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Care Provision Research Paper

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Care provision
The NHS and Social Services are obligatory by law to provide certain types of care and these as statutory services. This sector also called as public is founded by the government, from the taxes we pay. The non-statutory is composed of the voluntary and private sectors. These sectors are normally paid directly from the patients and this companies in the business of care are aim to make a profit. Voluntary organisations that are founded by national local charities, deliver services on a not-for-profit, however, is supported and founded by a big amount of people in the nation, people who help without being paid.
Diabetes - Care settings
The local GP is the first point of contact for most patients …show more content…
If they have someone with them the individual who lives with the patient needs to support them a lot.
A diabetes nurse has special training and has background in caring for people with diabetes. They provide specialist advice and support patients with the life with diabetes. These nurses often help the patient learn the day-today aspects of diabetes self-care.
Care managers
This is a professional carer who carries out the first assessment of care needs and then commands a plan of care to meet those needs. For example individuals with diabetes have a care plan about their diet or about the medication and when they need to take the injections this will help the care manager to control whether their diabetes is being controlled or not. Also is to see what the individuals are able to do for themselves. …show more content…
Individuals with type 2 diabetes may need more than just medication this include insulin. Diabetes medication cannot cure diabetes, and most of the time people take it for the rest of their lives. Each individual with diabetes required a type of medication depend on their own needs and situations a healthcare team will discuss about it. However the medication will only help to control diabetes if the individual takes it regularly and properly.
Advice on lifestyle changes
This disorder can change person’s lifestyle, there are factors that can affect more the disorder, for example smoking and eating a lot of junk food when the person has diabetes. Many young people who have diabetes use insulin but might be difficult for them to control their diet; this advice will be given by doctors, nurses and people in professions associated to medicine, however is important that they watch their diet, exercise regularly to stay fit and healthy, this will help to control blood glucose levels.

Hypertension- Care setting

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