...Naturalistic Observations Jesicca Jupin Argosy University ABSTRACT The purpose of this paper is an overview of ethnographic lessons. The subject of this report is to witness individuals in a local restaurant in order to find some varieties of ethnic types pertaining to the witnessed individuals. This assignment involves observation, explanation and a breakdown of what was perceived, possible employment, amount and site of individuals and the layout of the restaurant. In addition, this paper consists of an explanation of the used approach. INTRODUCTION As an overview into ethnographic, this disposition will reflect four areas, the research question, methodical transcripts, and an investigation to determine and refer to the perceived ethnic outlook, and recording and briefing the outcomes to take in conversation. DISCUSSION Research question: What was earned from this study? As a long-term citizen in this area, I am mindful of the degree of living in this diversely driven culture. I have connected with these people for 16 years. In keeping fairness, the procedure of recording anything that is witnessed and overheard is vital to providing accurate outcomes. Every effort will be thoroughly considered to reduce prejudice throughout the study of this ethnographic learning. Yet, independence is achieved and continuous through the rationality of the findings to draw the same rational conclusions. Location for the study: The observation was accomplished for the duration...
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...Ronnie Roland Unit # 6 Assignment 1 SS3150 Ethnography (from the Greek words ethnos = nation, and graphein = writing) refers to the qualitative research method of describing human social phenomena, based on data obtained primarily from fieldwork. The goal is a complete, accurate description of the culture being studied, on its own terms. Ethnography should not be confused with ethnology, which is the comparative study of cultures. Although ethnographic studies inevitably involve some comparisons with other cultures, their primary purpose is not comparison. The roots of ethnographic studies are found in the reports of travelers and historians dating back to the Greek writer Herodotus, and more recently, of traders and colonial administrators. The inherent difficulty of ethnographic studies is immediately apparent in these reports, as the writers often misinterpreted for various reasons the activities they witnessed in foreign cultures. Ethnography relies primarily on detailed descriptions of the social life and cultural phenomena of a particular group of people. I choose ethnography because even thought I have not been in Hurricane Katrina myself and my family have been in a hurricane while station on the Gulf Coast, and for those that have suffered in Hurricane Hugo ,we have an ideal of what happens during these trying time The good part about Ethnography is that it closes the gap between cultures, enabling people to better understand the true meaning and value of different...
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...measurement elements for the studies. Limit each box to no more than three sentences. | |Qualitative |Quantitative | | |Dance of the Call Bells |Effects of Nursing Rounds | |Data collection methods |The study used Ethnographic Methods to |The Quasi-Experimental Design was used over| | |examine problems related to answering |a 6-week period. A baseline data was taken | | |patients call lights on an inpatients unit.|during the first two weeks. An analysis was| | |The ethnographic methods of data collection|performed on data from 27 nursing units in | | |consist of five steps: mapping, |14 hospitals in which members of the | | |photography, observation, interviews, and |nursing staff performed rounds either at | | |analysis strategy phase. |one-hour or two-hour intervals. | |Data collection instruments |Maps were constructed showing the physical |Call light logs were used along with unit | | |layout of the unit that included medication|secretaries...
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...Ethnographic Observation TSL 4520 Grading Rubric Background (Milde, R., 2001) Common wisdom tells us that there are, in general, two kinds of writing: creative and expository. Creative writing tells about feelings, opinions, points of view, things that originate inside the writer. Expository essays tell about facts, things outside of the writer. Essays on literature examine a literary text, a thing outside the writer. Lab reports describe experiments with chemicals and other stuff that really exists and can be measured. Research is factual; fiction, poetry, and the personal story are emotional. Wrong. Writing is not that simple. The farther you go in your academic or professional career, the less you are able to simply report what you see. The more you know about your chosen field, the more you realize that the researcher argues for his/her point of view even as he/she reports the facts. When we ask how to provide medical care, how to enforce the law, how to work in the legal profession, how to do science, how to educate children – when we ask how any profession should be done – there is always more than one possible answer. We have to decide which answers work best, and the research almost always provides some evidence for both (or many) sides. Facts mean nothing without interpretation – we have to decide what the facts mean, what their consequences are. So we need to get used to using facts, not just reporting them. We need to write expository essays that include...
