Bakoboy Honey Will Have a Total of Ten Entities. These Include:
Submitted By mnm83434 Words 720 Pages 3
Consumer: This will be all of our consumers that have either purchased our honey products or called for our beekeeping service. This entity will include the Consumers First Name, Last Name, and their Address in order to keep track of where they are ordering from. The location of the ConsumerCounty is important because it will determine from which county the honey they will receive is going to come from and also, which beekeeper to send out if they choose to hire our beekeeping service. This entity will also include the consumer’s Phone Number and Email Address in case we have to call them about their order or if we decide to send out newsletters and coupons by email. Finally, this entity will identify each consumer with a unique ConsumerID.
Vendor: The attributes in this entity will compile a list of all the beekeepers we subcontract in order to supply our honey. These will include the beekeeper’s VendorName, VendorAddress, and Vendor PhoneNumber in case we have to contact them via mail or phone call. However, mainly we will need their VendorEmail and which VendorCounty they are operating in. Furthermore, we will identify these Vendors with their VendorID, and more importantly which ColonyID they are operating.
Service: This entity will include only two attributes, which include ServiceID to identify which service (beekeeping) we have performed and in which ServiceCounty the service was located in.
Equipment: Equipment entity will include a list of all the equipment used in our beekeeping operations. This will record attributes such as the EquipmentID, their Quantity, and how many YearsofService that they have been in operations. Furthermore, this entity will include a ReorderLevel and a ReorderAmount attribute that will help us determine when to reorder parts and equipment for our operations. Lastly, we will include a EquipDetails.
Product: This will be one of the most important entities in our database, this product entity will compile a list of all the products (honey) we have in our inventory. This will help us evaluate sales, inventory levels, and efficiencies. The attributes include a ProductID which will identify the type of product. Also, it will have a ProductQuantity and a ReOrderLevel and ReOrderAmount which will help us in resupplying our inventories and keeping efficient inventory levels. Finally, this entity will include a ProductLocation and SupplyID, which will help us keep track of where the product is located (which county) and which supply it is being extracted from.
Supplies: This entity will have a list of all the supplies used in the manufacturing process of the honey; this will include a SupplyID and their Quantity. Also, this entity will have a SupplyType which will identify weather it is a Jar, Label, Seals, and whichever other supply needed for the manufacturing of the honey finished-products.
Order: This entity will have a list of all orders that have been made through BakoBoy Honey. Every order that was ever placed will be included in this entity. The attributes include a OrderID to identify each separate order. What ProductID was included in the order. Also, we will include which ConsumerID was associated with each order and a LocationID to figure out where the order was going. In addition, we will include a ShipDate, ShipType, ShipAddress, and ShipCounty to identify their exacting shipping configurations.
OrderDetail: This entity will further detail the Order entity by listing further attributes of the OrderID, which include the ProductID and UnitPrice and Quantity of the products. This will be followed by a ServiceID incase this was a service and not a product.
HiveColony: Each beekeeper will be associated with a Hive Colony in which we will be extracting our honey. In the HiveColony entity, there will be a attribute for a ColonyID, and their location. This includes City, County, State, and ZipCode. We will also be including a GPSAddress for the Hive Colony, this is in order for us to map out our HiveColonies electronically and link them our system later on.
Employee: This entity will hold all of the attributes for our employees. These attributes will include an individualized EmployeeID and their SSN to identify each employee. Also, other attributes will include FirstName, LastName, EmpAddress, and EmpPhoneNum in case of emergency we could look up their contact information. For our records, we will include their HireDate and their DateOfBirths.