...light spectrum power the process of photosynthesis. Visible light is the only wave that has enough energy to cause chemical change without destroying biological molecules. Short, high frequency waves such as gamma rays have way too much energy and break hydrogen bonds found within biological molecules. Longer waves of heat like microwaves or radiowaves do not possess enough energy and are absorbed by water molecules in the plant. Whenever light is absorbed from leaf pigments, electrons within each photosystem are raised into a increased energy level, which is used to produce ATP and to reduce NADP and NADPH, which is then used to make carbon dioxide into organic molecules, this process is called carbon fixation....
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...Name __________________________________________________ Date ___________________ Class ____________ Photosynthesis Virtual Labs Tutorial: http://www.harcourtschool.com/activity/science_up_close/512/deploy/interface.html Watch and listen to the tutorial found in the link above. Fill in the following answers as you watch. Stop and replay anything you don’t understand – this is a complicated topic! food 1. Plants use photosynthesis to make __________________ for the plant. 2. What do plants need in order to perform photosynthesis? Plants need light ( usually from the sun) in order to perform photosynthesis. 3. How is the plant able to obtain each “ingredient?” The plant obtains each ingredient from the air through open pores or holes in the leaves. 4. Identify the plant cell organelle in which photosynthesis takes place. Chloroplasts 5. Summarize the process of photosynthesis. Water and carbon enter the chloroplast….. When sun shines on the leaf, the chlorophyll in the chloroplast absorb some of the energy in the light. A chemical reaction occurs that changes the water and carbon dioxide into sugar and oxygen. The energy from the light is ultimately stored in the sugar. 6. What happens to the oxygen that is produced as a result of photosynthesis? The oxygen is released into the air. 7. Why is photosynthesis also important for people and animals? We get oxygen from the air when we breathe. And also if we eat fruits and vegetables, we get energy...
Words: 775 - Pages: 4
...Photosynthesis Lab * Intro: Photosynthesis is a process in which plants use sunlight to create glucose and oxygen byproduct from carbon dioxide and water. Photosynthesis involves a green pigment called chlorophyll. The formula for photosynthesis is 6CO2 + 6H2O ------> C6H12O6 + 6O2. Variables that can affect the process of photosynthesis include light intensity, temperature, and carbon dioxide levels. * Question: Do photosynthesis rates increase when more carbon dioxide is present? * Hypothesis: If more carbon dioxide is present, then the rate of photosynthesis will increase. * Variables: The dependent variable of this experiment is the rate of photosynthesis. The independent variable of this experiment is the level of CO2. The multiple control variables of this experiment include light intensity and temperature. * Materials: The materials required for this experiment are 50+ sample sized plants per group (to compare photosynthesis rates between plants with high levels of CO2 and normal levels of CO2), an O2 sensor (to measure how much oxygen byproduct the plant is producing), and a CO2 sensor (to measure CO2 levels). * Procedure: Put 50 plants in the control group and 50 in the independent group. Then add higher levels of CO2 to the independent group. Then add a CO2 sensor and an O2 sensor to measure the input and output of the photosynthesis process. Then add a lamp for light intensity and water as an input for the process. Graphs/...
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...functionality. On the colder extreme, the rate of photosynthesis is hindered due to a decrease in H+ concertation due to an alteration in the movement of the thylakoid membrane (Busch et al. 2006). Alternatively, elevated temperatures would also disrupt the rate of photosynthesis. The presence of heat would interfere with the Photosystem II of the light-dependent photosynthetic reactions (Agrawal et al. 2014). Similarly to cold conditions, the thylakoid...
Words: 617 - Pages: 3
...Cell Processes: Photosynthesis Part 1: Pigments in Plant Leaves Purpose: The purpose of this experiment is to visualize the pigments present in plant leaves by using paper chromatography. Materials Used: Chromatography vial with cap, wax pencil, disposable transfer pipet, chromatography solvent, chromatography paper strip, sharp pencil, ruler, pair of scissors, piece of fresh pre-soaked spinach, coin, pair of forceps. Observations and Data: Distance of Pigments From Original Pencil Line | | Pigment | Color | Migration Distance (mm) | Rf Value | | Carotene | Orange | 59 mm | .94 | | Xanthophyll | Yellow | 56 mm | .89 | | Chlorophyll a | Light Green | 29 mm | .46 | | Chlorophyll b | Dark Green | 14 mm | .22 | Solvent | | 63 mm | | Analysis and Results: 1. Which pigment migrated the farthest on the chromatogram? Explain how this migration occurred. According to the data Carotene travel furthest, this is because it was the most soluble and it didn't form bonds with the paper. 2. What does the Rf value represent? If you were to perform your experiment on a chromatography paper twice the length of the one used, would your Rf values still be the same? Rf value represent the distance traveled by the pigments divided by distance traveled by solvent. The Rf value would stay the same because if the pigments travel further so will the solvent. 3. How do plant pigments and the absorption spectrum relate to photosynthesis? In a plant there are...
