... 2 ! In the history of the world, women have ruled the world, shaped the world, and changed the world and in the United States, women have had a storied and grand history that has evolved the role of women from typical housewife to leaders of women's rights movements and has shown their true worth and true potential to their male counterparts. In this paper, I will be talking about six key events and time periods that have changed not just women's history but the overall history a nation. Three of these events and time periods will be before 1930 and three of them will be after 1930 to give the reader an overall sense of the evolution of the role women have played. The events that I will be talking about are the roles that women played in World War One beginning in 1914, the second historic event is the 19th Amendment, giving women the right to vote, the third time period I will be talking about before 1930 is that of the roaring 1920s. After 1930, the changes were still happening for women and World War II was a major point in the evolution of what it means to be a woman, this time period was quickly followed by the baby boom. The final time period I will discuss is the Feminist Movement in the 1960s and how those efforts have led to a lasting impression of who women are in today's modern era. WOMEN IN AMERICA Annotated Bibliography: Rochman, H. (2001). Those extraordinary women of world war I. The Booklist, 98(6), 564-564. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/235519051...
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...countries and sells its products in more than 150 nations throughout the world. In 1945, Ruth and Elliot Handler and Harold "Matt Matson develop this new company out of their garage workshop located in Southern California. Although the first products they create are simply picture frames, Elliot takes the left over pieces of these frames and put them to use to make dollhouse furniture. These dollhouse furniture pieces were just a side business for Elliot though. Harold Matson soon sells out his partner, and, being confident from the success of the dollhouse furniture, the Handler's decide to turn the companies' emphasis on toys. In the year 1947, the "Uke-A-Doodle is the first, in a line if musical toys. In 1948, Mattel is incorporated in Hawthorne, California. During the year 1955, Mattel becomes involved with "Mickey Mouse Club . This very popular show soon become the major spot of advertising for Mattel, which revolutionized they way the toys were marketed. It also introduced they another great product, the "Burp Gun , and automatic cap gun. During the late 1950's, well, 1959 to be exact, the most sot after doll, "Barbie makes her first appearance. This doll was named after a girl Barbie, short for Barbara, created by her mother Ruth Handler. When Barbie was a young child, Ruth would often times see her daughter playing with paper dolls. Since the majority of dolls in those days were baby dolls,...
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...recession. As he was approaching his sixty-second birthday that was attended by co-workers, supervisors and even the owner attended his party to honor this impressive worker. During this time, the owner decided that the time was right to hire a young worker to be trained by Paul to continue the specialized production for the distant future. This was a prudent decision, because all owners and CEO’S have a primary responsibility to improve the bottom line. I know this is true because every business course that I have had this is the message provided by my professors. This story then takes a turn for the worst. Paul trains the young worker, and then the owner thinks why am I paying two people for the same job? Who do you think gets his walking papers? Paul is clearly a victim of age discrimination. Like most of the labor force he is ignorant of the law and becomes one of the many of unreported cases of this abuse of power. In order to help protect those who stand to be singled out and let go because of the unfairness of ageism, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) was created to protect older employees. Sometimes reality is more radical than fantasy. Paul, the welder, was created to show a human touch, reality is the shocking case in a Kmart store in Honolulu. Laurie McCann, attorney for AARP retold the story starting with the Manager telling a 70 year old that she was greedy and too old for her job. He abused...
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...Psychology Paper Historical Roots of Psychology Psychology as defined in the Merriam Webster dictionary is the science of mind and behavior. It has been around for 130 years in the realms of science. In the history of psychology, there are different people who studied different aspects under this topic. One of those people were Plato who was Aristotle’s teacher. He stated that the soul could exist even when away or separated from the body. This concept is known as “dualism”. “In dualism, ‘mind’ is contrasted with ‘body’” (http://plato.stanford.edu/archives/win2012/entries/dualism). Another person is René Descartes. He agreed with Plato about the concept of dualism and he believed that the “pineal gland” which is the small organ at the base of the brain involved in sleep was the “seat of the soul” (Saundra K. Ciccarelli, 2012). “The pineal gland played an important role in Descartes' account because it was involved in sensation, imagination, memory, and the causation of bodily movements” (http://plato.stanford.edu/archives/sum2011/entries/pineal-gland/). By this information we can connect the pineal gland being the seat of the soul by it being involved in sensation, imagination, memory, and the cause of bodily movements. It is said to be the seat of the soul because it is where the soul from being “individual”, becomes one with the body. Gustav Fechneris who was a physician and a physicist, often credited with performing some of the first scientific experiments that...
