...are not happy with the way your teeth look, it may affect your self confidence and you may no longer want to smile. Cosmetic dentistry and materials science has made a great deal of progress in helping people to gain confidence in their appearance and smile and could probably help you as well. When a patient's teeth have flaws or have become damaged, porcelain veneers or crowns, also referred to as caps are used to restore the teeth for a more brilliant smile. Crowns are used to fit over and cover damaged or flawed teeth. Porcelain veneers are a covering for a tooth that is custom made to restore the front of the tooth. The covering is thin and blends with the natural color of the other teeth so it can't be easily seen. Problems that Porcelain Veneers and Crowns Can Address If you have excessive damage to your teeth because of tooth decay, these two products can help. Teeth that are stained permanently or are discolored for a variety of reasons will benefit from cosmetic dentistry that involves veneers or caps. If your teeth have become brittle after having root canal or have become fractured for any reason, porcelain veneers and crowns can address these issues as well. In the past, crowns were the way that we addressed these problems. Today, porcelain veneers have become a popular way to make teeth whiter and brighter and can cover a...
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...Lily Huntzinger 4-16-16 ELA Science Fair Research Paper Soda has been around for as long as people can remember. More than 100 years ago to be exact. It started when Joseph Priestly invented carbonated water by putting this mix of carbon dioxide on top of a vat of fizzing beer. From then on, soda was used to cure people in the 19th century. It was used in local pharmacies and for medical treatment (author unknown, 2015). Following, soda then become a satisfying beverage with too many flavors to count. Lemon lime, orange, grape and many more. This yummy drink had people fooled for many years. Now soda is a big mixture of fake flavors, carbonated sugar water, and a big lake of acids and chemicals (Nocito,2013). Sodas ingredients used to be made with all natural flavors that were not only good for you, but yummy and satisfying as well. It was a blend of fruits and vegetables along with seltzer and herbs. It also contained syrups of all different flavors. No one could resist this bubbling drink. Containing only a pinch of sugar, it wasn't as bad for a person's health than store bought sodas. For its sweetener, the soda used organic honey. It makes people wonder why there was big transition from healthy to unhealthy....
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...Prosthodontist is the dentist who is committed to the restoration and replacement of teeth by focusing on fixed or removable prosthodontist. When your tooth is too bad to just get a regular fill-in by a general dentist, you will have to visit a prosthodontist. Then they will make you an inlay, onlay, crown, bridges, or you might just have to get dentures. Throughout this paper I will be providing the history on prosthodontist, what do a prosthodontist do, and what is the difference between prosthodontist and a general dentist? According to Academy of Prosthodontics, "In Chicago, Illinois of 1918 the National Dental Association meeting was held to discuss the prosthodontist status." It wasn’t until 1922 were it was completed and presented to the membership. In 1923 the members decided to add removable partial dentures to the program. Also, the organization changes its name two times before they decided to stay with "Academy of Prosthodontics" in the late 1980's. The Educational and Research Foundation of Prosthodontic was founded in 1960. By 1991 it superseded to providing grants for education and outreach projects. As of today, the organization continues to grow and expend with new ideas from the younger members that are coming in. "The specialty of prosthodontist is earned with...
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...with every cigarette that they consume. These health issues are a direct cause of the cigarettes and the toxins that are incased in a small piece of paper. How can such a small 3-inch item contain so many harmful elements that can be so detrimental to the body? Also, why do so many people insist on continuing to smoke even though they know the side affects and how it can deteriorate your body? As many research studies have shown smoking has a direct correlation to lung disease. With smoking, there are many other problems such as; lack of breathes, rotten teeth, coughing spells, smelly odor and others. With all of these problems that stem from smoking, why would anyone continue to smoke? Starting with the first problem, lung disease. The toxins that are inside of the cigarette are the cause of the lung disease. Of these toxins include tar, butane, formaldehyde, arsenic, and many other terrible ingredients (Breyer, 2011). So every time you smoke a single cigarette you are ingesting dead body preservative, lighter fluid, and poison. There is no reason to smoke and put these harmful products into your body. Cigarettes will change your life and not for the better. Cigarettes not only cause health issues but also become a social and financial burden as well. The social burden is that the smell repulses many people. Also, a person’s teeth become rotten and the skin begins to wrinkle. These are very undesirable traits and usually cause a loss of friends. In terms of the financial burden...
