the other had is micro-level, meaning it is not that useful to the world. Functionalists believe that crime is important for a society. Crime shows other member of the society what is right and wrong. Social agreement decides how right and wrong is determined. Crime can lead to social change, say functionalists, because the existence of crime proves to the people in the society that the government does not overly control the citizens. Crime can also help the economy of a society by creating jobs for law enforcement officers, psychiatrists, and probation officers. However, even in a functionalist society, too much crime can be bad for the group, causing it to lose the standard harmony and ultimately causing the society to failure. Also it is suggested that the existence of crime is functional in its ability to gather families and communities together for a common purpose. Conflict theorists feel that crime is products of a struggle for power and control. According to a conflict theorist, a select few powerful...
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...Social Influence Social facilitation – The tendency for people to perform better on tasks in the presence of people than when alone. Triplett 1898 found that cyclists rode faster when racing together than when alone because of the competitive element. He also tests this with children and how long it took them to turn a fishing wheel 150 times. Sometimes they were alone and sometimes together, and found that many children worked in co-action CO-ACTION- people working together on the same task. Allport also found college students work in co action completing more multiplication problems together and when Chen looked at ants he found they dig 3 times as faster Allport said that competition is not always affects us if we do better and that sometimes it could just be the presence of an audience that could result in social facilitation. Though audience effect could also affect people in a negative way and cause them to do worse, this is known as social inhibition. AUIDENCE EFFECT – the impact of the individual task performance of the presence of an audience SOCIAL INHIBTION- The tendency for an individual to perform less well in the presence of others than when alone. AROUSAL THEORY OF SOCIAL FACILIATION Zajonc said that arousal acts as a drive that will bring out the most dominant response. In an easy or well-practised task our dominant responses tend to be correct so social facilitation occurs but in a unfamiliar task the dominant responses tend to be incorrect so social...
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...Sociology and Family Family is the most important social institution in sociology today, as it helps to identify all human societies. Families are developed in different genre of society and can be defined as “a basic social unit consisting of parent(s) and their children, considered as a group of people living together or not. A typical family consists of a mother, father and their unmarried child or children. Today, families are separated into categories such as a single-parent families, stepfamilies, adopted families, grandparents or uncles or aunts raising another sibling child or children, and parents raising adult kids due to them moving back home or in need of the help to remain home; not to mention gay/lesbian couples are now allowed to have a family. Due to the uniqueness of every family, there will be some kind of similarities among the other. Whichever family type it is, one will find different perspectives as it relates to a family institution. In this paper, you will read about how the three society theories: functionalism, conflict and social interaction affect and the effect it has on families. You will also gain knowledge to find that social institutions are the results of social actions and also the causes of social actions. Families can be seen as a norm in a social relationship. This tradition is conducted and reinforced by religion, politicians, mass media and other indoctrinated natives. The diversity of a family structure has changed over the...
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...Look at Items A to C. How are social control and social order maintained in the face of social inequality from, a) A conflict perspective: The conflict perspective emphasizes the role of the bourgeoisie and the proletariat, it sees the role of the bourgeoisie to gain as much profit as they can from the proletariat, even though this is seen as incredibly unfair in the conflict perspective, it shows us that many of the people just accept the situation that they are in because they do not believe that they can ‘fight the system’ on how it is run. The bourgeoisie in Item B is seen to run by authority and dominance which can also be seen in !tem A with the image that is presented as the proletariat holding up every other social class that they can, but still get ‘back benched’ wages on what they earn over a lifetime in comparison. This perspective is derived from Karl Marx who believes that social inequality holds up capitalism with unfair and unjust roles in society that the people cannot go against. This can be seen from a quote in Item B which says ‘Its wealth comes in the form of capital produced by its exploitation of the subject class’ This really does show how the proletariat are controlled through social control, it’s because they are hired and paid minimum wages from those higher classes than them, but it’s the only work that they can get as they are made to be kept in that lower class. Social control exists because the people who own the majority of the wealth and political...
