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Systematic Review


Submitted By tbair
Words 1657
Pages 7
Systematic Review Analysis:
“A systematic review of nurses’ inter-shift handoff reports in acute care hospitals”


Outline: A) Introduction. B) Article Analysis. C) Conclusion.

Thesis: The present paper provides the analysis of the systematic review “A systematic review of nurses’ inter-shift handoff reports in acute care hospitals” by Poletick & Holly (2010). The influence of this review on clinical practice is discussed.

The article “A systematic review of nurses’ inter-shift handoff reports in acute care hospitals” by Poletick & Holly (2010) provides the systematic review of the handoff reports between and among the nurses which ensure the quality exchange of information for the improved health care service. The continuity of care is the major concern for nurses, and the procedure of patient care transfer should take that into account. The objective of the review was stated clearly and mentioned the appraisal and synthesis of the qualitative evidence related to the nursing handoff report. Moreover, the authors aimed at recommending the improvements which would facilitate and enhance the information transfer. by reviewing the qualitative studies which dealt with the real experience of nurses with their inter-shift handoff reports. As the authors admit, this is likely to contribute to the improvement of the patient care. The conclusion on the potential impact of the article on clinical practice is made. The problem which this article concentrates on is the continuity of care in the inter-shift handoff reports in acute care hospitals. The authors regarded the problem from the point of view of the practicing nurse who works with patients and interacts with other nurses and needs the cooperative environment around to improve the outcome

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