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Gibbon Apes Research Paper

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The Gibbon Apes are formally known as the Hominoidea. Hominoidea stands for the “superfamily of apes”. The gibbon apes are also known for their size. The Gibbon’s are a very small animal, thats how most people can identify them. Even though their size might be small, but their species however is not small. The Gibbon Apes have 12 different species making them the largest group of the ape family. The gibbons scientific name is Hylobatidae. . The Gibbons are extremely similar to humans, meaning their senses. Their hearing, sight, smell, taste, and touch is almost exactly like humans. The Gibbons eyes have the ability to see in color, which is not common for apes. Normally, the …show more content…
They also live as far away as Burma, and North Sumatra. The gibbon family normally takes up about 30 to 50 acres of old-growth rain forest. The gibbons project a loud sound prior to waking up to declare that they are in the forest. The call is mainly used to warn other gibbon apes to back off of their claimed territory, and it could last up to a half hour or more. When the gibbons mate, they will typically stay together for life, and when they are full grown at 12-13 years old they will reproduce. The female gibbons are pregnant for about 7 months. The female will normally only produce one baby at a time, and having twins is very rare for the gibbons. At birth the newborn will climb onto the mothers fur and head straight to their belly, this is for food and for warmth. The newborns will stay with their mothers until they are about 6 years old. …show more content…
There are very few gibbons because rain forest’s are being cut down to build houses and other structures. In china, the gibbons are hunted for food and local medicine, and now the gibbons population is 99% lost. For trade to happen, the gibbon mother must be shot down from the tree tops, which will often kill the mother and the infant she is carrying (Anonymous, December 12, 2013). One center that preserves the gibbons is called the Gibbon Conservation Center. The center is devoted to saving the few remaining gibbons in the world. It was established in 1976 by Alan Richard Mootnick. The Gibbon Conservation Center houses some of the most rare groups of apes in the Western Hemisphere. With all of the gibbons that they are conserving, they have only successfully reproduced 7 gibbon species. The C.C.C. is the only institution in the world to house and bred all four genera of gibbon. The main mission of the G.C.C. is to promote the conservation, study and care of the gibbons through public education and habitat preservation (,

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