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Hrm 300 Final Paper Human Resources Management


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HRM 300 Final Paper Human Resources Management
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HRm 300, Human Resources Management: Final Paper Instructions

This final paper is intended to demonstrate your knowledge of two main goals:

• Your knowledge of the primary concepts presented in the course
• How you interpret and then initiate that knowledge and understanding in a fictional business situation

The requirements of this paper are common to the basic tasks of H.R. Professionals and/or Operations Managers. Whether your career is in H.R. or as a Manager, the tasks below are very common to both careers. Your final paper will be evaluated on a number of criteria including your demonstrated knowledge of text book concepts regarding each HRM and then, your planned and specific actions based upon your knowledge and understanding of your chosen business to address and solve that specific problem.

The Scenario:

You: Are the newly hired Human Resources Manager (HRM) of the company you’ll choose below and you report to Mr. Johnson. You’ve been hired to address issues existing within your company and that require your immediate attention.

Your Company: You decide which business you work for. In the Additional Learning Resources of Unit 1, you'll find the Sample Business Plans link. Once at the Center for Business Planning/MOOT CORP. Competition, you’ll find 28 fictional businesses starting with 2MBA, SanaSana, Fabrica, Vusion, JetFan Technology and others listed in the Internet Services (6), Services (8) and Products (9) sections. These businesses are the only options to do your final paper on. It's sug-gested that you choose a business that best suits your interests and/or general knowledge.

Your Duties: After

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