...Five Forces analysis is a model used for industry analysis. Apple plays a significant role in four businesses, namely the communication equipment industry, the music and video industry, the mobile phones industry, and the personal computer (PC) industry. Because its participation in the overall PC industry is comparatively small compared to its other products, only the first three industries shall be analysed here. Apple’s overall business includes eight product lines: iPhone , its related products and services; iPad and related products and services, Mac portables and other music related products and services, Mac desktops, iPod, software, services and other hardware (Apple, Inc., 2014; GCEIP, 2014). 3.1 Bargaining Power of Buyers Communication Equipment Industry Buyer power is moderate. Apple communications equipment caters to individual buyers, but each buyer has little bargaining power as he/she bargains for him/herself alone. If the company loses just one consumer, the effect on the company will be insignificant. Collectively, however, buyer power may be more significant, as switching costs are low. Fixed line telecommunication devices have a low degree of differentiation and there is little innovation taking place in this area, for which reason buyers are sensitive to price levels and could easily transfer from one supplier to another. Apple’s major competitors in this market include Lenovo, Nokia, and Samsung (GCEIP, 2014; CEIPUK, 2014). Music and Video Industry ...
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...Barnes & Noble Vs. Amazon To attain a competitive advantage over Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble needs to develop a proper strategy and implement a successful marketing plan. SITUATION ANALYSIS Barnes & Noble first must consider the issues and problems facing their company, and then perform an opportunity analysis to determine their strengths and weaknesses in relation to their customers, competitors, and company capabilities. In regards to the main concerns of Barnes & Noble, the company needs to worry about the uncertainties associated with the expected rapid growth of the Internet, the changing profile of Internet users, increased competition and indeterminate future developments in electronic retailing from publishers, wholesalers, and retailers, and intense price competition. By 2000, more than 80 million users will be on the World Wide Web, with an increase in females and a broader spectrum of education levels and age, changing the market demographics. Additionally, some book publishers, namely Simon & Schuster and Bertelsmann, have expanded online, while the national leading wholesaler, Ingram, is developing a website where wholesalers could ship directly to consumers. In the meantime, small publishers and universities have started to publish directly on the Web, avoiding print versions completely and thereby challenging the posterity of conventional books. Within the Barnes & Noble Corporation, their smaller traditional bookstores such...
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...the means of YouTube and theatrical releases on Television in different countries with different cultures and languages. The reception of the film can be seen as a “cultural process” or Cultural globalization which is the intensification and expansion of cultural flows across the globe . Academic Sources 1) Mollet, T. 2013. “With a smile and a song …”: Walt Disney and the birth of the American fairy tale.” Marvels & Tales 27 (1): 109-24. In this journal article, Mollet reviews on how Walt Disney’s production is now being seen as crucial to the construction of the modern American society through his contribution to the formation of a new United States nationalism . The author approaches the topic using cultural studies and textual analysis ofn Disney fairy tales to exemplify how they reflect the dominant (?) culture of America. Her research focuses on analysing Disney films such as “Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs”, “Three Little Pigs”, “Wizard of Oz” and how these films and their characters portray the unstable society and culture of America during the great depression and other different time periodslines. The journal is useful for my topic as Mollet explains how Disney films are produced to reflect the culture of the American society. In relation to my case study, I seek to explain how Disney’s FROZEN reception can be seen as a global (?) “cultural process”. The limitation of this journal is that it only mentions three of the Disney films dating back to the early 1930s...
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...DETAILS: MUSIC BRAND ANALYSIS (worth 50% of overall module mark) School: Media, Culture and Society Module: Identity, Opportunity & Exploitation / MUSC10007 CRN600 Year: 4 Semester: 2 Due: 03 April 2015 Assessment Description: For this assessment you are required to write a brand analysis for a music brand of your choice. Choices must be submitted to and approved by the lecturer via email NO LATER THAN 5PM 04 MARCH 2015. If you have not submitted a brand for approval by this deadline, the mark for your brand analysis assessment will be reduced by 5 points. A music brand can be any of the following: • An artist (e.g., Lady Gaga, the Rolling Stones) • A record label (e.g., Ministry of Sound, Nettwerk) • A venue (e.g., King Tut’s Wah-Wah Hut, the Cavern Club) • A music product (e.g., Gibson guitars, Marshall amplifiers) • A music service (e.g., BandCamp, SoundCloud) • Another music-oriented subject, (pending lecturer approval) All brands must be submitted to the lecturer for approval via email by NO LATER THAN 5PM 04 MARCH 2015 to ensure the selected brand will be an appropriate case study for the assessment. Note: only one case study per brand will be allowed per class. If more than one student selects the same brand for study, decisions will be made on a first-past-the-post basis. If your brand is not available for study, you must make an alternate selection. It is therefore recommended you select several music brands that...