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...survive every day. The oxygen that humans rely so heavily on is produced by plants in a process known as photosynthesis. Photosynthesis can be understood by simply looking at its equation. The equation for photosynthesis states that the reactants of carbon dioxide and water, with the use of solar energy, produce carbohydrates and oxygen. Photosynthesis is broken up into two types of reactions, the light reaction and the Calvin Cycle reaction. During the light reaction, pigments located inside plants absorb solar energy and convert that energy into chemical energy. The light reactions represent the portion of the photosynthesis equation where water converts...
Words: 1910 - Pages: 8
...Photosynthesis BIOS-135 Foundation of Biology & Chemistry with Lab Week V INTRODUCTION In this lab Photosynthesis is a process used by plants and other organisms to convert energy from the light, the most common solar light into chemical energy that can be later released to fuel the organisms' activities. And this happen on plants. Photosynthesis can be represented using a chemical equation. The overall balanced equation is... 6CO2 + 6H2O ------> C6H12O6 + 6O2 Sunlight energy Where: CO2 = carbon dioxide H2O = water Light energy is required C6H12O6 = glucose O2 = oxygen As light energy (in the form of photons) reaches a plant, chlorophyll molecules forming a light harvesting complex absorb that energy, exciting electrons. These electrons move along an electron transport chain, eventually transferring their energy into the bonds of ATP and NADPH. ATP and NADPH act as highly charged energy carriers ready to provide energy to continue photosynthesis in the dark reactions. (University, 2014) In the photosynthesis we have to different processes the light dependent process and the light independent process.in the light dependent process, or photo reduction, is the first stage of photosynthesis, in this process plants capture and store energy from sunlight, In this process light energy is converted into chemical energy, in the form of the energy carrying molecules ATP and NADPH. In the light-independent reactions, the formed NADPH and ATP drive the...
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...As shown in Tables 1-4 and Figure 1, each beaker of leaf disks had a different rate at which the disks rose to the surface of the solution. Table 1 indicates that within the 30 cm Light CO2 beaker, a total of four leaf disks surfaced, the first disk rose at the 10 minutes, the second at 12 minutes, the third at 14 minutes, and the fourth at 15 minutes. This results in a line of best fit with a slope of about 0.27 disk/min. Table 2 indicates that within the 30 cm Dark CO2 beaker, a total of three leaf disks surfaced in the 15 minute time period, the first disk rose at the 8 minutes, the second at 11 minutes, and the third at 14 minutes. It also shows that zero disks surfaced after it was taken out of the light. This results in a line of best...
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...Description of Graph: As shown, yellow light has the fastest rate of photosynthesis out of white, red, and yellow light. The red light has the slowest rate of photosynthesis out of white, red, and yellow light. The white light has the median rate of photosynthesis out of the white, red, and yellow light. Analysis and Conclusion: The hypothesis for the white light experiment was: If white light is shone on the leaf disks in the beaker containing sodium bicarbonate, then the amount of time it takes for the four leaf disks to float will be faster than yellow and red light because visible light includes all wavelengths of color. For this experiment, the hypothesis was refuted. The amount of time that it took the leaf disks to float was faster than the red light, but it was not faster than the yellow light. While the white light had an average rate of 360 seconds, yellow light had an average rate of 224 seconds, and red light had an average rate of 488.75 seconds. The hypothesis for the red light experiment was: If red light is shone on the leaf disks in the beaker...
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...The purpose of this lab was to observe the rate of photosynthesis in different temperatures.The trial that had all disks rise and seemed to have photosynthesis occur sooner than other fully completed trial was trial 1. This trial had higher increments of leaf disks floating sooner than trial 2 did as shown in table 1 with the raw data. Though trial 3 seemed to have the fasted rate of photosynthesis reaching 9 disks floating before any other trial and having more disks float sooner than any other. The only error with this trial, and trial 4, is that not all of the leaf disks ended up floating, leaving one that did not float by the end of the trial. Trial 3 also had the lowest time it took for half of the disks to float of all the other trials as shown in Chart 1. Trials 1-3 show times around the same relative time in chart 1 for the time it took for half of the disks to rise while trial 4 took around an extra 3 minutes for half of its disks to rise. This result could make sense considering that when the temperature becomes...
