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Judicial Branch Research Paper

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In the 1780’s, the United States of America held a meeting in Philadelphia called the Constitutional Convention. This was led by thirteen state delegates to discuss all the on-going problems occurring in the nation and to make whatever changes that were necessary for the Articles of Confederation. Many delegates wanted to divide the powers within the government but many were intimidated by the fact that one might receive too much power and would lead to another tyrant or dictator to lead the nation and its people. To avoid this possible outcome, they all came to an agreement to come up with the three branches of government naming them the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Branches of government. The Judicial branch also is known as the Supreme …show more content…
The role of the Supreme Court is big in the United States system of government because it can go from telling the President of the United States that his actions will not be allowed under the constitution to notifying Congress that any law that passes violates the United States Constitution will immediately no longer be a legitimate law. The Supreme court has the final say when it comes to cases involving any laws of Congress and the biggest of them all- the Constitution. However, even if the powers of the Supreme Court are mighty, they are also balanced and limited with the other two branches of government. There have been three landmark Supreme Court cases that have had immense effects towards the civil rights movement, rights in the courts and gun control. In the following paragraphs, three landmark cases will be analyzed from the cause of the case to the end result in and out of the …show more content…
Ferguson gave a “constitutional nod” (PBS, 2007) to racial segregations in public places, foreclosing legal challenges against high raising segregated places throughout the south. Later in the 1950s, the landmark decision of Brown V. Board of Education, the separate but equal set of beliefs was overturned when the Supreme Court ruled segregating a child of race in public education schools was unequal and therefore violated the fourteenth amendment. The end result of this landmark case was that Public education became more expensive for southern states, it allowed segregation to become law as well as Jim Crow laws to spread across the United States. It was a 7-1 vote (because one justice did not attend), the court stated that a state law that implies a small legal distinction did not conflict with the 13th amendment forbidding involuntary servitude nor did it establish such

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