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Bad Parent Child Relationships

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The Up and Down Relationship
Mother Teresa once said “If we cannot love the person whom we see, how can we love god, whom we cannot see.” Have you ever wondered what causes parent and child relationships to work well or to cause it to crumble? Parent and child relationships will differ depending who the person might be. While they are complicated, nothing can replace the bond between them, it is irreplaceable. Parent and child relationships may or may not change depending on how they treat each other. Some parents and children might get along great while others might not even talk to each other. Although there are many different types of bonds between a parent and child,they are all very complex and have varying tensions. There are several different types of relationships between a parent and a child, some are good while others can lead to a disaster. The relationship that every parent and child want to have is a secure relationship. A relationship that a parent and child don’t want to have is the avoidant relationship or a disorganized relationship. Secure relationship is when they both get along well and the child is always happy to see the adult. In the article …show more content…
Children want to be able to have a strong relationship with their parent because it could effect in the years to come. In the article “ Tensions in the Parent and Adult Child Relationship: Links to Solidarity and Ambivalence” the author illustrates how “ tensions are normative in the parent and child relationship” (Birditt et al.). Meaning that it is good to have some tension in the relationship but not a lot. In the article it also states “ they may vary from minor infarctions to overt conflicts” (Birditt et al.). While a parent and child may fight, these bumps along the way will be smoothed out with time. The more arguments the child and parent have the harder it is to fix the

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