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Ban The Ban Bloomburg Analysis

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When a person chooses to make a decision that affects their own life, they are using a right given to them at birth. When Mayor Bloomburg suggested executing a law that would ban generous-sized sugary drinks because they were destructive to people's health, people felt like their right to decide on whether to drink large sugary drinks was being taken away. People should be able to make their own decisions, even if somebody else thinks it may be bad for them.

When you take away a person’s right to make their own choices, you take away their freedom. For instance, in paragraph 4 of “ban the ban” the author states “It is about freedom and the freedom to make your own decisions about what you want to do and what you put into your bodies.” This shows the reader that people making their own decisions is a part of their freedom. Another piece of evidence from the text that supports this statement is in paragraph 1 of “words do not pay.” In the text it says “You might as well expect the river to run backwards as that any man who was born a free man should be contented when penned up and denied liberty to go where he pleases.” This implies …show more content…
According to paragraph 16 of “three cheers for the nanny state” “Of course what people fear is that this is just the beginning. Today it is soda, tomorrow it is the guy standing behind you making you eat broccoli, floss your teeth, and watch pbs NewsHour every day.” The text is trying to say that people do not like being under control and having the right to choose for themselves suppressed by others. Furthermore, in the text “Ban the Ban” the author wrote “When you take away the option to order a soda over a certain size, you have now removed my options. I no longer have a choice. That is not what this country is all about.” This statement is important because it shows the reader how people feel about their right to choose to be taken

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