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Plagiarism Critical Thinking

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It minds blowing on how the concept on what you thought about decision making and plagiarism has more to it than what was previously taught on it. In school, it was taught that decision making is what you make of it. You have a problem and you have to come up with a solution. Is there really a right way or a wrong way to come to an important decision? However, at the college and graduate school level, it more perception to it. It more elaboration on the process on which a person goes through to come to a decision. As many would say the mind is complex annuity and when it comes to making a decision, it lives up to it saying. That also goes for the concept of plagiarism. Plagiarism is no longer just copy and paste but more detailed.
Plagiarism …show more content…
It no longer just going with a gut feeling. As a person progressive to adulthood, decision making is a different ball game. It a thought process that the mind will go through to make a final decision. That if you are not an imposing person that is. It about sitting down and really thinking about the possible outcome of the situation. Or presenting the possible route that a person can take to get to the final decision. Making important decisions is no easy task. It takes a lot of brainstorming and time. Making an important decision should never be rushed because you might regret your decision later on. Sometimes just sitting down and writing down the pro or con your decision can help you to decided. One of the most important decision was deciding on if I should move back to my hometown of Chicago. I truly missed home all the time and my family. It's nothing like having your family around and being able to lean on them in your time of need. Making a decision can be a difficult task but the outcome has to be something that is …show more content…
In simplest form basically, a choice you made after considering the options. So the first thing is acknowledging that a problem exists. After acknowledging the problem, its time to do some thinking. One could call it brainstorming. Brainstorming is not only a method that can be used to write a paper but also in making a decision. It like the web in brainstorming, you make a big circle around the “issue” and draw possible solution to that “issue”. According to John Adair after defined the objective or problem, the next step is collecting reverent information on the objective or problem. After collecting information, it is said the next step is generating options. For example, the objective or problem, in this case, would be deciding whether or not to move. So according to John Adair, I must research on my

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Continuing Academic Success

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