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...Ethnographic Interview Paper Assignment Purpose: Purpose of this assignment is to develop a comprehensive insight of another culture and its influence on an individual’s psychological process – therefore, how does a particular culture(s) influence an individual’s cognition, emotion, motivation, behavior, self-concept, etc. Exploring/challenging personal assumptions and feelings about a particular culture and its members. Instructions: CHOOSE A CULTURAL SCENE WITH WHICH YOU ARE NOT FAMILIAR. Choose someone to interview who is quite different from you primarily in some cultural domain. As expected, this person must identify as an Asian American. This person cannot be a family member or a close friend. Tell him/her that the interview is a class project, that his/her name will be kept confidential, and that you are interested in learning about his/her experiences and thoughts about his/her cultural background. Tell your interviewee that you would like to conduct the interview in a setting that s/he finds comfortable (e.g., workplace, home, coffee shop, etc.). BEFORE THE INTERVIEW, formulate general questions that you will ask your interviewee. Your questions should be based on two themes: 1) relevant background information such as age, gender, family, occupational, and immigrant history, and 2) specific cultural scene of interest. For example, if you are interested in the racial identity development of an Asian American college student. You might want to...
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...University of British Columbia 2125 Main Mall Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4 Canada Courier: 2034 Lower Mall Road University of British Columbia Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2 Canada Qualitative Approaches to Classroom Research 2 ABSTRACT This chapter provides an overview of recent qualitative research in classrooms examining English language learners (ELLs). I first present common features of qualitative research and review debates regarding research paradigms in the social sciences and humanities. I also discuss the role of triangulation and capturing participants’ insider or emic perspectives in qualitative research and highlight various data collection methods and ways of combining macro-level and micro-level analyses, particularly in ethnographic research. Ethical issues, difficulties obtaining informed consent in classroom research, and criteria for evaluating qualitative research are then considered. Three qualitative studies that have been deemed exemplary and meritorious by scholars in English language education are then presented and some common themes in current qualitative classroom research with ELLs are identified. The chapter concludes with directions for future qualitative research. Introduction Over the past 2 decades, research in language education, as in other academic disciplines, has witnessed a major shift in the types and methods of research that are accepted as valid, important, and useful. Whereas quantitative studies of a psychometric nature or...
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...topic of assignment: ethnography. submitted by Umair Ijaz. (roll Number 1 BS English 4th semester) submitted to: Sir Waseem Akhtar. date of submission: 12-06-2012. OUTLINE In this chapter, I shall define ethnography and describe its central characteristics and principles. I shall also look at the key research concepts of reliability and validity as they relate to ethnography, and will discuss the importance of context to ethnographic inquiry. In the final part of the chapter, I shall highlight some of the 'central concerns of this topic by contrasting psychometry and ethnography, The chapter seeks to address the following questions: • - What do we mean by ethnography? • - What are the key principles guiding ethnographic research? • - How might one deal with threats to the reliability and validity of this type of research? • - Why is context important to ethnographic research? • - In what ways does ethnography contrast with psychometric research? • Definition: Ethnography involves the study of the culture/characteristics of a group to real-world rather than Laboratory settings. The researcher makes no act to isolate or manipulate the phenomena under investigation, and insight generalizations emerge from close contact with the data rather than from theory of language learning and use. it is a qualitative type of research. Ethnography is provided by LeCompte and Goetz (1982). They use ethnography shorthand term to encompass a range of qualitative methods...