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...| APPEALS PROCESS | Describing the appeals process | | Ashlee Flemimg | 2/12/2012 | Abstract An appeal in the criminal law system is a defendant’s way of challenging the court’s decision. In this paper I will discuss what an appeal is, how it factors into the overall procedures and process of the criminal system. How the appeals process may be improved. Steps in the appeals process and an example case of an appeal. And why the example case appeal did or did not succeed. Introduction A defendant can challenge is conviction by filling an appeal to have the conviction overturned. The first appeal filed in most cases in the Federal System and most State Court systems is an appeal of the Statutory Right. If they lose the appeals under the statutory right they may then appeal to the State Supreme Court or the U.S. Supreme Court. But in most cases a defendant does not have the right to file such an appeal. The Supreme Court must agree to hear the defendant’s case. But defendant needs to remember that an Appeals Court is not automatically required to review a case. What is an appeal? An appeal is a petition to a higher court for review of a case that has already been decided by a lower court of law. The petition is made for the purpose of having the lower court’s decision overturned. How do appeals factor into the overall criminal procedures and processes? Merely filing an appeal does not automatically mean that a defendant will find it easy to have the court...
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...remember, I’ll have done twelve years of this, and it’s only for the last six they’ve let me choose. And why shouldn’t they? Carers aren’t machines. You try and do your best for every donor, but in the end, it wears you down. You don’t have unlimited patience and energy. So when you get a chance to choose, of course, you choose your own kind. That’s natural. There’s no way I could have gone on for as long as I have if I’d stopped feeling for my donors every step of the way. And anyway, if I’d never started choosing, how would I ever have got close again to Ruth and Tommy after all those years? But these days, of course, there are fewer and fewer donors left who I remember, and so in practice, I haven’t been choosing that much. As I say, the work gets a lot harder when you don’t have that deeper link with the donor, and though I’ll miss being a carer, it feels just about right to be finishing at last come the end of the year. Ruth, incidentally, was only the third or fourth donor I got to choose. She already had a carer assigned to her at the time, and I remember it taking a bit of nerve on my part. But in the end I managed it, and the instant I saw her again, at that recovery centre in Dover, all our differences—while they didn’t exactly vanish—seemed not nearly as important as all the other things: like the fact that we’d grown up together at Hailsham, the fact that we knew and remembered things no one else did. It’s ever since then, I suppose, I started seeking out for my donors...
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...Impact and Relationship of Substance Abuse and Child Maltreatment: Risk and Resiliency Factors What Research Tells Us Martha Morrison Dore, Ph.D. Columbia University School of Social Work 622 West 113th Street New York, New York 10027 212/854-5461 Paper prepared for presentation at the conference entitled “Protecting Children in Substance Abusing Families,” September 28, 1998, sponsored by the Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare, University of Minnesota School of Social Work, Minneapolis, MN. Researchers are just beginning to demonstrate empirically what child protective services workers have been observing for nearly two decades now: many, if not most, families who come to the attention of the child welfare system are involved with drugs or alcohol or both. Founded cases of child abuse and neglect have risen exponentially since the mid-1980s, when the crack form of cocaine, a cheap, easily used form of the drug, became widely available. Studies conducted since that time have identified substance abuse as a contributing factor in 40% to 80% of substantiated cases of child maltreatment (Curtis & McCullough, 1993; Magura & Laudet, 1996; Murphy, Jellinek, Quinn, Smith, Poitrast, & Goshko, 1991). Further, studies of substance abusing parents have found child-rearing beliefs and attitudes that heighten risk for child abuse (Williams-Peterson et al., 1994), as well as elevated rates of first-time reports to child protective services (Jaudes & Ekwo, 1995), re-reports...
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...Republic of ZambiaZAMBIA BASIC EDUCATION COURSEHOME ECONOMICSSYLLABUSGRADE 8 – 9Published by the Curriculum Development CentreP.O. Box 50092Lusaka | ZAMBIA BASIC EDUCATION COURSE HOME ECONOMICS SYLLABUS GRADE 8 – 9 Published by the Curriculum Development Centre P.O. Box 50092 Lusaka (c) All rights Reserved. No parts of this syllabus may be produced, stored in a retrieval manner, transmitted in any means without the prior consent of the copyright owner. Phototypeset and printed by Printpak (Z) Ltd. P R E F A C E This Home Economics Syllabus is proposed in conformity with the Educational Reforms. It incorporates the following components: Food and Nutrition, Home Management, Health Education, Needlework and Crafts. Through this syllabus the learner is taught to prepare well balanced appetizing meals for the family with minimum equipment, limited time and money; to maintain and manage the available resources of the home; to provide clothing for the family; and to maintain the good physical and mental health of the members of the family. The content encourages practical experiences and creativity along with knowledge. The family is the smallest unit of the community. By improving family life, the syllabus aims at improving the community as a whole. Chairman EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL OF ZAMBIA DIRECTOR CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT CENTRE LUSAKA I A C K N O W L E D G E M E N T S The members of the Home Economics Working Committee were: ...
