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Show Analysis: The Walking Dead

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The TV show that has captivated me for the past few years has been The Walking Dead, broadcast by the channel AMC. The show follows an ever changing cast that has to endure the world after a “zombie apocalypse.” This show is in its sixth season and I have been and avid viewer since the first episode which debuted with a black-and-white encore. The show grasps the attention of audiences across the world due to its gory scenes of transformed zombies and the mutilation shown to end the wandering on the planet. There is more to this cheesy plot than just survival. I am enthralled with the cast members, societal dilemmas and the levels of determination.
The first episode starts with Rick, a sheriff, at the local police department who wakes up in the hospital after being shot in the line of duty. Rick is unaware of the state of the country at this time because he was hospitalized before it occurred. He wakes to a quiet hospital and no power to his life support system. As he stumbles about the hospital he realizes it’s empty and comes to a door with …show more content…
Granite there decisions may or may not impact others based on the turn of events that they have endured time and time again they commit to show compassion for those that may not be able to survive as well as they have by limiting any future run-ins with the bad that exists now. The long term cast has made changes in the population of survivors that they come in contact with and provide their logic for how they think and act. Described as being “out to long” because of their cautious movements and decisions. The family has just been through everything that can be imagined with more to come and just like a bad relationship they use those experiences to help them push forward and bypass any further hurt later

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