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...stands for within society. When I think of just the word "imagination", all I can really think of is the ability to define Sociological Imagination as one's self defining this meaning. I can just literally implement my own rules to the meaning of this to be the most important for everyone to understand. Sociological Imagination is like The Theory of Everything, you must create a thesis as to what you are trying to understand to prove a point within the conclusion. Everyone including C. Wright Mills has their own approach as to what to truly study in society, we all think in general differently when it comes to understanding Sociological Imagination. Second: Reading the Willis excerpt was like reading an Ethnographic research assignment. It also consisted of Participant Observation when Willis was doing his study towards observing the twelve working-class boys that he called “the lads”. Understanding this entire concept/study is pretty tough, for there is so much information about Willis’ work within every page of “Learning to Labor”. Comparing these working class-class boys to modern day boys is no-where near comparable in my opinion. This study was conducted in the 1970’s. That was a different time period when society’s view on work was different. More than forty years later if this study was recon ducted the outcome would have a completely different outcome.Bottom of...
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...Designs Template The following seven tables are part of a template that will guide you through the comparison of research designs assignment. The tables include: • Descriptions of basic research designs. • Types of basic research designs. • Main characteristics. • Followed steps. • Appropriate usage. • Purpose statement and sample questions. • Associated research paradigms. This template directs you to portions of the course text, Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research (Creswell, 2008). Each table includes chapter numbers and page numbers to guide you to the most relevant sections of the text book. Reference Creswell, J. W. (2012). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research (4rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Descriptions of Basic Research Designs Develop an original and concise description of each research design. The appropriate sections of the Creswell text are listed to guide you; however, the end product should be your own paraphrase. Each description should be about one to three sentences in length. The first part of the chart has been completed for you as an example of how to proceed. You can leave it in the first cell and consider it to be part of your assignment. |Research Design |Creswell Text |Description ...
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...Ethnographic research: oral interview 4-5 pages double spaced An ethnography is a long term investigation of a group (often a culture) that is based on immersion in and, optimally, participation in that group. Ethnography provides a detailed exploration of group activity and may include the collection of historical information and in-person interviews of members of the group. It is an approach which employs multiple methodologies to arrive at a theoretically comprehensive understanding of a group or culture. Ethnography attempts to explain the web of interdependence of group behaviors and interactions. In this assignment, you will interview a disabled or chronically ill person and make observations about the person based on your understanding of what it means to be a member of this social category. Remember that disability and chronic illness include both visible and invisible elements, and that there is great variation in age, class, ethnicity, and gender identity. You may also interview the parent of a child with a disability as long as the parent can speak on behalf of the child’s social experience or experience in society. You will use your knowledge of course concepts related to disability identity and group belonging. The interview can take place in person or, if absolutely necessary, over Skype, but not on the phone. It is important that you read facial expressions and have a sense of the respondent’s non-verbal communication. You should find out as much as you can...
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...EXPLORING THE REFLECTIVE PRACTITIONER- ASSIGNMENT 1 “We teach to change the world.” (Brookefield, 1995: 1) This first section discusses reflection, as a teacher, why should I reflect upon my practice? What do I achieve? I feel that the process of reflection allows me to learn from my own experiences as a teacher, by providing me with a record of what I have done and an assessment of where I want to end up. Reflecting provides me with a focus for my teaching, where I constantly question what it is I am asking my students to do and why I am asking them to do it. So when I reflect, I not only challenge my own assumptions about what I do, I also identify areas where I feel that I could be lacking and possibly where I may be setting or working to standards that are too high and therefore unachievable by my students. There are many models that we can utilize to help us think reflectively. The Peters Model (1994) asks us to think of a particular situation we experienced and then to step back and allow ourselves to question the assumptions that we have made about that situation. Alternatively Brookfield suggests that we should use ‘critical lenses’, so that we look at a situation from our own viewpoint, from our colleagues’ viewpoint, from our students’ viewpoint and from a theoretical viewpoint. He calls these four viewpoints critical lenses and reminds us that, “A critically reflective educator knows that while meeting every one’s needs sounds compassionate and learner-centred...
