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Bangladesh Bank


Submitted By ushaju
Words 673
Pages 3
Bangladesh Bank

Bangladesh Bank, the central bank of the country, was established as a body corporate vide the Bangladesh Bank Order, 1972 (P.O. No. 127 of 1972) with effect from 16th December, 1971. The powers and functions of Bangladesh Bank are governed by various laws and acts including the Banker's Books Evidence Act 1891, Insolvency Act 1920, Banking Companies Ordinance 1962, Foreign Exchange (Regulation) Act 1986, Money Loan Court Act 1990, Banking Companies Act 1991, Financial Institutions Act 1993 and Rules 1994, Companies Act 1994 and Bankruptcy Act 1997.
Bangladesh Bank performed all the traditional central banking functions including the sole responsibilities of issuing currency, keeping the reserves, formulating and managing the monetary policy and regulating the credit system of Bangladesh and maintaining a high level of production, employment and real income in the country and managing the country’s foreign exchange and the gold reserve.

The bank acts as the banker to the government and accepts government deposits, cheques and drafts, and undertakes collection of cheques and drafts drawn on other banks. It acts as the public debt manager and runs a public debt office (PDO) within itself. The bank also sells government treasury bills (T-Bill) on tender, prize bonds and different types of saving certificates. The bank acts as the clearing house of the scheduled banks.

In addition to bank rate and open market operations, it uses a number of other weapons. It can vary the minimum reserve requirements of scheduled banks whenever circumstance so warrant. Being responsible for maintaining external value of Bangladesh currency, the bank also handles the exchange control.

The paid up capital of Bangladesh Bank is Tk 30 million divided into 300,000 shares of Tk 100 each that are fully paid up by the government. A nine-member board of directors

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