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Why People Lie Research

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“Put away from you a deceitful mouth and put devious speech far from you.” (Prov. 4:24). Why do people lie? Usually it is because they are being devious; sinning either to cover up sin that they have already committed or sin they are planning on committing. People who lie are people who compartmentalize sin. They are the ones whom the Apostle James described as looking into the mirror and walking away; forgetting what they look like (James 1:23-24). It has been said of Donald Trump that he is not introspective; he does not reflect. Of course not! To reflect presupposes a reflection — a soulish mirror — which Donald Trump avoids. When asked if Trump has any degree of introspection, biographer Michael D’Antonio said, “He kind of answers with …show more content…
and my heart spurned reproof! 13“I have not listened to the voice of my teachers, nor inclined my ear to my instructors!” (Proverbs 5:12-13). With Donald, everything is a game. The only time Donald will listen to an advisor is when it propels him further along in the game. Case in point: his VP pick, Mike Pence. One could say, “There ya go. Good solidly conservative Christian senator.” Sounds reasonable. But do not believe for a second that Trump could care. He picked Pence because he furthers Trump’s personal agenda by securing the Christian conservative base. It is all a ruse. Let’s face it, the only time vice presidents have ANY power is if The President dies. I doubt that Trump has EVER considered that one day, he will no longer be alive. I suspect that Trump considers himself invincible — even …show more content…
He hates certain individuals and is absolutely righteous in so doing. Romans 9:13 quotes Malachi 1:3, “Jacob I loved but Esau I hated.” The six things God hates in this Proverbs passage — abominable things — are not limited to the act of the sins themselves, but point to the source of those sins — the sinner! It does not say, “a lie”. It says a “lying tongue”. It does not say “murder”. It says “hands that shed blood”. This is consistent throughout. Why is it worded as such? I suspect that God is distinguishing between the person in the passage who proudly practices unrepentant sin, with the everyday sinner who may fall into temptation, thus committing sin. (This includes everyone.) The Bible says that King David was a “man after God’s own heart” (1 Samuel 13:14), yet David was both an adulterer and a murderer. In fact, he not only murdered, he conspired to. How then can David be a man after God’s own heart? It is because those sins did not represent the “heart” of David; they were foreign to who he was. Just because the character of a man is upright does not mean that he is immune to failure and will not occasionally do things he regrets. David repented in tears and fasting, and the Lord forgave him. It is the man that practices sin; who boasts of it and lacks any sense of remorse, even repentance — He is on God’s “hate list”.

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