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Substantive Citizenship Research Paper

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Jocelyne Davila
Professor Escobar
CHS 260
April 5, 2016
Take Home Midterm
From Evelyn Nakano Glenn, “Unequal Freedom”
Formal vs. Substantive Citizenship – Definition: The term formal citizenship refers to the actual legal status of citizenship. Obtaining that formal citizenship, the person receives a certificate as proof. The term substantive citizenship refers to the acknowledgement of a person’s power to take advantage of the rights of citizenship. The person as a citizen is examining the rights they have.
Sociohistorical contextualization: Evelyn Nakano Glenn demonstrates that the lack of a formal citizenship can create various obstacles among people. Having rights in theory is different from being able to exercise them in practice and this is what substantive citizenship is. Basically citizenship is not just a matter of formal legal status, it is a matter of belonging among society, and it requires recognition by people. The author gives examples of how local practices determine substantive citizenship, even without any approval or permission from the state or federal government.
Significance: Formal Citizenship is something that benefits people being born in the U.S or have been residents for a long time. Like Glenn mentions its opens doors to various benefits. Now the people have to be aware …show more content…
Westminster was a case that dealt with trying to put an end to segregation of Mexican American (students) children in the state of California. The district court agreed that segregating Mexicans was a violation of the fourteenth amendment. There was really no law that stated there would be segregation leaving the issue of Mexicans being classified as white or not. Mendez v. Westminster paved the way for Brown v. Board of Education. That case dealt with Segregation of white and Negro children in the public schools of a State solely on the basis of race denies to Negro children the equal protection of the laws guaranteed by the Fourteenth

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