...Setting the Stage for Strategic Compensation Student’s name Professor’s name Compensation Management BUS 409 University name April 1, 2012 Abstract In this term paper I will answer the following questions, describe the three main goals of compensation departments, describe the contextual influence that I believe will pose the greatest challenge and the contextual influence that will pose the least challenge to companies’ competitiveness and explain why, describe when subjective performance evaluations might be better (or more feasible) than objective ratings, also describe under what conditions profit sharing plans are not likely to motivate employees and based on my knowledge of pay-for-knowledge pay concepts, describe three jobs for which this basis for pay is inappropriate and explain why. Keywords: describe, goals, challenges, performance, employee, pay Setting the Stage for Strategic Compensation 1. Describe the three main goals of compensation departments. Compensation departments responsibilities focus towards three main functions or goals that have to be met in a company or organization, this are to attract, motivate and retain employees. These three key elements are the main parts for continuous functioning of any organization. The employees or workers are a very important part that holds an organization, without them the organization simply falls apart or have no competitive edge over competitors. Any organization faces the task to aligning these goals with...
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...Strategic Compensation Employees receive compensation from a company based on the work they have done. Although most people believe that compensation and pay are quite the same, the fact is that compensation is much more than just monetary rewards offered by an employer. According to Martocchio (2011) in his book Strategic Compensation, he asserts that it involves all forms of monetary returns and tangible services and benefits that employees receive as a part of the employee-employer relationship. Tangible services and benefits include insurance, pension plans, paid vacations, sick days and employee discounts. An organization’s strategic compensation practices can have far-reaching implications on its competitive advantage. An organization...
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... Strategic Compensation Chapter 7 Discussion Questions 1. You are a compensation analyst for Worry-Not Insurance Company, which is located in Hartford, Connecticut. Define the relevant labor market for insurance adjusters and data clerk. Describe the rationale for your definition. In my opinion I would be responsible for administering company compensation programs. This would be the market of how much the rates for these jobs are. I would evaluate and analyze salary, determine pay grades of the now labor market, and also I would get input on the compensation surveys. I would pre establish guidelines to perform the functions of the job. I would than report findings to the manager. 2. Refer to table 7-2. Cross out salaries 26-35. Calculate the mean and median for this reduced data set. Mean- (1,337,500) based on 35 salaries = 38,214.49 Case Study 1. What are some strategic considerations in establishing a pay structure at Nutriment? Mr. Stewart needs to start off with the strategic analysis. In the planning the strategic compensation plan or strategy for the organization the company has to look into two individual – level consequences of a pay structure decisions, as internal pay standing and external pay standing. The company can use detailing of the job description and job analysis to maintain an up to date record of the suitable compensation plan for its employees based...
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...Group # 5, Mgt 33- C Members: Dolor, Monica Doria, Don Jovie Nathaniel Flordeliz, Mary Josette Gaitera, Hannah Jhania Submitted to: Mr. Leonidas Cañete I. Strategic Compensation Definitions: Compensation – what employees receive in exchange for their work Strategic Compensation – involves compensation practices being aligned with the achievement of the organization's strategic business objectives Pay for performance – pay system that rewards employees on the basis of their performance Compensation Philosophy A formal compensation policy should: * Reflect the organization’s strategic business objectives and culture * Articulate the objectives that an organization wants to achieve via its compensation programs * Be communicated to all employees * Be perceived as fair and equitable * Provide the foundation for designing and implementing compensation and benefits programs Remuneration Policy: * The Committee recognizes that the Group operates in a global environment and that its performance depends on the quality of its people. To Prosper, the Group must be able to attract, motivate and retain highly skilled executives willing to work around the world. Key principles: * Competitive rewards are provided to attract and retain executive talent on a global basis * Demanding key performance indicators apply to delivering results across the Group and are applied to a significant portion of the total reward * Rewards to executives are...