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...comparative conflict theory” is a study done by Kevin Buckler and James D. Unnever. Buckler and Unnever (2008) used comparative conflict theory to explain racial and ethnic variation in perceptions of injustice. They looked at the comparative conflict theory that Hagan, Shedd, and Payne (2005) proposed that “White respondents perceive considerably less injustice than both Africa Americans and Hispanics and that African American perceive less injustice than Hispanics.” Another one of their hypothesis was that “prior criminal justice experiences serve as a “tipping point” for Hispanics in the Hispanics with prior negative criminal justice contacts will perceive more injustice than African Americans with similar prior negative experiences” (Hagan,Shedd,& Payne, 2005). Buckler and Unnever took these three hypothesis and tested them trying to find support for the claims on racial-ethnic divide and racial-gradient hypothesis. They did not however test the differential sensitivity hypothesis. They first assessed the racial-ethnic divide and the racial-ethnic gradient hypothesis by examining whether African Americans and Hispanics perceive more injustice than Whites while controlling for the other covariates. They asked respondents “two questions about minority treatment by police and two questions that asked African American relative to Whites. Perceptions of injustice measures were regressed on African American and Hispanic respondents using whites as the comparison category”...
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...THIS DOCUMENT IS MEANT TO HELP YOU STUDY FOR YOUR UPCOMING EXAM. IT IS NOT MEANT TO BE AN EXHAUSTIVE GUIDE TO EVERYTHING THAT WILL BE COVERED ON THE TEST. PLEASE STUDY YOUR POWERPOINTS, TEXTBOOK, AND LEARNING OBJECTIVES AND USE THIS GUIDE ONLY AS A SUPPLEMENT TO YOUR STUDYING. Challenges of HRM 1. Briefly explain the difference between Outsourcing and Offshoring. Outsourcing: wanting to focus an organizations activities on what they do best, people are working more on contract base or part-time. Has been one of the most prominent HR trends of the last 10 years; contracting outside the organization to have work done that formerly was done by internal employees Offshoring: the business practice of sending jobs to other countries. “global sourcing”; Cost reductions are among the key motivators, especially among labor costs. Workers are highly educated and work for half the cost; the business practice of sending jobs to other countries 2. Globalization is defined as the trend towards opening up foreign markets to international trade and investment. What are two (2) of the main impacts of globalization? * approximately 70%-85% of the US economy is affected by international competition * about 10% of what Americans produce every year, dollar wise is sold abroad 1. “anything, anytime, anywhere” markets 2. partnerships with foreign firms 3. lower trade and tariff barriers 3. What is the difference between Human Capital and Human Resources Management...
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...People Join Groups? • Baumeister and Leary (1995) argue that people join groups because in our evolutionary past, there was a substantial survival advantage to establishing bonds with other people. Consequently the need to belong may be innate and is present in all societies. • Groups have many benefits, including providing information, helping us define our identity, and establishing social norms for behavior. B. The Composition and Functions of Groups • Most social groups range in size from two to six members. • Members of a group tend to be alike in terms of age, sex, beliefs, and opinions. This is both because people are attracted to similar others and because groups operate in ways that encourage similarity among members. 1. Social Norms • Groups have social norms about which behaviors are acceptable, and the consequences of violating these are pressure to conform and ultimately rejection. 2. Social Roles • Groups also often have well-defined roles, or shared expectations in a group about how particular people are supposed to behave. Roles facilitate social interaction. • Roles also may have a cost. First, adopting a role can lead people to temporarily lose their personal identities. For example, Zimbardo and his colleagues set up a mock prison in the basement of the Stanford psychology department. They selected normal, healthy young men and randomly assigned them to be prisoners or guards. Many of the guards became aggressive and the prisoners...
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...external to the task, usually applied by others (managers), not long lasting Content theories of motivation – WHAT motivates (Maslow’s theory, Alderfer’s ERG theory, McClelland’s theory) Process theories – focus on the underlying processes involved in motivating employees – HOW motivation occurs (Expectancy theory, equity theory, goal setting theory) Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Physiological Needs – food, water, warmth, rest Safety Needs – security, safety Belongingness and Love Needs – relationships, friends Esteem Needs – prestige and feeling of accomplishment Self Actualization – achieving one’s full potential, including creative activities - Once a need is satisfied, attention is turned to the next highest level (the satisfied need is no longer an effective motivator, except self actualization) Alderfer’s ERG Theory 1. Existance Needs 2. Relatedness Needs 3. Growth Needs - The more lower level needs are gratified, the higher level need satisfaction is desired - The less higher level needs are gratified, the more lower level need satisfaction is desired McClelland’s Theory Need for Achievement - Prefer work where they can take responsibility for outcomes, set moderately difficult goals that provide for calculated risk, obtain feedback Need for Affinity - Desire to establish friendly, compatible interpersonal relationships, social networks, avoid conflict Need for Power - Desire to have strong influence over other people - Effective managers...