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...[Photosynthesis Practical Report]Title: rate that photosynthesis occurs using ivy leaf discs in various concentrations of sodium bicarbonate aqueous solution Abstract: | [Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document. Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document.] | Introduction: The purpose of this practical is to investigate the effect of varying the available concentration of sodium bicarbonate on the rate of photosynthesis in ivy leaf discs. The rate of photosynthesis can be increased or decreased in many different ways. One method in particular, by adding substances like alkaline or salt to the water, you can increase or decrease the acidity or basics, if the water has too much acidity, it can often delay the rate of photosynthesis, often stopping the rate of photosynthesis in the plant, which will possibly lead to killing the plant. Ivy leaf disks will float normally, when the air spaces are infiltrated with solution the overall density of the leaf disk increases and the disk sinks. The infiltration solution includes a small amount of sodium bicarbonate. Bicarbonate ion serves as the carbon source for photosynthesis. As photosynthesis proceeds oxygen is released into the interior of the leaf which changes the buoyancy, causing the disks to rise. Since cellular respiration is taking place at the same time, consuming oxygen, the...
Words: 1931 - Pages: 8
...University of Phoenix Due Date: August 30, 2011 EXPLORATION What is the relationship between the increase in light intensity and the photosynthetic rate in leaves from a corn plant? How does this relationship compare with what you observed for tomato plants? As light intensity increases, the photosynthetic rate of a plant increases as well. However biochemical reaction, in fact, DO have temperature limits because if the temperatures reach a certain degree and overheat, the enzymes will get damaged and/or lost and inevitably die. Therefore, temperatures must be a tolerable limits in order to increase a photosynthetic rate. Photosynthesis at low temperatures actually take CO2 more efficiently. The rate of photosynthesis is decreased by higher oxygen concentrations. Lower temperatures inhibit Rubisco and forces this enzyme to to work competitively. Rubisco works competitively because is actually binds itself to oxygen rather than binding to carbon dioxide because of the mere attraction. Therefore, in doing so, this activates photorespiration rather than photosynthesis. Photosynthesis in corn is different from photosynthesis in a tomato. Corn is part of CO4. CO4 plants are actually able to capture CO2 into precursor acids. In doing so, CO2 is kept at a constant rate. Increases and decreases in temperature do not affect the rate of CO2. Corn is able to continue efficient energy production which surprisingly allows it to grow no matter what the obstacle may be. This relationship...
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...Introduction: Photosynthesis is one of the most fundamental processes that take place in plants and some other organisms. Photosynthesis converts solar energy into chemical energy of a carbohydrate (Mader & Windelspecht, 2013).The whole process takes place in the chloroplasts of green plant cells containing the pigment chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is one of the most important molecules in existence as all energy capture starts from there (Mader, 2010). If none of this pigment is in existence, plants would be able to absorb all spectrums of light including green light and thus would then appear black instead of green (Mader & Windelspecht, 2013). Light energy, Carbon dioxide and water is needed for the production of simple sugars and oxygen. Chemical...
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...Investigation 2 Paragraph 1 Based on the results of our photosynthesis experiment, we can state that each treatment of light, varying in intensity of the light source, were not significantly different from each other. The positive control at 2 feet away from the light source when compared to the treatment of higher intensity of light at 1 foot away from the light source had a p-value of 0.1778. The positive control when compared to the treatment of lower intensity of light at 3 feet away from the light source had a p-value of .7484. Finally, when comparing the treatment exposed to a higher intensity of light a 1 foot way from the light source to the treatment exposed to a lower intensity of light at 3 feet away from the light source had...
Words: 1763 - Pages: 8
...AP® Investigation #5 Cell Processes: Photosynthesis –STUDENT GUIDE Kit # 36W7405 Table of Contents Background. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Part 1: plant pigments and chromatography (Structured inquiry). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Part 2: floating disc assay (Guided Inquiry) . . . . . . . . . 6 Part 3: design an experiment (OPEN inQUIRY) . . . . . . . . . 9 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 **AP® and the Advanced Placement Program are registered trademarks of the College Entrance Examination Board. The activity and materials in this kit were developed and prepared by Ward’s Natural Science Establishment, which bears sole responsibility for their contents. Copymaster. Permission granted to make unlimited copies for use in any one school building. For educational use only. Not for commercial use or resale. US: www.wardsci.com Canada: www.wardsci.ca ©2012, Ward’s Natural Science All Rights Reserved 250-7455 v.7/12 AP® Investigation #5: Cell Processes: Photosynthesis –STUDENT GUIDE Kit # 36W7405 Background OBJEcTIVES ‹ Design a plan for collecting data to show that all biological systems are affected by complex biotic and abiotic interactions. ‹ Use models to predict and justify that changes in the subcomponents of a biological polymer affect...
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