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Hrm/300 Week 4

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Human Resources ManagementAssignment #2 (week 7)

Answer each of the following questions by saving this document as a new file and inserting your answers below. Save the document as a .docx, include your last name at the beginning of the new file name, and submit the assignment before the start of the next class via Blackboard or email. DO NOT USE INFORMATION FROM THE INTERNET and do not copy information directly from your text. All answers should be in your own words. Your final submission should be 600-800 words, not including the questions.

Part One.True/False: State whether the following statement is true or false and provide a brief substantive explanation to justify your answer (you must do more than simply re-state the question in the …show more content…
A transitional matrix is a chart that lists job categories held in one period and shows the proportion of employees in each of those job categories in a future period.
True. Transitional matrix is a statistical tool to analyze labor supply. In this chart, each row represents a job position that exists in an organization in a particular year, and each corresponding column cell represents the percentage of employees staying in the same position in a future month. 8. The goals an organization sets in its human resource planning process should come directly from the analysis of its labor supply and demand. True. Labor supply and demand analysis in an organization predict and identify how many people needed for each position or with particular skills, and how many there are inside the organization. With these analyzed results, the organization could plan how many they are going to hire for some position or if they are going to downsize.

9. Downsizing can be used to reduce surplus labor because it yields fast results.
True. Laying off employees in redundant positions will immediately reduce the size of employee fleet in an organization. 10. Downsizing disrupts the social networks through which people are creative and

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