...and only under the conditions stipulated by EPSO. EPSO - EN-INT - MockCS - AD5 Audit - EX - 060810 - V01.05 Mock Case Study Exercise AD5 Audit Assignment IMPORTANT NOTICE: This is a fictitious document only produced for the purpose of this exercise. All references to existing states, international organisations, private companies, departments, their representatives etc. should be considered as mere examples. They do not represent any position of these bodies or persons. Participants are therefore advised to rely solely on the information presented in the exercise and not on any prior expertise when responding to questions. For this exercise you will assume the role of desk officer at DG Enlargement within the Unit responsible for the Balkan Region. The documentation you need, is integrated in this booklet. You will find in it a certain number of e-mails, reports, articles and other documents that you will need to analyse and integrate in order to be able to properly deal with the assignment given to you. This is your first day in your new job. It is important that you accept the simulated situation as it is presented to you. Although in a real life situation you would have access...
Words: 5563 - Pages: 23
...After some time, their territory had expanded up to the Balkans. The Turkish forces had joined forces with the Bulgars and Serbians in order to defeat the Byzantines in Constantinople (modern-day Istanbul). Orkhan was able to expand the empire’s territory by capturing the remaining Byzantine towns in northwestern Anatolia and making the area as their residency. The Turkish provincial governor known as the Beys “knight” ostracized the previous landlords of Byzantine and collected taxes from the local residents. Orkhan began the military policy of hiring Christian mercenary troops, lessening his dependence on the nomads. Here the title Sultan was given to the Ottoman...
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...only under the conditions stipulated by EPSO. EPSO - EN-INT - MockCS - AD5 Audit - EX - 060810 - V01.05 Mock Case Study Exercise AD5 Audit ASSIgNMENT IMPORTANT NOTICE: This is a fictitious document only produced for the purpose of this exercise. All references to existing states, international organisations, private companies, departments, their representatives etc. should be considered as mere examples. They do not represent any position of these bodies or persons. Participants are therefore advised to rely solely on the information presented in the exercise and not on any prior expertise when responding to questions. For this exercise you will assume the role of desk officer at DG Enlargement within the Unit responsible for the Balkan Region. The documentation you need, is integrated in this booklet. You will find in it a certain number of e-mails, reports, articles and other documents that you will need to analyse and integrate in order to be able to properly deal with the assignment given to you. This is your first day in your new job. It is important that you accept the simulated situation as it is presented to you. Although in a real life situation you...
Words: 5553 - Pages: 23
...take (joint venture, direct foreign investment, etc.) and provide a short analysis of risks and benefits. Budapest, Hungary is the capital of Hungary, on the Danube (a river on S. Europe, flowing from SW Germany eastward into the Black Sea).Their native language is Hungarian (Magyar), but some speak German and English. Hungary is considerate to be the center of politics, cultural, commercial, industry and transportation; a vital base to reach all European countries regarding marketing products to surrounding countries. The cost of living is inexpensive and the unemployment rate is low. Hungary was the first country in Central and Eastern Europe to apply for membership of the EU (European Union). The benefit of Hungary’s EU membership has significant effects on the Hungarian economy, and gives important competitive advantages for companies settled in the country. In order to harmonize with respective EU regulations, Hungary has implemented substantial changes regarding general regulation laws setting up a business, company registration and corporate legislation. There are four forms of corporate legislation in Hungary that a foreign investor may choose; limited partnership,...
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...outcomes of the war geographically changed Europe as well as affected people’s nationalistic/identity beliefs. Often times named one of the bloodiest battles, yet technologically advanced wars of the nineteenth century; the Crimean war was a vital event in European history. It was a conflict where Russia lost to an alliance of France, the United Kingdom, the Ottoman Empire, after Russia’s attempt to expand commercial and strategic designs as the Ottoman Empire was slowly deteriorating . The fall of the Empire would allow Russia to gain control and obtain the Dardanelles, as well as naval access to the Mediterranean, which was already a pertinent geographic body of water that also had the geostrategic and political interests of the allied countries: France and Britain. Anglo- British along with the French had vast sea power, and wanted to prevent Russia from being a threat, and taking what they believed was their power over trade and naval power in the Mediterranean Sea. The Middle East did not...
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...taken place between one country and another. The resolution of these wars has been hard to find and at the end the aftermath of most of the wars has been devastating in economical and social perspective. In the recent years however, most of the wars are internal meaning within the countries rather than against one another. To help promote peace and bring the world together the North Atlantic Treaty Organization was created. NATO was established on April 4th 1949 and its headquarters are in Brussels, Belgium. When NATO was first founded it was shaped as a political association but that changed during the years. The entire idea of NATO was to protect all the Western European countries and the United States from a possible attack from the Soviet Union. On March 17, 1948 the Treaty of Brussels was signed by Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, France, and the United Kingdom. These are the first member states of the NATO that remain still very active in this organization. However, all these European countries needed the support and military supply of the United States thus immediate talks on its joining the organization started. The North Atlantic Treaty was signed on April 4, 1949 in Washington D.C. and despite the five mentioned state members and the United States, Canada, Portugal, Italy, Norway, Denmark, and Iceland also joined the organization. So, at the beginning NATO was created to bring a few countries together and be protected by the other enemy countries or political system....