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...The Fit Shop The Fit Shop Ltd. is a brand new firm that will open its doors exactly four months from today. Its business objective is to sell all types of training, fitness, conditioning, and exercise equipment to the general public. The Fit Stop plans to specialize in this equipment and to provide customers with personalized advice geared to a customer's specific training or conditioning needs (e.g. training for a particular sport, rehabilitation from injuries, strengthening of specific muscle groups to deal with back pain, general conditioning and fitness), regardless of the age of the customer. In order to provide high quality advice, each store will employ a physiotherapist (to provide advice on problems such as injuries or chronic back pain) and a person with a bachelor's degree in kinesiology (to provide advice on training for various sports or other physical activities). In fact, a staff member will even sit down with customers and develop a personalized training or conditioning program that meets their own specific objectives and needs at no cost to the customer upon purchase of equipment. The remainder of the staff in the store will consist of a manager, with a Bachelor of Commerce degree, and sales staff, who will have at least a high school diploma. Due to the long opening hours, it is expected that between 8 and 12 salespeople will be needed for each store. Because the stores are located in shopping malls, they will operate on a seven-day-a-week basis...
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...Bailey DeVry University Professor: Patricia Meunier-Muenks HRM-430-67386 Compensation & Benefits Compensation Challenges for Wisconsin Electric April 16, 2016 Executive Summary The point of this paper is to look at the compensation challenges inside of Wisconsin Electric (WE Energies) and make a pay methodology that will benefit the organization, as well as the representative. With the steady change in today's business world, to have an upper hand makes it troublesome for managers to pull in and hold the most skilled representatives. Recognizing the organization's compensation procedure guarantees the organization offers the right pay and pay increases in compensation to keep top employees. When we hear the word compensation we consider paying a worker for their work performed, however, there is substantially more to compensation. Compensation and benefits, "incorporates not just compensation, but also the direct and indirect rewards and advantages the representative is furnished with consequently for their commitment to the organization. To decide compensation, companies should build up a pay and compensation program that diagrams a fair process for repaying workers" ("Compensation and Benefits," n.d.). This approach is a critical piece in helping HR to deal with staying aggressive and successful in the worldwide business sector. All through this paper we will talk about the compensation and benefits methodology of WE Energies and recommendations on the most proficient...
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...employees, you have been asked to evaluate different compensation strategies that are available for adoption within your organization. Compare and contrast at least three compensation strategies and determine recommendations for how they may be implemented within your organization. Name: Henry Rivera I.D. #: 000318961 Reference Title Finding #1 Godfrey, W. (2013, January). Compensation Strategy for Success. Prezi. Retrieved from http://prezi.com/j9k9_m_2qiwn/compensation-strategies-for-success/ Sager, Suzanne. (2011, September). Merit Pay Most Often Used in Compensation in Public and Academic Librarians. Library Worklife. Retrieved from http://ala-apa.org/newsletter/2011/09/01/merit-pay-most-often-used-in-compensation-for-public-and-academic-librarians/ Ojimba, E. (2004, November 15). Salary Basics – Developing a Strong Compensation Strategy. Salary.com for Business. Retrieved from http://www.salary.com/Small-Business-Advice/advice.asp?part=par410 Finding #2 McGladrey. (2011). Lessons from Recession Increasing Focus on Incentive Compensation Programs. Retrieved from http://mcgladrey.com/Perspective/Lessons-from-recession-increasing-focus-on-incentive-compensation-programs University of Wisconsin – Green Bay. (2013, April 9). Compensation Philosophy. Retrieved from http://www.uwgb.edu/hr/documents/CompPhilosophy0401.pdf Finding #3 Gerhart, B., Milkovich, G.T., & Newman, J.M. (n.d.). Compensation Strategy. Answer, McGraw Hill. Retrieved from http://mhanswers-auth...
