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Gbp Leadership Styles

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I consider myself to use the leadership styles of Management by Exception-Passive (MBE-P) and Management by Exception-Active (MBE-A). I utilize MBE-P when leading my fellow Noncommissioned Officers (NCOs). Being that everyone in my workplace is an NCO I find it best to trust in their capabilities and correct issues as they happen. Admittedly, this kind of style has led some of my coworkers to be lax in their responsibilities, causing me to either fix their mistakes myself or hold them accountable for their unacceptable behavior. On the other hand, my duties as a Quality Assurance Inspector require me to utilize MBE-A behavior. I am directly responsible for ensuring members at all levels remain in compliance with Air Force Instructions, …show more content…
Over the next 3-5 years I will take measures to move away from passive tendencies. To become a less MBE-P leader with my peers I will show more interest and commitment to my coworkers. This means getting more involved in their day to day tasks. The challenge for me will be to get involved in their tasks without stepping on their toes. This is out of my comfort zone because if I am involved in a job I really want to get it done my way. Instead of doing the task for them I can utilize Adaptive Thinking to help them solve their problems when complications arise. For instance, if a peer tells me they are facing an obstacle in completing a task, I can show them that I am committed to their success by brainstorming with them to come up with a way around their obstacle without completing the task for them. This type of outside the box thinking is more innovative than my Adaptor personality is comfortable with, so I will utilize Coping Behavior in order to brainstorm with my peer. Some ways I can cope with thinking innovatively to help my peer is possibly enlisting the help of more coworkers. This will do two things: First, it will better me as a leader by including more people and increasing team work. Second, the more people involved will ease the burden on me personally having to think outside of my cognitive preference because they will aid in brainstorming and may bridge …show more content…
While MBE-A is an effective style in dangerous situations, like working in aircraft maintenance, it is not the only option. By acting like less of a manager and taking each Airmen’s abilities and wants into account while inspecting and training, I can better my understanding of the Individualized Consideration (Caring) concept. This is especially difficult in my current duty because I do not have a Supervisor-subordinate relationship with the Airmen I oversee. In order to have these Airmen share their aspirations, capabilities, and limitations with me I will need to build a bond and trust with them. One way I will build these relationships is through teambuilding outside of the professional atmosphere through Physical Exercise. Physical Exercise is a proven means to lower stress levels. By inviting Airmen to join me for a run I will accomplish three things: First, I will demonstrate that I care enough about them individually to spend time and learn more about them. Second, I will get the opportunity to help these Airmen to improve their quality of life by offering them a healthy outlet to relieve their stress. Finally, through something as small as inviting Airmen to Physically Exercise with me, whether they accept my invitation or not, I have opened the communication channel for them to approach me with issues outside of their technical

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