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...having a hard time reaching top positions in companies. The European Union recognizes this problem and decided to implement new laws that require quotas for women in businesses. According to the European Commission, women need to work an extra of 59 days to match the salary earned by men, which makes an average gender pay gap of 16.2% across the European Union in 2010. ("Equal pay day:," 2013). The reason why the quota system in Europe is not working is, because it has the status of a directive. Equality is one of five values on which the Union is founded. The Union is bound to strive for equality between women and men in all its activities. (3 Articles 2 and 3 TEU, Article 8 TFEU). Therefore, the EU has laws that forbid discrimination based on sex. Article two of the Maastricht Treaty (TEU) clearly states men and women are equal. (Van Ooik, & Vandamme, 2010, p. 5). In addition, article 121 of the TFEU states that men and women have the right for equal pay. Finally, article 21 of the Lisbon Treaty specifically prohibits discrimination based on sex (Van Ooik, & Vandamme, 2010, p. 161). This means that women in the EU are protected by law against discrimination based on their gender. However, in practice gender inequality still exists in European businesses. The European Union and its fight for gender equality has been a long battle. Despite EU law and directives the European Union has not been able to solve the problem. The main issue the EU is facing is that there are...
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...shall proceed always frankly and in the public view. The purpose of this point is to forbid arrangements, segments of settlements or indulgences that are formed in secret with making it available to the members of the public. The expression "openly arrived at” was used by the president to disclose to the Senate that the expression was not intended to reject private strategic arrangements including fragile matters, but to address that anything that occurs through any classified arrangements or consultations might not tie, unless it shows up in the Final agreement that is made known to the world. The point also proves that in future; each bargain most be a law that covers the general public and the world as a whole by making each country accepts a sure commitment with respect to its requirement. Clearly, countries can't expect commitments in matters they are not aware of; and subsequently any mystery settlement has a tendency to undermine the whole structure of universal agreements that will be proposed in future. II. Absolute freedom of navigation upon the seas, outside territorial waters, alike in peace and in war, except as the seas may be closed in whole or in part by international action for the enforcement of international covenants. The purpose of this point is to explain that during the time of peace or war, International seas shall be free to sail across. This point also explains the rights of independent shipping and private possessions on the seas during a war...
Words: 1861 - Pages: 8
...and inevitable, the change in understanding globalization has facilitated a greater transfer of ideas for me from both Bosnia and the United States. These concepts manifest themselves to my culture because it creates the idea that norms and practices can be shared amongst each other. Whether one lives in the United States, China, or Bosnia and Herzegovina, globalization is having a profound affect on how people live their lives. In order for you to understand how globalization has helped me better understand my culture and identity I would like to clarify the principal terms of the paper: “Culture” and “Globalization.” According to our week two readings culture, “is the full range of learned behavior… which includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.” Culture provides continuity and order within a society, though it...
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...THE TURKISH REPUBLIC CAG UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ECONOMIC AND ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCES THE DEPARTMENT OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS THE NEW ERA IN TURKISH FOREIG POLICY: A MULTI- DIMENSIONAL TURKISH FOREIGN POLICY Erhan KAYA SEMINARY THESIS ADVISER PROF. DR. ALI ENGIN OBA YENICE-MERSIN/2011 Approval of the Graduate School of Economic and Administrative Sciences ________________ Prof. Dr. Ali Engin Oba Adviser I certify that this thesis satisfies all the requirements as a thesis for the degree of Master of Science. ________________ Prof. Dr. Esat Arslan Head of Department This is to certify that we have read this thesis and that in our opinion it is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a thesis for the degree of Master of Science. Examining Committee Members Prof. Dr. Esat Arslan ________________ Prof. Dr. Ali Engin Oba ________________ I hereby declare that all information in this document has been obtained and presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. I also declare that, as required by these rules and conduct, I have fully cited and referenced all materials and results that are not original to this work. Name, Last Name: Erhan Kaya Signature: I would like to thank Professor...
