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Words Do Not Pay Analysis

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When is it right to take a stand? Many people have asked this question a lot over the last few decades, when are we supposed to take a stand? When is it right to get up and fight back? To understand this, we got to learn about the importance of making our own decisions and how it can affect our whole life. Although it is true that it is important for people to make their own choices in life. People are right to take a stand whenever they feel like they are ready to make a decision. In the text “Words Do Not Pay” by Chief Joseph it said, “I am tired of talk that comes to nothing. It makes my heart sick when I remember all the good words and all the broken promises. There has been too much talking by men who have no right to talk. Too many misrepresentations …show more content…
According to paragraph 6 of the text “Soda’s a problem but.”, “If people are so helpless against soda, the mayor’s edict would be even more meaningless because people would simply buy two 16-ounce cups. But people are not helpless, and it’s worrisome to promote a philosophy that infantilizes the individual. The public is simply ill-informed. It takes a while for people to become aware, but they do and they react. Soda consumption is already slipping nationwide.” The author is trying to say that people are not supposed to be impacted that much because of other people, they should be ready to take a stand and make their decisions if they feel like something is not right about something.. Some people think people should not always be able to make their own choices in life. They think this because some people fear “failure” and some people lack confidence. However, this is not accurate since ”According to Mill’s “harm principle,” we should almost never stop people from behavior that affects only themselves, because people know best what they themselves want” basically saying that people should not stop making their own choices unless they are harmful to other

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