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...The findings of the two ethnic identities tie loosely together by political statement as both rap groups produce music that is socio-political and expressing a certain viewpoint on politics depending on the ideals of both ethnic groups. Although, Assassin hold stronger views against the government, making statements that they are not slaves or puppets of the government. Whereas, Fabulous Trobadors focus more on their Occitan roots and patriotism of Occitan tradition. Despite having two different interpretations and ideas of French rap and what both parties could bring to the French music scene, both successfully created their own ideologies which developed different ethnic groups and socio-cultural circles. More so, the difference in the...
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...Assignment 2: Essay In Brief: This assignment is worth 25% of your mark for this unit. Please refer to the calendar in your Unit Outline for the due date. Instructions: Essay Question: Choose one Web 2.0 platform discussed during module two and analyse the extent to which this platform has changed the way people communicate and collaborate. The Web 2.0 platforms specifically discussed in module two are Delicious, blogs, wikis (in general), The Wikipedia, Twitter, Flickr and YouTube. However, if you have discussed other Web 2.0 platforms during the unit in tutorials or on the discussion board, you may select this platform if it is approved by your tutor at least one week before the essay is due. The word limit for this essay, excluding the reference list, is to be confirmed by David Cake (between 1000-1500 words). This essay asks you to analyse one of the Web 2.0 platforms that you’ve been examining in the unit, looking in particular at how that particular platform has changed the way in which users/participants both communicate and collaborate. Given the context in which you’re examining these technologies, it is a good idea to think about how Web 2.0 in general is thought to indicate a general shift in the character of online interactions and use these changes to help think about your chosen platform. You will be expected to use some of the readings/viewings provided in the unit, but you will also need to seek out appropriate secondary material...
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...RYERSON UNIVERSITY Department of Philosophy and Music CMUS 501, Winter 2015 Traditional Musics of the World Class Times: Wed: 6:30-9:30 pm Room: POD368 Instructor: Gerry McGoldrick E-mail: gerrymcg@ryerson.ca Office Hrs: Wednesdays before or after class COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course examines musical cultures around the world, focusing on traditional genres. Course content covers conceptual, structural, rhythmic and modal systems. The functions and meanings of music in diverse cultures will be examined. Music from various regions, including East and South East Asia, Africa, and North America, will be discussed. GOALS OF THE COURSE: To survey specific musical cultures from around the world. To develop an understanding of how these cultures are reflected in their musics by examining their creation, uses, elements, transmission, and value. To improve your ability to discuss and understand musical concepts and pieces through analysis of basic musical parameters. COURSE EVALUATION: Listening Quiz 1 10% Week 6 Test 1 25% Week 6 Essay 30% Week 10 Listening Quiz 2 10% Week 13 Final Test (In-class) 25% Week 13 Please notify the professor, in writing, of any accommodations requested during the term for religious observances or disability, by the second class as per university policy. Any alterations in assignments, tests or deadlines will be discussed in class prior to implementation. This course is lecture-based...