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...I have learned that too much of anything is bad for you so you always have to keep a moderation of anything and everything. We need saturated and unsaturated fats but we have to understand the common misconception between them. “While it is well known that there are saturated and unsaturated fats, fewer people are aware that unsaturated fats are further classified into two other groups:monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats.” (Saturated Fats vs Unsaturated Fats) There is a third type of fat known as a trans fat. Trans fats are actually a kind of unsaturated fat, but they stand out from other types of fat because they very rarely occur in foods naturally. There is a third type of fat known as a trans fat. Trans fats are actually a kind of unsaturated fat, but they stand out from other types of fat because they very rarely occur in foods...
Words: 1630 - Pages: 7
...CASE Procter & Gamble, Inc. Scope As Gwen Hearst looked at the year-end report, she was pleased to see that Scope held a 32 percent share of the Canadian mouthwash market for 1990. She had been concerned about the inroads that Plax, a prebrushing rinse, had made in the market. Since its introduction in 1988, Plax had gained a 10 percent share of the product category and posed a threat to Scope. As brand manager, Hearst planned, developed, and directed the total marketing effort for Scope, Procter & Gamble's (P&G) brand in the mouthwash market. She was responsible for maximizing the market share, volume, and profitability of the brand. Until the entry of Plax, brands in the mouthwash market were positioned around two major benefits: fresh breath and killing germs. Plax was positioned around a new benefit-as a "plaque fighter"-and indications were that other brands, such as Listerine, were going to promote this benefit. The challenge for Hearst was to develop a strategy that would ensure the continued profitability of Scope in the face of these competitive threats. Her specific task was to prepare a marketing plan for P&G's mouthwash business for the next three years. It was early February 1991, and she would be presenting the plan to senior management in March. ■ COMPANY BACKGROUND Based on a philosophy of providing products of superior quality and value...
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...Start Your Career in Web Design www.campusexplorer.com/WebDesign Pursuasion Points 82 Strategic Exercises for Writing High-Scoring Persuasive Essays www.maupinhouse.com Homework / Study Tips Ads •College Students •Research Paper Example •Essay Writing •Speeches •Best Essays Looking for a topic you can really sink your teeth into? The best topic is one that you truly care about, and one that you're prepared to research. You'll have to back up your claim (whichever side you choose) with lots of evidence and support. These topics are sure to spark some interest. Note:If these topics are a little too controversial, try Persuasive Essay Topics. 1. Is global climate change man-made? (Find Sources) 2. Is the death penalty effective? (Find Sources) 3. Is our election process fair? 4. Do colleges put too much stock in standardized test scores? (Find Sources) 5. Is torture ever acceptable? 6. Should men get paternity leave from work? 7. Is a lottery a good idea? 8. Do we have a fair taxation system? 9. Do curfews keep teens out of trouble? 10. Is cheating out of control? 11. Are we too dependent on computers? 12. Are parents clueless about child predators on the Internet? 13. Should animals be used for research? 14. Should cigarette smoking be banned? 15. Are cell phones dangerous? 16. Are law enforcement cameras an invasion of privacy? 17. Are test scores a good indication of a school's competency? 18. Do we...
Words: 331 - Pages: 2
...Ajasiz Johnson American Intercontinental University Consumer Marketing MKT655 – Research Methods in Marketing June 23, 2013 Abstract Celebrities are often used by advertising agencies to endorse their products in an attempt to persuade the consumer to purchase their products. This paper discusses how celebrity endorsements tend to have an effect on consumers. Consumer Marketing Introduction Advertising obviously plays an essential role in the success or failure of a product. In some cases, using celebrity endorsers to promote products has been quite an effective campaign strategy for advertisers. Celebrity endorsed campaigns are created to sway the consumers and to promote a positive image. Research on Brand Endorser and Consumer Perception Since one of the key objectives of an advertising agency is to persuade customers to purchase the products they represent, an advertisement’s credibility plays an intricate part in heightening the sense of appeal to potential consumers. The enormous amount of money that is allotted for advertising budgets for celebrity endorsements indicate that they are vital in the “advertising world”. Pursuing a celebrity endorsement strategy enables advertisers to project a credible image in terms of expertise, persuasiveness, trustworthiness, and objectiveness (Till and Shimp 1998). Even though it may sound vain, when creating campaigns, advertisers also have to consider the attractiveness, physical appearance, personality, etc., of...