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...economic systems and rules of law, social organization and patterns of inequality, identity and worldview, and patterns of social and cultural change. Focusing on the culture concept and the method of ethnography, we begin with the historical foundations of anthropology and then follow its attempts to understand contemporary human cultures. Comparative analysis of multiple ethnographic case studies and major theoretical approaches illuminates the range of human diversity, the forces that shape cultures, and how people adapt to a rapidly changing modern world. The central objectives of this course are to develop your intellectual skills, your cross-cultural fluency, and your sense of civic and moral engagement in global society. I hope that this course inspires many of you to become anthropology majors or minors, and grants each of you an anthropological perspective on your own life. REQUIREMENTS This is an intensive course that requires full participation from every student. You must attend all lectures, study all the assigned materials before the class for which they are listed, complete required assignments, actively participate in lecture, and demonstrate thoughtful consideration of readings, videos, in-class activities and quiz/exam questions. Optional extra credit activities will be made available throughout the term. I expect that you complete 6-8...
Words: 9454 - Pages: 38
...RESEARCH METHODS MODULE STUDY GUIDE Module Title: | Research Methods | | Module Leader email: | Sharif.Sheriff@uwl.ac.uk | | Module Code: | BA70020E | Level: | 7 (Masters) | Credits: | Academic Year: | 2012/ 2013 | | School: | West London School of Business | Field: | Post Graduate International Business Management | © UWL 2013 Contents Section A - Overview and Content Page 4 Module Leader and Team details Welcome Office hours / contact details Administrative and Technical support Timetable Venue / rooms Module information Content of the module Aims of the module Learning outcomes Learning resources Pre-requisites Section B – Module programme Page 8 Section C – Assessment and Feedback Page 19 Assessment schedule (including deadlines for submission) Formative assessment opportunities and feedback Plagiarism regulations Evaluation of the module Frequently asked questions Appendix 1 Research presentation: marking criteria for MAHRM & Top up students, MBA, Msc, MIBM. Appendix 2 Research Proposal: marking criteria for MAHRM & ‘Top up’ students, MBA, Msc, MIBM. Details of Module leader Name | Sharif Sheriff | Field & School | Postgraduate IBM Field West London School of Business | Email | sharif.sheriff@uwl.ac.uk | Phone | 0208 231 2243 | ...
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...defined hypothesis as a ‘testable proposition’. The appearance of an apparent relationship or connection between categories will need to be tested in order to find out whether there is an actual relationship (Saunders, 1997:344). The importance of hypothesis is that it will bring a specific direction and focus to a research study. The theory on the other hand, is usually drawn from the hypothesis. Theories are usually generated from attempts at explaining observations and thus prediction or expectations can be made (Gill, 1991:25). Deduction and Induction There are two methods of establishing what is true or false and of drawing conclusion. These two methods are deduction and induction. Induction is made by empirical evidence based, while deduction is logic based. Through induction, a general conclusion can be made from empirical observation. It goes by the process of assumption to conclusion (Ghauri, 1995:8). From deduction, conclusions are draw through logical reasoning and it is not necessary to be reality. When an observation is made to generate a theory with consistent facts, it is called induction, on the contrary deduction involves the gathering of facts to confirm or disprove hypothesized relationships among variables that have been deduced from proposition or earlier theories (Ghauri, 1995:9). Research method and methodology Research is one of the many methods to find answer to a question. The implication of research is that a process being undertaken within a framework...
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...Note: Remember that the page header will appear on every page of your paper, whereas the running head will only appear on your title page. In the upper half of the title page, type your full title, your byline (name[s]), and affiliation (university, etc.) centered on separate lines. Your title may take up one or two lines as in the example below: You need to include a title page, see above: This website can help you tremendously: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/ References Owl Purdue (2011). Retrieved March 1, 2011 from http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/ While you did a wonderful job with the title page, it is not APA appropriate and you need to use APA style of writing when formatting your assignments. 4/5/2013 4/5/2013 Microsoft account Laura Harris Microsoft account Laura Harris Program Planning and Evaluation PEACE Domestic Violence Agency Program Planning and Evaluation Plan Program Planning and Evaluation PEACE Domestic Violence Agency Program Planning and Evaluation Plan Program Planning and Evaluation PEACE Domestic Violence Agency Program Planning and Evaluation Plan The overall purpose of this Program Planning and Evaluation paper is to make a comparative analysis of program planning and evaluation processes in a human service organization like PEACE. We do not use first voice will also look at how technical and political factors can affect program planning and evaluation processes. According to Michael Quinn...
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