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Ayerrs Rock History

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Pages 9
Uluru, formerly known as Ayers Rock, is a mountain in the middle of the Australian Continent. This mountain is located in the center of an extensive plain and is considered to be a wonder of Australia. People have been fascinated by its size, color, and unique shape. Almost every aspect of geography can be studied about this impressive rock formation, from its longitude and latitude to how it was formed and is being eroded.

Uluru, or Ayers Rock (formerly), is a geological feature that has fascinated people for years. This rock formation, located on the edge of Northern Territory, is located in the center of the Australian Continent. It is considered a sacred place to the Aboriginal people of the area and is a sight to behold. …show more content…
The Australian Region means that evolution was limited to only Australia and a few neighboring islands. The flora and fauna of Australia are the most well-known in the world. The evolution of such diverse plants and animals is due to the continents isolation from the rest of the world. When Australia broke off and became isolated from the other continents, evolution continued within the land mass with no influence from the outside world. More than 90 percent of the trees are from a single genus, Eucalyptus, and every species from this genus is entirely native to only Australia. The shrubs and bushes are also dominated by a single genus, Acacia. The animals within Australia are also very unique and were able to evolve in isolation away from the predators that influenced the evolution elsewhere. The mammals in Australia are dominated by one of the most primitive groups, the marsupials, as well as the primitive monotremes (Hess, 2016).
It is extremely difficult to find information on the soil in Australia, especially around Uluru. However, it is believed that the major soil order in the region is aridisols. Aridisols are found in dry climates and are the most extensive. They are typified by a thin profile that is sandy and lacking in organic matter. The epipedon is very light in color. The soil can be unproductive, but if there is water present, it can be very fertile. However, this type of soil runs a high chance of salt …show more content…
Uluru was most likely caused by mechanical erosion and other climactic events. There are no major joint openings or fractures visible on Uluru. Most mountains or rock formations have some form of fracturing or breakage visible. Uluru, however, is an exception. Instead of joints or fractures, Uluru has pot-hole filled valleys that have formed due to rainfall erosion. From a birds-eye view, it is clear to see how the rainfall has affected the surface of the rock through the creation of ridges in the rock that shows the run-off course

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