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Rh Negative Moms: A Case Study

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Introduction: Perfusion is defined as, “the flow of blood through arteries and capillaries delivering nutrients and oxygen to cells” (Giddens, 2017, p.167). Perfusion is comprised of the heart, blood vessels, and the blood itself. Perfusion requires the heart to be healthy and working properly to have adequate perfusion. The blood vessels also have to be functioning properly without any narrowing or any dysfunction. Additionally, the components within blood must be functioning properly in order to have adequate perfusion. If a person is lacking in parts of their blood this can lead to inadequate perfusion, which can cause tissue damage or even tissue death. The scope of perfusion ranges anywhere from adequate perfusion to absolutely …show more content…
Rh incompatibility is only with Rh negative moms. Its where the mom’s blood and baby’s blood comes into contact. Complications happen when the mom’s blood is Rh negative and the baby’s blood is Rh positive. To help prevent this from happening moms who are Rh negative have the option of getting Rhogam, I say option because Rhogam is a blood product and some people disagree with the use of blood products. But Rhogam is the only way to help prevent the mom’s body from making antibodies against Rh positive. Rh negative moms receive Rhogam at 28 weeks or before if there was some sort of trauma or abortion. Then once they deliver the baby, the baby’s blood is then tested to see if they are Rh positive. If the baby is Rh positive, then the mom must receive another dose of Rhogam within 72hours of delivery. This again is to help prevent the body from forming …show more content…
While assessing there were no signs of either jaundice or edema present that were abnormal. Which is what we want to see, if we were to see any jaundice or edema we would have concerns of anemia, especially because the baby was already at risk for developing. Although while assessing mom, we found she had good blood flow to her extremities but had a bit of paleness. After we got the lab results back it showed that her hemoglobin was slightly lower due to the amount of blood she had lost during the C-section.
After assessing mom and looking at the labs, we got the orders to give the second dose of Rhogam which was 300 mcg IM. There were no additional medications ordered for mom other than Norco that was a 5/325 mg tablet q 4-6 hours to help with the incision pain. The medications ordered for the baby were the erythromycin, vit. K and the Hep B vaccine which are all the medications the parents wanted the baby to have.
Nursing Role and

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