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...Research Paper: Digestive System of Mammals A mammal’s digestive system depends on the food that their main diets consist of. Mammals are classified into three categories: carnivores, herbivores and nectar-feeding animals. This report will be focusing on the differences in each separate digestive system. Herbivore An herbivore is the term specified to a group of animals that feed on plants alone. Because of this eating regime, their digestive system is adapted in order to cater for the animals’ needs. One of the major features of the digestive system is teeth. The teeth of an herbivore consist mainly of incisors, molars and premolars in order to cut, bite, crush and grind their food. The canines, which are used for tearing flesh, are very small, as the herbivore does not need it when consuming plants. In some cases, the canines are non-existent. The molars are a distinctive feature of some herbivores due to the protrusions on the surface known as cusps, which help to grind and chew food over a long period of time. Plants contain cellulose, which can only be broken down after much crushing and grinding. Because of this characteristic, some animals replace their upper incisors with pads known as the horny pads. The lower incisors are able to bite against this bad in order to properly cut plants. Other adaptations of herbivores and how they “digest” cellulose include a vast range of characteristics. Some herbivores have a longer caecum, a pouch that is to be considered...
Words: 1639 - Pages: 7
...CASE Procter & Gamble, Inc. Scope As Gwen Hearst looked at the year-end report, she was pleased to see that Scope held a 32 percent share of the Canadian mouthwash market for 1990. She had been concerned about the inroads that Plax, a prebrushing rinse, had made in the market. Since its introduction in 1988, Plax had gained a 10 percent share of the product category and posed a threat to Scope. As Brand Manager, Hearst planned, developed, and directed the total marketing effort for Scope, Procter & Gamble’s (P&G) brand in the mouthwash market. She was responsible for maximizing the market share, volume, and profitability of the brand. Until the entry of Plax, brands in the mouthwash market were positioned around two major benefits: fresh breath and killing germs. Plax was positioned around a new benefit—as a “plaque fighter”—and indications were that other brands, such as Listerine, were going to promote this benefit. The challenge for Hearst was to develop a strategy that would ensure the continued profitability of Scope in the face of these competitive threats. Her specific task was to prepare a marketing plan for P&G’s mouthwash business for the next three years. It was early February 1991, and she would be presenting the plan to senior management in March. ■ COMPANY BACKGROUND Based on a philosophy of providing products of superior quality and value that best fill the needs of consumers, Procter & Gamble is one of the most successful consumer goods companies in the world...
Words: 5598 - Pages: 23
...Benefits of Chocolate on Memory Jessica Johnston Statistics for the Behavioral and Social Sciences PSY 325 Instructor Yashica Woods-Buchanan Benefits of Chocolate on Memory For many, many years, chocolate has been labeled as a fattening junk food. It is an indulgence that will do nothing but rot your teeth and cause you to gain weight. Yes, chocolate is rich in calories, and chocolate does contain saturated fats. If a person eats to much chocolate then they may very well gain weight, as well as an increased risk of increased cholesterol which can be the cause of some forms of heart diseases. One thing to remember is that, too much of a good thing can be bad. Recently there have been many studies on the benefits of chocolate, and how chocolate improves memory. One such study was conducted by (Jones an, d Wilson, 2011) found that eating chocolate two hours before taking math test increased test scores. In this study fifty women and fifty men were selected from a large pool of random people. The purpose of this study is to gain the understanding of the effect of chocolate on one’s memory. The study will be a one-tailed t-test though the women had different results than the male subjects, both will have an increase in memory The hypothesis will also be a null hypothesis...
Words: 867 - Pages: 4
... blow their noses and clean their bottoms. But to remain cultured, stick to the Indian culture. It is better, politer and more suave (Poets tend to be chauvinists). However just to pin- prick your pride here is Wikipedia's article on 'Hin'glish. Don't make the silly mistakes pointed here. BTW as I said, poets are chauvinistic; if you prick my pride with a pin. Ouch! It swells! 2.) Intern in every possible break. Intern after college hours, if possible. There are also online internships possible. The online internships offered by the National Judicial Academy, Bhopal and the Volintern program of Nishith Desai Associates are doable. 3.) Research. Write papers. Write professional blogs. If you want to get into a corporate firm write on corporate law. If you IP is your field get cracking on IP topics. Look for call for papers here. (In your comments you may thank me for this link). 4.) In summers do summer courses. In winters do winter courses. With all this workload you will not remain a SPRING CHICKEN. But still, try doing a SPRING course. Soon from a chicken you will turn into a hen. An egg laying hen actually. If you do not change, you still will be a productive chick. In your CV you can be really cocky about this. WIPO has summer courses on IP law. ISIL has a course on international law...