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...9 -5 1 2 -0 8 5 REV: MAY 25, 2012 ANAT KEINAN JILL AVERY FIONA WILSON MICHAEL NORTON EILEEN FISHER: Repositioning the Brand Hilary Old, vice president for communications, was one part excited and one part nervous, so she took a moment to adjust her scarf before she entered the meeting. It was January of 2010 and she and her colleagues were about to review the first retail sales results following a major strategic initiative to reposition and evolve the EILEEN FISHER brand. 2009 marked the 25th anniversary of EILEEN FISHER and the occasion gave the company the impetus to pause and assess its history. The company had enjoyed phenomenal success in its first quarter century: its growth in revenues and profits had been driven by both the strong brand loyalty of its core customers, and the opening of fifty retail stores dedicated to the brand. The company was consistently recognized as one of the best companies to work for and had an impressive environmental sustainability and social responsibility record. However, a startling discovery had emerged. The median customer age was currently at 59 and increasing each year, keeping pace with the age of the company’s visionary founder, Eileen Fisher. Despite the company’s best efforts to design age-less clothing to appeal to multiple generations, as Fisher herself aged, so too had the customer base. The company found itself stereotyped as a brand for older, and, to some extent, customers with larger body types. Old...
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...COSMETICS ADOPTION AMONG YOUNG MALE ADULTS IN MALAYSIA CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Problem Background Personal identity is increasingly sought by consumers and one is recognized based on what one consumes (Firat & Venkatesh, 1993). People try to become the being they desire to be by consuming the items that they imagine will help to create and sustain their idea of themselves, their image and their identity (Bocock, 1993). Judgements about individuals are no longer made upon occupation or role in production but rather on what is consumed and how individuals present themselves (Firat, 1993). Through the possession of products, consumers can display their successes reflecting their personal achievement (Mitchell, 1983). Postmodern consumerism is obsessed with appearance and consumption, where style is a substitute for identity and presentation overshadows essence. This concept is part of a culture that have feminized men (Brod, 1995) and considers women and men as equally involved in the practices of consumption (Bocock, 1993). Masculine and feminine differences have been abolished by the postmodern patterns of consumption (Kacen, 2000) and these patterns of consumption are both determined and enhanced by the types of products consumers invest in (Seabrook, 1999). The construction of the male consumer of who they are, of their identity as men, is now achieved as much through style of dress, body care, image and having the right look, as do their female counterparts...
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...Devry PSYC 110 All Weeks Discussions (All 14 Discussions ] All Quizes All Assignment Midterm And Final IF You Want To Purchase A+ Work then Click The Link Below For Instant Down Load http://www.hwspeed.com/Devry-PSYC-110-All-Weeks-Discussions-5811230254.htm?categoryId=-1 IF You Face Any Problem Then E Mail Us At JOHNMATE1122@GMAIL.COM Question Week 1 discussion Psychological Research (graded) The text gives seven major perspectives in modern psychology (Study Organizer 1.1). These perspectives are based on observations of how people think, feel, and act. Select a perspective that you think best explains human behavior and evaluate it for strengths and weaknesses. Biological Foundations (graded) An on-going debate continues on the influence of nature and nurture on human behavior. If you had to argue that either genetics (nature) or environment (nurture) has the greater impact on human development, which would you pick, and why? Week 2 discussion Stress (graded) We are exploring the nature of stress, its effect on human functioning, and techniques to minimize stress. What is the biggest source of stress you have in your life? What is the most effective technique you have used to handle it? Sensation and Perception (graded) Sensation and perception are two different processes. Does sensory stimulus shape our perceptions? Do our perceptions misinterpret our sensations? How does that happen? Week 3 discussion Learning (graded) ...
