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Early Childhood: The Role Of Contingent Worth: Article Analysis

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I decided to write my paper on the article titled “Helplessness in Early Childhood: The Role of Contingent Worth” by Karen Klein Burhans and Carol S. Dweck. I found this article very interesting because I learned that in the 1970s, Carol Dweck proved that some children embraced the idea that once failure befell the condition was out of their control, with the idea that there was absolutely nothing they could do to change their circumstances. She specifically used children's descriptions for failures on a survey to study two groups, those who saw failure as insufficient energy and those who didn’t. She accurately demonstrated two response forms of failure by having elementary students in the fifth and sixth grade talk out loud while trying to solve problems …show more content…
The study found that they experienced failure even when the problems were identical to those solved before the failure. Essential to this response pattern is the involvement of sad emotions, including nervousness, grief, and uttered boredom. This clearly showed that the helpless pattern and shows an evident correlation to low self- esteem and damage of performance. In contrast, the mastery oriented pattern, led to an increase of motivation, even when faced with failure. Children who demonstrate this reaction pattern usually showed some form of self-instruction or self-awareness when they encountered failure rather than becoming demotivated and bored. Their mood remained with positive energy and they maintained the belief that they could do better. Their optimistic view is shown by their behavior. Most participants in the study, over 80%, maintained or improved their strategies for problem solving and they tended to solved just as many and in some cases even more problems as they did prior to experiencing failure. In conclusion, these children viewed failure as a trial that they could learn upon and improve with

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