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...CPDC The CPDC (Cost per Double Click) designates the amount paid to the affiliate for a click on a link or on an advertiser's graphic element, followed by another click on the advertiser's site. CPM CPM stands for cost per thousand impressions (M is the Roman numeral for a thousand). This means the advertiser pays for every thousand times the advert loads on the publisher’s page. This is how a campaign is normally priced when brand awareness or exposure is the primary goal. The advertiser and the publisher negotiate a fixed amount that the advertiser will pay for every 1,000 times an ad is shown. CPM is a very simple payment scheme, assuming the two parties can agree on a method for counting impressions. There are often stipulations in the agreement, such that the ad can only be shown on certain pages of the publisher’s site, or can only be shown on pages with a limited number of other ads. In a CPM relationship, the publisher is primarily concerned with maintaining a high-quality audience that has well defined interests or characteristics. The advertiser is primarily concerned with creating a message that will be noticed by their target audience, because they pay for the impression whether or not the user actually sees the ad. In general, the more knowledge a publisher has about a particular audience, the higher the CPM that can be charged, because the advertiser is able to more clearly know who their message is being delivered to. One prominent...
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...Total Compensation Methods Paper Total Compensation Methods Paper In all businesses, a company needs to make sure that their turnover ratio is maintained while, at the same time, keep their best employees. Compensation and benefits are just two ways that a company can do such things. The company must know what each individual is looking for at the same time. Not all employees want the same thing. Some employees want the steady 40 hour 5-day a week salary job, while others may want 4-day weeks and more paid time off. By providing a proper balance of all items such as compensation, benefit programs, and salary, the administration of the company can keep their excelling employees and may not have to worry about a huge turnover ratio. Compensation Methods “Compensation is a systematic approach to providing monetary value to employees in exchange for work performed. Compensation may achieve several purposes assisting in recruitment, job performance, and job satisfaction.” (HR Guide to the Internet) In this type of economy, many businesses will start to freeze wages and stop giving their employees any type of compensation. However, this may hurt the employee morale. By giving out a reward for an excellent job performance at times, a company could see a bigger profit in this rough economy. There are a few different types of compensation methods. These methods include but are not limited to the following: • Commission • Overtime • Bonus • Expense Allowances ...
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...The Impact of Compensation Practices February 20, 2011 “The ultimate goal of a pay system is to align the goals and interests of employees with the goals and interests of the organization” – Robert L. Heneman The Impact of Compensation Practices The business arena is ever changing. Where people work, how they work, the relationships in the workplace and compensation for their work continues to change. Hence, “It will be the challenge of compensation professionals to devise ways to reward and motivate employees who work under increasingly flexible arrangements” (Bennett, 1995). Most people interchange and have the perspective that pay and compensation are the same when in reality, compensation is more than just monetary rewards. Compensation is often misunderstood, and can also be misapplied. More often than not, it is out of synch with the values and processes of an organization. This is because despite continued organizational changes, the actual strategies for administering and implementing compensation is misaligned with the rapid changes in the company. “Pay can no longer be seen as a mere expense and cost of doing business, but instead must be viewed as an investment that is closely linked to the long-term success of the organization” (Flannery, et. al., 1996). As Cable and Judge (1994) note, “compensation systems are capable of attracting (or repelling) the right kinds of people because they communicate so much about an organization’s philosophy,...
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...Summary of Chapter 10 Case * Frontline PR is a public relations firm with 150 full time employees, consists mainly of their staff plus some administrative and operations people. Frontline is currently struggling with the cost of health care insurance * Currently offers their employees fee-for-standard, 300 deductibles, 20 percent co insurance, FSA Flexible spending account * After attending and speaking with several experts at the national conference on compensation on Health Savings Account, she thinks an HSA will be a viable option for Frontline. * She believes that making such change from standard fee-for-service plan to HSA with high- deductible insurance plan could result in significant cost savings for the company. Even though the company would contribute to each employee`s HSA, the overall costs for healthcare benefits would still be less than its current option * Susan discussed the HSA option to the Finance Director Allison Jones, from the financial perspective Allison agrees that the option would be a good step to start controlling healthcare cost although Allison thinks that as an employee he is not sure if high deductible health insurance plan is the right option for the company. * Susan is convinced that HSA would offer a significant cost savings to the company, after talking with Allison she is unsure if she will recommend it for Frontline employees. QUESTIONS What are some advantages of implementing HSA option? What are some potential...
