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Central Park Research Paper

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Imagine sitting in the grass, looking at the scenic skyline of New York City, listening to zooming cars in the distance, and smelling the flowers all around you. If you haven’t guessed where you are by now, you are in Central Park. Of the four hundred sixty-nine square miles in the Big Apple, Central Park takes up a little more than one of those square miles. Being the biggest park in New York, New York,this park attracts many tourists as well as New York citizens every day. “Park” is an understatement for this attraction. Central Park includes gardens, ponds, a reservoir, a zoo, an ice skating rink, playgrounds, open grassy areas for picnics and recreational events, and even horse-drawn carriage rides. In 1853, the New York State Legislature agreed to set aside more than seven hundred fifty acres of land to create America’s first major landscaped public park. Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux were the winners of the 1858 design contest for Central Park. They understood the importance of creating this public park. They also thought it would “improve public health and contribute greatly to the formation of a civil …show more content…
The first time I walked through Central Park was during the winter time. Even though the trees weren’t blooming or leaves weren’t changing colors it was breath-taking. Although in winter, it was colorless as well as colorful. The trees and the grass didn’t have color, the people and movement going on all around me were full of color and life. As I stood in the middle of the park, looking in every direction, the park still went on for what it seemed like forever. My family took a horse-drawn carriage tour through the park, and it was amazing. Learning the history and cultural facts made it one of my favorite places in New York City. We also went ice skating. Since Central Park is a huge tourist attraction and it was the holiday season, there were more people there than I had ever

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