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...monarchy into turmoil. o Army swore allegiance to Constantine. o Having no support, Nicholas was prepared to give up power. • After Constantine confirmed his refusal, Nicholas declared himself emperor o A plot was hatched by the military to overthrow Nicholas and to usurp power. Led to the Decembrist Revolt on 26 December 1825 Nicholas was successful in suppressing the uprising. • Fighting revolutionary ideas & dissent became Nicholas’ obsession o In the early 1830s, he brutally crushed a Polish rebellion, reducing Poland to the status of a Russian province. o In 1848 he sent troops to suppress a Hungarian uprising against Austrian control. • Back in Russia: o Tried to strengthen stability, streamlining Russia’s code of laws and its financial and education systems. Dreamt of an ideal society where people show loyalty to the unlimited authority of the Czar. • Motto of his regime was proclaimed to be “autocracy, Orthodoxy and nationality”. o Used to promote traditional Russian values and...
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...Final Paper Genocide Wade Harris HIS306: Twentieth-Century Europe Instructor: Fara Driver November 2nd, 2015 If anything could be described as a scar on the face of the twentieth century genocide would be that scar. Genocide is not the invention of those in the twentieth century, but rather the epitome, the refinement of a horrific act that the twentieth century has perfected. An act that has popular support and the backing of governments, so how can people who live side by side peacefully with others for so long suddenly flip and be able to kill their neighbors? Genocide is a series of choices, choices made by leaders to begin the killings, choices made by people to participate, and the choice to see something wrong and having the power to stop it, but choose not to. Many have written that it is deep seeded hatred passed on from generation to generation that always sits in the back of the minds of those committing genocide, things that may or may not have happened. Other scholars write that it is cultural differences that are ignored until a leader or group uses them for their own gain. (Churchill, R. P. 2014) Whatever the reasons, it is always the minority on the losing end, the bully mentality of a few whirling up hatred for someone else until everyone is in a frenzy and the rhetoric seems real, the threat conjured up is real, and the only action to keep things safe and secure is to remove the problem by any means. This is how genocide starts...
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...and regard the Qur'an and the Sunnah (words and deeds of Muhammad) as the fundamental sources of Islam. They do not regard Muhammad as the founder of a new religion, but as the restorer of the original monotheistic faith of Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and other prophets. Islamic tradition holds that Jews and Christians distorted the revelations God gave to these prophets by either altering the text, introducing a false interpretation, or both. Islam includes many religious practices. Adherents are generally required to observe the Five Pillars of Islam, which are five duties that unite Muslims into a community. In addition to the Five Pillars, Islamic law (sharia) has developed a tradition of rulings that touch on virtually all aspects of life and society. This tradition encompasses everything from practical matters like dietary laws and banking to warfare. Almost all Muslims belong to one of two major denominations, the Sunni and Shi'a. The schism developed in the late 7th century following disagreements over the religious and political leadership of the Muslim community. Roughly 85 percent of Muslims are Sunni and 15 percent are Shi'a. Islam is the predominant religion throughout the Middle East, as well as in parts of Africa and Asia. Large communities are also found in...
Words: 337 - Pages: 2
...passages, but if they are reading it for the first time during group work, they will either not finish or not contribute. I remind my students of this fact several times in the days leading up to the project. If students don’t finish during class, they can finish at home. If done in groups in class, you may wish to suggest that a different student act as recorder for each block of questions. Also, assign a different student to be the discussion leader/gatekeeper to keep the discussion on track and prevent any single individual from dominating the discussion. A third student could function as timekeeper. See Chapter 11 and 14 role-playing activities for further discussion of these tasks. Remind students that Balkan and Middle East politics are always changing and can get quickly out of date. We have done our best to bring things up to date as of late Spring, 2006. If something major occurs after publication that changes any of the answers, the website will provide an update. It helps to emphasize to students that as boundaries change, what was once ethnonationalism (intra-state) can become irredentism (inter-state), and vice versa. They need to apply...
Words: 32987 - Pages: 132
...Austria- Hungary and Italy. These nations made an agreement to support each other in a time of war, this mainly to protect the nations in which 2 border major powers. There were strong relations between the nations as Germany and Austria-Hungary both spoke German. 1887- Reinsurance Treaty- The Reinsurance Treaty of June 18, 1887 was an attempt by German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck to continue to ally with Russia after the League of the Three Emperors had broken down but this treaty would ensure the protection of Germany. 1887- Mediterranean Agreements- Great Britain signed a series of treaties with nations allied to Germany to remain the “status-quo” in the Mediterranean Sea. It was a way to prevent a Russian expansion into the Balkans and protect Italian Interests from the French. 1889- GB contemplating joining the triple Alliance- In order to protect imperial interests of Great Britain they contemplated joining the triple alliance. 1894- Franco- Russian Alliance- Diplomatic isolation in France meant that France and Russia allied; Germany could never have anticipated such a treaty due to the ideological differences between Republican France and Tsarist Russia. This meant France was no longer isolated and ratified political events and military convention in 1892. The view of Bismarck was that it was a “nightmare of coalitions” as it meant the possibility of fighting a war on two fronts in the future. 1894- Germany failed in diplomatic moves to Great Britain- ...
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