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Rodos In Ehrlich's Autobiography

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Pages 3
In the short paragraph from Ehrlich’s first book, she compared rodeos and baseball to let the reader see the difference between the two American sports. In the beginning of the passage she shared the cultural backgrounds between the two sports and talked about how both of the sports came to be along with how they were integrated into the American culture. She also explained how baseball over powered rodeos a little more because it was a sport that everyone could enjoy and not just certain parts of America. Rodeos were regional because in the passage she tells how rodeos are mainly in the western parts of America because in the passage she states, “…it's derived from and stands for the western way of life and the western spirit.” but baseball was seen as something that people enjoy everywhere rather than in one part of the country like rodeos. Ehrlich wrote the story because she wanted the reader to better understand rodeos because she said that, “After 124 years, rodeo is still misunderstood.” She just wanted the reader to have a better understanding of …show more content…
Baseball is not the only major sport that people use to overshadow other things. The main sports are football and basketball that overshadow most of our schools activities. Most of the pep rallies that we have at school are for basketball and football only, which is unfair because there are other students at school who deserve just as much recognition for their achievements. Another thing that I agree with is, when she discussed is certain parts of the country doing certain things. For example, in the south we are more focused on major sports like football and up north their major focus is hockey or something in that category. Southerners also dress and talk different that the people who live up north. It is like every part of the country has their own special

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