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...widespread and devastating epidemics we are currently dealing with. Many factors about this virus contribute to making it spread faster, become deadlier, and leaves no one unaffected. HIV/AIDS reaches the young and the old, the rich and the poor, and those in developed and undeveloped countries. Education about the virus and how it is approached to different people also affects how it is spread, several cultural factors come into play as to how effective it is in preventing future contraction of the virus. The cultural perceptions of the virus also affect how the virus is researched and how medicines are developed for it. Religion also plays a role in how the virus is spread and can have an impact on how those who are researching the disease research it. The spread of HIV/AIDS is affected by several factors the main ones being the approach of education taken, cultural perceptions of the disease, and religion. Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) was first recognized as a disease in 1981 (Kshatriya, 2005, pg. 69). Before 1981 it was found in the Caribbean and in African countries but it wasn’t until those first cases in the United States were diagnosed that the disease was officially recognized. HIV/AIDS exploded in America in the early 80’s, and initially they thought that AIDS was a “gay disease” and called it GRID standing for “gay related immune disease” (Lovell, 2011, pg. 111). This caused an initial stigmatization of the disease due to the association with homosexuality...
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...A Report to the Nation Maggie Gallagher, Principal Investigator The Age of Unwed Mothers Is Teen Pregnancy the Problem? Institute for American Values This report comes from the Marriage Project of the Institute for American Values. Maggie Gallagher, the principal investigator, is an affiliate scholar at the Institute and the director of its Marriage Project. The Institute is grateful to Amara Bachu, Douglas J. Besharov, Norval Glenn, Dana Mack, Steven L. Nock, and Maris Vinovskis for their scholarly and editorial suggestions, and to the William H. Donner Foundation for its generous financial support of this initiative. The contributions of other supporters are also greatly appreciated. On the cover: Maternity (1950) by Milton Avery. Oil on canvas, 32 X 46 inches. Collection of Sally M. Avery. ©1999, Milton Avery Trust/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York, NY. © 1999, Institute for American Values. All rights reserved. No reproduction of the materials contained herein is permitted without the written permission of the Institute for American Values. ISBN 0-9659841-5-X Institute for American Values 1841 Broadway, Suite 211 New York, NY 10023 Tel: (212) 246-3942 Fax: (212) 541-6665 info@americanvalues.org www.americanvalues.org The Age of Unwed Mothers Is Teen Pregnancy the Problem? Executive Summary Why have three decades of intensive national effort to reduce teen pregnancy not been more successful? Largely because for three decades, we have framed...
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...ASSIGNMENT 10 PROJECT WORK a) Project for primary classroom THE TROPICAL RAINFOREST UNITOVERVIEW This primary unit takes across curricular approach involving language arts, math, science, and social studies. Art, music and movement education activities are also used to develop the concepts in this unit. Students will learn about the rainforest through a variety of activities to complete both on-line and in downloadable format for use in the classroom. In addition there is a resource bank of print and non-print resources included. Each lesson develops a particular focus and may take one class or several classes to complete. Extending activities are also provided as well as assessment and evaluation tools and templates. Foundational Objectives: Knowledge ! Students will increase their knowledge about the rainforest. Skills and habits * Learn about and practice the skills and strategies of effective listeners, speakers, readers, writers and representers. * Speak and write to express thoughts, information, feelings and experiences in a variety of forms for a variety of purposes and audiences. * Read and view a range of grade-level appropriate oral, print, and other media texts in a variety of situations for a variety of purposes. * Assess personal and group strengths...
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...Bernie Madoff: The Makings of a Ponzi Scheme Brent Casebolt Keller Graduate School of Management Abstract This paper explores seven published articles that report on the story of Bernard Madoff. These articles were the results of research conducted on the internet and include well known publications and authors throughout the United States. Some articles paint a picture of the timeline that brought Bernie Madoff to his ultimate demise. From humble beginnings to Federal prisoner in North Carolina, the story is full of interesting facts and unbelievable occurrences. Other articles bring to life the sad story of other players involved in the Ponzi scheme. While others lay out in great detail the failings of our own government to put Bernie Madoff away much sooner than he was. Finally, this paper will explore the role of digital evidence in this Ponzi scheme and the simplicity of computer hardware and software involved. Bernie Madoff: The Makings of a Ponzi Scheme Bernie Madoff has been one of the most interesting and controversial figures in all of American financial industry history. In this paper, I will take you on a journey from his early childhood to his current status as a Federal prisoner in North Carolina. I will discuss all of the major players involved in the Ponzi scheme, the SEC’s failure to catch him on numerous occasions, and the digital evidence that he did or did not leave behind during his life of crime. After examining all of the above, I...
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