Words: 893 - Pages: 4
...ESL 1060-006 Final draft Report paper Kaige Wang U0776448 Giving up smoking for health Introduction: Many people die from smoking in the world each year. According to the survey, “Cigarette smoking increases the risk for several types of cancer, including cancers of the oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, lip, pancreas, lung, uterine cervix, larynx, kidney and urinary bladder”. (Hays, R. D., Smith, A., Reeve, B. B., Spritzer, K. L., Marcus, S. E., & Clauser, S. B. 2008)). Most of these people died because of lung cancer. A lot of people still smoke even though it is widely known that smoking is the major cause of lung cancer. Some smoker also get heart disease due to smoking. In addition, cigarette smoking causes mental health problems, such as depression, manic, obsession and so on. Some smoker get a depression due to cigarette smoking. Because cigarette smoking is bad for people’s physical health and mental health, smoking cessation becomes an unavoidable issue. Giving up smoking brings many benefits to people’s health – it is better for physical and mental health. As a smoker, there are many physical and mental health problems. Body paragraph: “To put it midly, smoking is a major public health problem. It is also a personal health problem affecting nearly all of us in some way.” (Sloan, F. A., Smith, V., & Taylor, D. H. 2003. Preface vii) As to whether it is worthwhile giving up smoking...
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...Kathryn Henry Vocal Pedagogy Term Paper 4/27/14 Is it Locked?: The Study of the Temporomandibular Joint and its Effects on Vocal Production In this research paper, I will discuss the temporomandibular joint and its effects on vocal production. The paper begins with a definition of what the temporomandibular joint is, where it sits in the skull, and what its functions are. Following this section will be disorders and treatments of disorders that one may encounter involving the temporomandibular joint. Finally, I will discuss how temporomandibular joint disorders can negatively affect a singer’s vocal production. The Temporomandibular Joint, or TMJ, is a joint located in front of one’s ears on each side of the face. ‘Temporo’ refers to the temple, the bone in the side of one’s head, and ‘mandibular’ refers to the mandible. The joint connects the mandible to the bone on the side of the head. The TMJ allows the mandible to move up and down as well as back when chewing, talking, or yawning. As the mouth opens, the rounded edges of the mandible, called condyles, glide along the socket of the temporal bone. As the mouth closes, the condyles slide back into their original resting positions. The TMJ is a ginglymo-arthrodial joint, meaning that the joint allows forward and backward movements, ginglymoid, as well as gliding movements within narrow limits, arthrodial.The TMJ has a combination of hinging and sliding motions, making this joint among the most complicated of the human...
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...People's Friendship University of Russia Department of International Relations Student: Stefan Unertl Student-ID: 1032115182 Research paper „Terrorist activity“ in Austria The Association Against Animal Factories (VgT – Verein gegen Tierfabriken) and its struggle for animal rights by Stefan Unertl Moscow, December 2011 Table of content 1. Introduction 2. The Association Against Animal Factories (AAAF) and its activities in Austria and 2.1. The AAAF against Kleiderbauer 3. The trial 4. Outcome/Conclusion 1. Introduction The Association Against Animal Factories is a non-governmental organization which is active not only in Austria but also in Switzerland and has good connections to the worldwide animal rights association, PeTa. Its main goal is to improve animal rights in Austria. Their work is dedicated to the reduction of exploitation or abuse of animals. Due to their ongoing activities, the association has to face many difficulties in Austria. Not only that their actions of protest are supervised by the police but also that every organization, like an NGO, can be convicted as a “criminal organization” based upon the paragraph 278a in the Austrian criminal code when this organization is supposed to commit frequently acts of violence or has a structure resembling it to a criminal organization (Mafia, etc.). Due to this vague article it had been criticized by many people not only in politics but also in the population. The first time this article gained unintentionally...
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