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...Ramy Mostafa El Housiny POLS 310 Professor Ahmed Abd Raboh Term Paper Criticize the modernization theory using all available materials on modernization and its critique, providing your own opinion on how modernization leads to development. The way people, societies, and countries develop and interact with each other have a strong influence on deviance. Although societies may differ in appearance and way of life, they all have crime, religion, family structure, politics, and economy. The vast differences in societies are constantly studied and theorized. Grand theories, for example, are meta-theories that examine an aspect of society on a global or national scale. One particular theory of interest is the modernization theory. The modernization theory suggests that the main causes of crime are the repercussions of the rapid development and modernization of nations (Howard 148). The theory of modernization is composed of three distinct Parts: (1) Identification of types of societies, and explanation of how those designated as modernized or relatively modernized differ from others; (2) specification of how societies become modernized, comparing factors that are more or less conducive to transformation; and (3) generalizations about how the parts of a modernized society fit together, involving comparisons of stages of modernization and types of modernized societies with clarity about prospects for further modernization. (Defining Modernization) Part one explains that there...
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...One might ask, “What is an evolutionary theory?” as I have asked myself several times whilst conducting research for this essay. My conclusion is that it is, quite simply, a theory of evolution. The online Oxford Dictionary defines evolution as, “The gradual development of something.” (2012) The dictionary defines a theory as, “A supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something…” Therefore, by using these two definitions, it can be said that a social evolutionary theory is a system of ideas intended to explain the gradual development of society. This question is vital in interpreting the purpose of this essay. The task at hand in completing this essay is to compare and contrast the social evolutionary theories of Auguste Comte and Herbert Spencer. Before we analyze these theorist’s works, it is critical that we first look at the setting under which these men lived and worked. According to Ritzer (2011), Comte and Spencer both lived most of their lives during the 19th century. Comte lived from 1798 to 1857 while Spencer lived from 1820 to 1903. Comte and Spencer were from France and Britain respectively. The 18th and 19th centuries in Europe was characterized by widespread social change due to the Enlightenment period and the French Revolution. I think that this time period was the reason why social evolutionary theories were needed because of the extensive amount of change taking place in such a short time. There was a need for and a fascination with explanations...
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...psychoanalytic theory in this lesson. You will examine and compare developmental stages side by side and have the opportunity to test your knowledge with a quiz at the end. Example for Comparison Mary has a 3-month-old daughter. Mary bottle feeds her child and follows a strict schedule for feeding times. The child is not allowed to have a pacifier. Mary is an affectionate parent, and all of her child's needs are met. How could the actions that occur in the child's life now affect her later development? Similarities of Freud and Erikson Sigmund Freud's psychosexual theory and Erik Erikson's psychosocial theory are two important psychoanalytic theories on human development that could be used to explain the developmental effects of this scenario. In this lesson, we will examine what these two theories have in common and how they differ. Erikson's theory followed Freud's and was based on many of Freud's ideas. Because of this, the two theories have similarities. Both theorists recognize the importance of the unconscious on development. They also both separate development into stages of a person's life and utilize similar age divisions for these developmental stages. Differences of Freud and Erikson However, there are several differences that exist between the names of the stages and the developmental issues that are encountered during each. Part of the reason for this is that each psychologist has his own unique view of what drives a person's development. Freud's psychosexual theory emphasizes...
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...determine a successful investigate, social psychologist have separated self concept in two structures: conceptual and operational. Conceptual is define as self-concept which is separated into four characteristics, that consist of the material self, the inner self, the interpersonal self and the societal self, which is a reflection of a person and their different roles interactions with others. A person’s personality, characteristics, appearances, and social qualities is what makes you, it creates a difficult person of knowing and understanding the real you is not so easy. Finally, this image was created in many ways; however, it is influenced by our interactions with significant people in our lives (Cherry, 2013). Each person self consists of characteristic and personality traits distinguish us from other people. The relational of self is having personal relationships with your husband, wife, mother, father, sister, and brother. Self-concept represents the person I am or the person I have become. Self-concept is also made up as one self schema, which works together with self-esteem, self knowledge and the social self from the self as a whole. This includes the past, present, and future self. It represents each person principles of what they might become, what they would like to become, or why they are afraid of trying. As we go through life things are going to change or getting ready to change. There are some changes that are beyond our control,...
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