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Submitted By enrico28
Words 271
Pages 2
Biology 334
TA: Emily Parodi


Water is many times the source of bacteria, for this reason it is necessary to examine water that could be the source of many infectious diseases such as cholera, dysentery and typhoid fever. During this experiment the examination o water samples was performed with the purpose of finding out it the water being examined contained bacterial organism, it is important from the microbiological type of view to look for specific types of bacteria because water can contain some bacteria that are harmless and other who are pathogens. To find out if water is contaminated scientist look for the presence of coliforms, like E coli and Enterobacter aerogenes, it’s easy for scientist to demonstrate the presence of fecal bacteria, because is found in the human intestine not in soil of water. If by examining water one encounters the presence of any fecal bacteria it’s possible that the water might be a contaminated an potentially cause disease. Some characteristics of coliforms are: They are gram negative, facultative anaerobic non endospore forming rods that ferment lactose to produce acid an gas in 48 hours at 35°C. In the experiment a water sample picked from a random source was used to look for the precense of coliforms using the membrane filter method wich consist in using a filter membrane wich have pores that are smaller than most of the bacteria including coliforms about 0.45um in diameter so bacteria gets retained in the membrane the membrane containing coliforms is then placed into a plate wich is incubated at 35°C and will produce the formation of

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