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...Assignment Compensation embodies both the intrinsic and extrinsic rewards employees obtain for accomplishing their jobs. Collectively, both intrinsic and extrinsic compensation refer to a company’s total compensation system. Innate compensation replicates employees’ psychological mind-sets that stem from accomplishing their duties. Extrinsic compensation consists of both financial and nonfinancial benefits. Organizational development professionals promote intrinsic compensation through effective job design. (Martocchio 4) Compensation is based on the following: • market study regarding the value of comparable jobs in the marketplace, • employee contributions and achievements, • the accessibility of employees using comparable skills in the marketplace, • the need of the employer to appeal and retain a certain employee for the value they are recognized to add to the employment relationship, and • the profitability of the company or the funds available in a non-profit or public sector setting, and thus, the ability of an employer to pay market-rate compensation. “Compensation moreover comprises payments such as bonuses, profit sharing, overtime pay, recognition rewards and checks, and sales commission. Compensation can also consist of non-monetary perks such as a company-paid car, stock options in certain instances, company-paid housing, and other non-monetary, but taxable, income items.” (Heathfield) Overview of Compensation Philosophy A compensation philosophy is...
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... | |Compensation and Benefits | |Human Resource Management Coures | | Employee compensation and benefits are critical factors in the new hire acceptance process and in employee retention. Firms must develop and offer exceptional compensation and benefit programs to attract and retain the best and most talented employees while making them feel proud, valued, and as appreciated members of the organization. An organization’s fundamental purpose and objective of compensation is to provide appropriate and equitable rewards to employees at a level that matches their skills, abilities, and contributions to the organization (DeNisi, Angelo S., Griffin, Ricky W. 2008, p. 284, para.1). Compensation is the human resource management function that deals with every type of reward that individuals receive in return for performing work – including financial and nonfinancial rewards. Financial rewards include direct payments (e.g. salary) plus indirect payments in the form of employee benefits. Nonfinancial rewards include everything in a work environment that enhances a worker’s sense of self-respect and esteem by others (Cascio, 2006, p.418, para. 1). Direct compensation is an employee’s base...
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...Compensation – The sum total of all forms of payments or rewards provided to employees for performing tasks to achieve organizational objectives Rs Compensation- Nature and scope • The complex process includes decisions regarding variable pay and benefits • It suggests an exchange relationship between the employee and the organization • It involves design, development, implementation, communication and the evaluation of reward strategy and process of the organization Compensation Objectives 1. 2. 3. 4. To reward employees’ past performance fairly, in line with efforts, skills and competencies To attract and retain competitive high performing employees To motivate the high performing employees and reinforce desirable employee behaviour To remain competitive in the labor market 5. 6. 7. To align employees’ future performance with organizational goals To communicate the employees their worth to the organization To provide employee social status • Strategic compensation – Using the compensation plan to support the company’s strategic aims. – Focuses employees’ attention on the values of winning, execution, and speed, and on being better, faster, and more competitive.. • IBM Strategic Compensation Planning • Strategic Compensation Planning – Links the compensation of employees to the mission, objectives, philosophies, and culture of the organization. – Serves to identify the net monetary payments made to employees with specific functions of...
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...When it comes to developing strategic pay plans it is important to have a good understanding of some basic factors to determine pay rates. Employee compensation is “all forms of pay going to employees and arising from their employment” (Dessler, 2013, p. 352). According to Dessler (2013), it consists of both “direct financial payments and indirect financial payments.” As we explore the case study of Acme Manufacturing, we will see the salary inequities and the struggles that the newly appointed president, Joe Black, has to go through to fix those issues. In an article titled “Fair Pay or Power Play?” Shin (2013) reported that “pay inequity provides strong motivation for CEOs to restore equity.” For this case, I will identify some issues and recommend some plans to resolve the salary inequities in the Acme case. Some key issues that existed within Acme Manufacturing were: lack of individual equity, internal equity issues, no pay structure for salaried employees, and lack of legal considerations in compensation. Equal Pay Act of 1963 (EPA) “makes it illegal to pay different wages to men and women if they perform equal work in the same workplace.” (“Laws Enforced by EEOC,” n.d.). With the previous president, Bill George, salaried employees bargained their pay. Joe Black identified that there were female supervisors that were earning less than male supervisors. Ultimately the underlying issue was management failed to create a compensation plan that aligned with a reward strategy...
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