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Ethnographic Observation Paper

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In my early ethnographic encounters, my personal beliefs regarding the Charm City Circulator were like Johns Hopkins students in general. I had spoken to students who wouldn’t use the bus because the last time they had, someone had walked on still smoking their cigarette. Others talked about how they never sat down because who knew what was on the chairs. Even my physics lab partner first semester had suggested I take an Uber instead because it was more convenient, clean and I wouldn’t have to deal with the clientele of the Charm City Circulator. By the end of my first semester, I understood the Charm City Circulator as a cheap public transportation option that everyone knew was cheap because of the people who used it. Feeding into this mentality, …show more content…
Young couples and groups of friends form clusters with the occasional music listening loner dispersed between them. Shopping bags from Whole Foods, the GAP and H&M are clutched by members of the crowd indicating their affluence. The bus pulls up and the rush begins. Avoiding this, I stay near the back of the line, planning on entering the bus after everyone. Upon entering, I regret this decision as it appears there might not be enough room for me to board. The yellow line that I must cross lays in front of me and I shove myself into the crowd hoping the bus driver will grant me access. The bus doors close and it begins moving. With people behind and to my left and right, the only relief from the overcrowding is to look outside. As the bus pulls up to the station a few blocks down, I dread more people entering; however, no one is allowed on after about four people get off at the front of the bus. The frustration of waiting riders at this station boils over as some cuss words are exchanged with the driver. The bus doors once again close and a man who had been waiting pounds on the door. This man turns around and sits back down. People in this crowd are either wearing very worn clothing or various fast casual dining uniforms. Three women clumped together wearing security outfits also stand out. The light turns green and the bus pulls away leaving the crowd to wait another 45-minutes …show more content…
This conflict arises when those who are reliant on the bus more than anyone else bear the brunt of service downfalls and bus policies. The Charm City Circulator, which is one of the only completely free of charge public transportation options in the city of Baltimore is the transportation lifeline for those who cannot afford to pay for month passes on some of the other public transportation options such as the light rail, metro and other buses that have a greater service range. These individuals rely on the Charm City Circulator to get to work on time and also rely on it to get home quickly after a long day of work. Of course this never goes as simply as planned and often bus stops are inconsistently serviced with the wait time between buses sometimes being as little as 2 minutes and as large as 45 minutes. This isn’t even to mention the times that the bus moves below the speed limit despite there being no traffic or must unreliably skip a station due to overcrowding caused by inconsistent servicing of the stations. In these situations, the casually shopping affluent individual with bags from various stores in their hand can easily get an Uber if they need to be somewhere. In most cases; however, these individuals are in no hurry to be anywhere. They have simply ended their shopping and are ready to go home or back to campus. On the other hand, the

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