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How Does Lying Affects Heart Rate

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Introduction The purpose of this experiment is to figure out whether or not lying affects heart rate. There has been research conducted on the same problem in the past. In fact, polygraphs, more commonly known as lie detectors, have existed for quite some time. The idea for a polygraph was brought about by Cesare Lombroso in the year 1895. He was an Italian psychiatrist who believed he could use factors such as blood pressure, heart rate, and physical behaviors to determine whether or not the test subject was lying. However, back then his theory was quickly shoved to the side and dismissed along with his other theory of identifying criminals using the shape of their skull. At the beginning of the 1900’s a scientist by the name of William Marston decided to try and refine the design of the polygraph. Around the years of 1917 and 1923, William Marston had made a working lie detector. He stated that he could correctly deduce whether or not the subject was lying, with 95% accuracy (White 2001). …show more content…
The user asks a few simple questions to sort of calibrate the machine. For the most part, if one of the things that the machine is keeping track of spikes, that usually is a sign of lying. When a lie detector is used by somebody who is good at it, it can have a very high success rate. Although, the flaws are very visible in the lie detector, seeing as it doesn’t actually measure lies. It measures things that in most circumstances, would suggest a lie. However, someone who can remain calm and knows how to get around it, can fool the detector (Sands

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