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Baby G Critical Analysis

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This paper is aimed at conducting critical analysis of the issue of Ms. D and Mr. KN and their child baby G. Apparently baby G is the first biological child of Ms. D and Mr. KN. But after the sickle cell anemia test, the results indicated that Mr. KN might not be the biological father of baby G. Baby G is the fifth child of Ms. D and until the results of the test, was the second child of Mr. KN. Under the circumstances Ms. D put forward a person by the name of Mr. J. According to the information, Mr. J happens to be the husband of Ms. D. The circumstances suggest that Mr. J might be the biological father of baby G. After the analysis of the situation, I believe that recently Mr. J has shown significant interest in the care of baby G and that further DNA testing is being carried out to ascertain that whether Mr. J is the father of baby G. The issue is critical to me because I want to find out the consequences of how this …show more content…
D I found serious historical concerns related to life of Ms. D. In the records of multiple Local Authorities including, Hackney, Lancashire, Manchester, Barking, Greenwich and Leicestershire services Ms. D is known as an irresponsible mother. She has been reported several times for her neglected actions towards her older children. The reports indicated that Ms. D has left her children alone at very young age and at times has also left her children on the sides of the busy roads to take taxi. When I researched the reports, the reports also indicated that her older has been found missing from education many times and a number of reports also indicated that the children were not picked up from the school on time. The reports also indicated that Ms. D was not attentive to her children even at home because her older children attended the school with unkempt presentations. I further found out that due to her negligence act, Ms. D was warned by the Children Care authorities to resolve the

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