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Photosynthesis Lab

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The purpose of this lab was to observe the rate of photosynthesis in different temperatures.The trial that had all disks rise and seemed to have photosynthesis occur sooner than other fully completed trial was trial 1. This trial had higher increments of leaf disks floating sooner than trial 2 did as shown in table 1 with the raw data. Though trial 3 seemed to have the fasted rate of photosynthesis reaching 9 disks floating before any other trial and having more disks float sooner than any other. The only error with this trial, and trial 4, is that not all of the leaf disks ended up floating, leaving one that did not float by the end of the trial. Trial 3 also had the lowest time it took for half of the disks to float of all the other trials as shown in Chart 1. Trials 1-3 show times around the same relative time in chart 1 for the time it took for half of the disks to rise while trial 4 took around an extra 3 minutes for half of its disks to rise. This result could make sense considering that when the temperature becomes …show more content…
One of these variables is the height of the light. There was no fixed height for the light throughout the lab, so the intensity of the light may have changed, possibly affecting the rate of photosynthesis. Another variable that could have affected the results of the lab was the the heat wasn’t kept to temperature while photosynthesis was occurring in the leaf disks. Since the temperature was maintained, that means that while the leaf disks began floating, the temperature was progressively dropping, meaning this could have affected the rate of photosynthesis. One of the other factors that could have changed the outcome of the lab was how many veins were in a leaf disk. When hole punching the leaf disks, no major veins were taken in the leaf disks, however the amount of smaller veins within the leaf could have affected the possible outcome of the

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