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...Web Analysis Web Analysis IT 236 September 16, 2012 Rizwan Malik I. Introduction I have decided to pick the social media giant Facebook, which be viewed at https://www.facebook.com/. The main reason for selecting Facebook has plenty to do with its popularity over the last few years. As we all know Facebook is not the first form of social networking; however, few can argue the fact that it has indeed changed the way in which we now communicate. Companies like AOL and sites like Black Planet and MySpace are some of the finding father’s social network with instant messaging and personal profiles. Because of the advancements in technology the Internet has become one of the most power tools in today’s society, with this essay I will examine and explain some of the unique qualities the Facebook has to offer, in doing so I will examine a few issues Facebook could fix or improve to heighten the user’s experience. II. Evaluation I will begin my evaluation on the homepage which is very clean, styled with a blue border and white background. This page simply offers users the option to sign in (located in upper right corner), create a new Facebook account (located directly below login), and users can create profiles for artist, bands, business, etc. In my option the blue and white is very inviting and makes users want to make a page or login. It would be hard to imagine anyone having a problem signing up or login in; I also noticed that there is an option for language...
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...perceptive marketing stunt’ and ‘what role does the media play in legitimizing gender discrepancies through framing and cultivation strategies? Coaxed by the issue of female objectification in the mass media, the following research was conducted both practically, and theoretically, to overtly annunciate the social and democratic problems associated with advertised female subordination. The relative research involves a semiotic analysis of two sources, coupled with a survey of 40 candidates of varying ages. Furthermore, theoretical mechanisms of media framing and cultivation have been deconstructed throughout this article to uncover the impact of magnified female subordination on the domestic expectations of children and young adults. Through the collection of data, it was able to be conclusively recognized the impact of objectification on social attitudes. Results had shown the many conceptions concerning the female purpose, these include; a woman’s role as a domestic and sexual slave to her male partner. Through the convergence of data, semiotic analysis and academic theory, it may be meticulously understood how female objectification in the mass media is a social complication in the construction of an egalitarian future. ‘Women’s bodies are predominantly valued for its use to others’ Fredrickson & Roberts 1997 During the past decade, society has witnessed the progression of information technology, and has been a part of a global communication network that surpasses domestic...
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...a pet a photograph a pizza a rest room in a service station a small town cemetery a storefront window a street that leads to your home or school a treasured belonging a vase of flowers a waiting room a work table an accident scene an art exhibit an ideal apartment an inspiring view an item left too long in your refrigerator an unusual room backstage during a play or a concert the inside of a spaceship the scene at a concert or athletic event your dream house your favourite food your ideal roommate your memory of a place that you visited as a child your old neighbourhood (2) Narration At least one of the topics below may remind you of a particular incident that you can relate in a clearly organised narrative essay. a brush with death a brush with greatness a dangerous experience a day when everything went right (or wrong) a disastrous date a frightening experience a historic event a memorable encounter with someone in authority a memorable journey a memorable wedding or funeral a moment of failure or success a rebellious act a significant misunderstanding a strange job interview a time that you took a...
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...ASSIGNMENT 1 – ESSAY THE ROLE OF A SALES MANAGER BA032IU Sales Management Guest Speaker Report Marking sheet Group: _______________________ Date: ________________ 1. Executive Summary of the Essay a) Summary of the major content, the purpose of this essay, what this essay is about and so on 2. Discuss the Role of a Sales Manager - Where applicable, provide theories to support the evidence b) Describe the responsibilities and challenges (E.g., what should a sales manager do when sales slump or drop off? or how to handle stress situation of sales target, manage sales team diversity and so on) 3. Describe the Process of Selling and Buying of B2B or B2C from the experiences shared by the sales manager (guest speaker) and provide practical examples to illustrate, included: c) How to prospecting a customers d) How to building rapport e) Discuss critical aspects in relationship selling 4. Sales Performance and Others a) Discuss recruitment and selection b) Leadership and motivating sales forces c) Leadership and motivating sales forces d) Compensation, incentives, non-financial reward and personal satisfaction 5. Conclusion (5) a) Discuss your own point of view regarding the challenges. Group mark: _______/100% ___________________ Grade RULES OF THUMB The creativity of the report presentation, analysis and idea arrangement is highly marked The credibility of information source/reference must be guaranteed Quality not quantity! ASSIGNMENT...
