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Personal Narrative: A Career In The Medical Field

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I have always loved to help people in whatever case it may be. I first started getting interested in the medical field when i was 5 and decided to jump off a boat into water that I thought was several feet deep, only to realize that it was on about a foot deep and I broke my leg. The doctors gave me an awesome green colored cast and some crutches and I thought it was the coolest thing that I just broke a part of my body and yet I didn't feel much pain and i got these cool "toys" to go along with it and so I thought these doctors must be superheroes. Something else that made me realize I wanted to be a doctor is playing football in fifth grade, I was a terrible tackler because I didn't like the idea of hitting someone and hurting them so I would …show more content…
Again I thought these doctors were so awesome. One last experience that made me really want to go into the medical field was this last summer, my basketball coach took my basketball team camping out in the woods. We decided to play a game of flashlight tag, and my coach ended up running into a barbed wire fence and cutting up his leg. He decided that he didn't want to go into town to go to the doctor so we all found our first aid kits from our trucks and I bandaged up his leg and in that moment I knew that I wanted to be a doctor and help heal people for the rest of my life. I feel particularly suited to being a doctor because I don't get squeamish at the sight of blood, I enjoy talking to and helping people, and I have been a CNA for a while. I got my CNA license in april of 2017 and have been working as a CNA ever sense at a long term care facility. I feel like this readys me for being a doctor by teaching me basic medical skills such as taking vital signs, giving me the opportunity to grow in my ability to talk to sick people and help them relax, and by giving me first-hand experience in watching the nurses perform certain medical

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