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...Nila Tavangarian Women Studies 30 January 30th, 2017 WS Midterm Exam Winter 2017 Part 1: Brief Essays – the Beauty Myth 1) In Wolf’s “Chapter 6: Hunger” in the Beauty Myth she argues that anorexia and bulimia is taking over women in the West. She claims that, “Women must claim anorexia as political damage done to us by a social order that considers our destruction insignificant because of what we are-less,” (Wolf, 208). I agree with the feminist perspective in “Hunger” that women are affected by pop culture and media to starve themselves until the point where they are unstable. Unfortunately, many women in the US are influenced to look like women in pop culture, however this has caused millions of suicides and health issues that...
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...Contents Introduction 4 Company’s profile 5 MISSION 5 VISION 5 VALUES 5 SWOT ANALYSIS FOR SONY CORPORATION 6 INTERNAL FACTORS 6 Strength 6 WEAKNESS 7 EXTERNAL FACTORS 8 Opportunities 8 THREATS 9 PEST ANALYSIS FOR SONY CORPORATION 9 Political Factors 9 ECONOMICAL FACTORS 10 SOCIAL FACTORS 10 TECHNOLOGICAL FACTORS 11 GAP ANALYSIS 11 Porter’s five forces model of competition analysis 12 Threat of New Entrants (low) 12 Bargaining power of suppliers (low) 12 Bargaining power of Buyers –High 13 Threat of substitutes –High 13 Threat of competitors –High 13 Conclusion and recommendation 14 References 15 Introduction Sony is a global manufacturer of audio, video, communications and information technology’s consumer and professional markets. According with Rebort S.Kaplan and David P.Norton (2007), to measure strategic readiness, identify the intangible assets you needs to perform the internal process most critical to your strategy. Then assess your current capabilities in all these areas, identifying changes needed to improve alignment. Thus, applying the above mentioned approach the Sony Company is uniquely positioned to be one of the leading digital entertainment brands, offering an outstanding portfolio of existing multimedia contents. This approach is known Balanced Score card. Balanced Scored Card doesn’t treat strategy from only a financial perspective; it augments financial measures with objectives and metrics in three additional ’’perspectives’’-Customer relationship...
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...------------------------------------------------- Market Analysis of Sony Corporation Introduction In the eventful year 1946, two Japanese, Masaru Ibuka and Akio Morita collaborated to establish the “Tokyo Telecommunications Research Institute” which later transformed into Sony Corporation in 1958 (Sony story n.d.) . The company heralded an era of user friendly innovative products into consumer product markets world over. With its stringent quality commitment and matching service provision, Sony became a formidable brand that won the hearts of people and ruled stock market charts for a long time. From creating the rice-cooker, magnetic recorder, Sony gave the world, Sony Walkman and the famous Blu-ray technology (Sony story n.d.). Other feathers in Sony’s cap included transistor radio, Trinitron color television, Sony Handy cam and PlayStation game series (Sony corporate info n.d.). In the present essay, a market analysis would be attempted of the multinational company that Sony is. Market analysis of Sony Corporation Market analysis of Sony Corporation would involve studying its customers across Asia, Europe, America, Australia, and Africa (Sony corporate info n.d.). Additionally Sony’s competitors like Apple, Matsushita, Samsung, Warner Brothers, and financial service providers would be analyzed to understand their impact on the market performance of Sony. Also, the market analysis would configure the electronic, gaming, music, entertainment and mobile industry and the macro...
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...classmates being worth 20 points each. You will be graded on the quality, depth, and level of expansion and detail in your main and reply posts. Instructions: This semester we'll be exploring the topic of "Millennials" in articles that you be assigned to analyze, evaluate, and use as references for the assigned essays in this course. To begin thinking about this topic, please view either of the two videos on millennials that follow. Please note the attached critical thinking strategies to consider as you view. Then respond in the attached Discussion area to at least ONE of the following questions.: 1. What information was new or surprising to you, and why? 2. What information or concept left you confused, and why? 3. What comment(s) did you disagree with, and why? 4. What information do you find most important, and why? Please include the title of the video you viewed in the subject line of your post. Millennials: 60-minutes documentary This "60 Minutes" video about the millennial generation is 12 minutes long. Feel free to watch it in segments if you would like to:http://news.yahoo.com/video/millennials-coming-200724108-cbs.html The people being interviewed in the video talk about the changes coming to society as a result of the millennial generation's influences. Questions to consider as...
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